Facilities Management & Engineering




How do I find a map of the Einstein campus?
See this site map. Note that there are enclosed bridges connecting the Belfer Educational Center and the Forchheimer, Golding, Chanin and Ullmann Buildings. The corridor floors do not match up, but signs are posted in all elevator cars to guide you.

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How do I find a list of Einstein buildings and departments?
The listing of buildings, including locations within each campus building, where you may find specific rooms or offices that you may be attempting to find can be accessed here. 

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How do I submit a work order?
The engineering Einstein Facilities Service Request can be completed online. This allows you to request work electronically and lets you follow the status of the request.

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When is funding necessary for an engineering project?
All work orders should include a funding source. Occasionally a request will involve work that is considered “maintenance”; in such cases the funding source will not be charged.

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How do I receive an estimate of costs for a job?
State your request for an estimate when you submit an Einstein Facilities Service Request.

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How are charges applied to my authorized account?
Engineering will send the finance department an intercharge bill reflecting actual material and labor costs to be deducted from your designated account. This will appear on your general ledger.

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How do I discard a refrigerator?
First, get in touch with Environmental Health and Safety to request laboratory refrigerator/freezer clearance. Then ask Engineering to remove the Freon gas by submitting an engineering Einstein Facilities Service Request. After the Freon gas is removed, complete a Housekeeping work order to request equipment disposal.

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How do I request or update a sign?
For building directories or room signs in corridors, please submit an Einstein Facilities Service Request (along with a data fabrication of sign form). Call George Lin at 718.420. 8967 to find out which sign system applies to your location. For all requests, please specify room number or directory location; the old information to be removed or updated; and the new information, using a format to match existing signs in the area.

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How do I get copies of floor plans or renovation drawings?
Please submit an Einstein Facilities Service Request for square-footage drawings of departmental space.

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How do I arrange for the moving of furniture?
Call Housekeeping at 718.430.2352.

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How do I arrange for the assembly of new furniture?
To the extent possible, all furniture purchased directly by a department via the procurement department should include onsite assembly and removal of packing materials by the vendor.

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How do I arrange to hook up environmental equipment to a remote monitoring system?
For your department to be hookup to the environmental equipment to a remote monitoring system the user will need to submit an Einstein Facilities Service Request.

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How do I arrange to have my space renovated?
After receiving approval from the Dean’s office, submit an Einstein Facilities Service Request.

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How to remove or add an employee’s name from the directory or door name plate?
To remove or add the name sign on the directory or door name plate; submit an Einstein Facilities Service Request.

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What services does facilities management and engineering not handle?
Requests for services listed below that we do not provide are often misdirected to our offices. This list is provided as an assist to those seeking services from others.

Service Provided by
Parking Security – 718.430.2180
Keys/Locksmith   Security – 718.430.2180
Moving Housekeeping – 718.430.2352
Cleaning Housekeeping – 718.430.2352
Provision of Batteries   Procurement – 718.430.3001
IT Cabling Engineering at request of IT Dept. – support.einsteinmed.edu
Telecommunications Cabling  Engineering at request of IT Dept. – support.einsteinmed.edu
Reserve Conference/Event Space through Outlook

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