Section 1.1 Organization of the Procurement department
Procurement Services (Procurement), a division of Finance and Administration of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Einstein) and reports to the Senior Director Business Services of the College. Offices are located in the Belfer Building Room 105 on the Resnick Campus.
Procurement is the only agency on the Einstein campus which may authorize acquisition of products or services to be paid from College accounts. College business policy states that if purchases are made in violation of the rules and regulations of the College, the persons responsible may be held personally liable for any financial commitment made.
Procurement Services
Procurement is responsible for the entire procure to pay process (P2P). The College employs Contracts Administrators who are assigned to specific Commodities.
For a complete list of Procurement staff and associated commodities please visit
Applicability of Policies
The Procurement practices and procedures contained in this administrative policy apply to all purchases if they are to be the legal and financial obligation of Einstein, as such, all Sponsored and Non-Sponsored purchases are subject to the policies contained herein as well as policies or requirements set forth by the various agencies. The College is not responsible for obligations incurred unless there is full compliance with this policy.
Section 1.2 Standards and Ethics
Procurement Standards and Ethics
Procurement personnel exercise sound business judgment and maintain the highest ethical standards in the conduct of College business. Relationships with suppliers will support the promotion of environmentally preferred practices, diverse business utilization, and small businesses.
- Foster fair, ethical, and legal business practices that promote the College's mission.
- Grant all competitive offers equal consideration to the extent the established policies of Einstein permit and regard each transaction on its own merit.
- Cooperate with trade and industrial associations, governmental and private agencies that are engaged in the promotion and development of sound business methods.
- Conduct business with potential and current suppliers in an atmosphere of mutual confidence and integrity. Relationships with suppliers will support the promotion of environmentally preferred practices, diverse business utilization, and small businesses.
- Demand honesty in sales representation whether offered through verbal or written statements, advertisements, or product samples.
- Be prompt and courteous to all legitimate business partners.
- Strive to obtain the maximum value for each dollar spent.
- Decline personal gifts or gratuities.
Conflicts of Interest
For Staff
Einstein employees involved in committing any College managed funds shall not have a business interest or a family relationship with a supplier of goods of services to the College so as not to impair the integrity and objectivity of the purchase. An apparent conflict of interest, or at a minimum, the appearance of one, may exist if any employee has a direct or material indirect financial interest in a vendor company or when there is a family or other personal relationship.
All instances where conflicts of interest appear or are suspected must be brought to the immediate attention of the Senior Director Business Services.
For Vendors
Vendors doing business with Einstein shall not have a business interest or a family relationship with any faculty or staff at the Einstein so as not to impair the integrity and objectivity of the purchase. An apparent conflict of interest, or at a minimum, the appearance of one, may exist if a vendor has a direct or material indirect financial interest with a family or other personal relationship.
All instances where conflicts of interest appear or are suspected must be brought to the immediate attention of the Senior Director Business Services.
Vendor must certify their Conflict of Interest status by filling out the General Supplier Information form (GSI), when applying for vendor status. Procurement will update the vendor status yearly or as required. Vendors exceeding $50,000 per year shall be supplied with a Conflict of Interest form. The records will be reviewed quarterly and a Conflict of Interest sent as needed.
Gifts & Gratuities
College employees are prohibited from purchasing personal items from vendors who transact business with the College unless that vendor has a retail operation normally open to the public or otherwise pursuant to a College employee discount program. In all cases, employees may not use their employment with the College to influence the vendor in any way. If an employee does transact personal business with one of the College's vendors, the employee must exercise caution as to the appropriate invoicing for personal purchases, and all purchases is made from, no personal packages are to be delivered to the College. Salespersons normally servicing College accounts are not to be involved in any personal transactions.
In addition, employees are not permitted to solicit or receive any gifts or gratuities of any nature that would, or reasonably could, be expected to influence their responsibilities to the College. Thus, all gifts or gratuities from companies or individuals doing business or seeking to do business with the College are prohibited. Employees should also refer to the policies of their school or department as they may be more restrictive than the College policy.
Section 1.3 Environmentally Preferable Procurement Policy
Energy and Sustainability
As part of a greater commitment to sustainability, Einstein has established an Environmentally Preferable Procurement (EPP) Policy. The goal of this policy is to make Einstein and the surrounding community a healthier, more environmentally friendly place.
A. Procurement will make every effort to secure contracts with suppliers that are environmental leaders in their respective markets, whenever practical or feasible.
B. Procurement will purchase products that meet third-party approved eco labels when possible and practical. (i.e., Green Seal Approved Products, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified Products, Rainforest Alliance Products, Ecologo.)
C. Procurement will purchase Energy Star rated Appliances and Fixtures in all areas for which such ratings exist. Please visit for more details.
Procurement services takes into consideration the following when purchasing your goods and services:
- Recyclability of the product.
- Minimization of product packaging.
- Maximization of energy/water conservation.
- Durability as opposed to one-time use.
- Locally or regionally manufactured products.
- Minimization of toxic and hazardous materials.(i.e.) No Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Mercury free, Urea Formaldehyde free, and low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- Maximization of recycled content.
- Emphasize lowest life cycle cost and lowest environmental impact.
- Reuse of existing products or materials.
- Renewability of materials.
Vendor Requests: Requisitions submitted will include the following statement or something similar identifying and/or requesting environmentally preferable alternatives. Requesting units may ask for assistance from the Procurement in identifying green alternatives.
“Einstein is committed to purchasing products that are more environmentally friendly, energy efficient and healthier for our students, faculty and staff. Please, where possible, provide any “greener” product alternatives; preference may be given to products that meet third party green certification(s). A list of certifications can be found at“
Department Responsibility: To assist the College in its goals for a sustainable future, departments are requested to consider environmentally preferable products such as:
- Recycled-content and chlorine-free paper products.
- Energy Star rated appliances and equipment.
- Energy efficient lighting and light bulbs.
- EPEAT certified green electronic equipment.
- Biodegradable-bio based, Green Seal certified cleaning products.
- Recycled building materials: recycled concrete, carpeting made from recycled-content materials, etc.
- Low or no VOC paints adhesives and solvents.
- Alternative fuels for use in vehicles such as biodiesel, compressed natural gas, electric, or other alternatives as they become available.
Section 1.4 Supplier Diversity
Supplier Diversity Program
It is the policy of Einstein that Women Owned Businesses, Minority Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses, Small Businesses, Small-Disadvantaged Businesses, Small Businesses located in HUB Zones, collectively referred to as "Diversity Businesses", be afforded the maximum practicable opportunity to supply products and services to the College. The College, through Procurement, actively encourages participation by Diversity Businesses in its purchasing programs, and in accordance with Federal guidelines, seeks to include Diversity Businesses in the competitive bidding process and use them to the extent possible. The College, through Procurement, works to assist Diversity Businesses with the challenges of meeting the College's business and procurement requirements.
This policy is designed to reflect the College’s strong commitment to the principles of Executive Order 11246 and Public Law 95-507 and their implementing regulations, and to ensure that the College’s business practices and procedures are in compliance with such principles.
Certain types of payments are exempt from supplier diversity, including the following: subcontracts; sole source contracts; independent contractors; utilities; certain rentals and repairs and micro purchases. Micro Purchases under the federal Uniform Guidance are purchases below $10, 000.
It is the intent of the College that all vendors, regardless of size or classification, have the same and equal opportunity to become suppliers to the College.
Section 1.5 Tax Compliance (Procurement) Policy
Tax Compliance (Procurement) Policy
I. Purpose
This Policy outlines requirements for tax reporting and withholding and related documentation for vendors and contractors of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Einstein).
II. Scope
This Policy applies to appropriate Einstein vendors and contractors.
III. Policy
To ensure Einstein's compliance with IRS tax reporting and withholding requirements, appropriate tax related documentation must be gathered for all non-employee payments or reimbursements before payment is related by Einstein's Accounts Payable department. Compliance with these IRS rules has taken on greater importance since the IRS has identified vendor payments, especially payments to non-U.S. persons, as an area of high risk for noncompliance and potential audit. In addition, failure to comply with the data gathering requirements may also impact our relationships with our vendors, because, if the proper documentation is not received prior to payment. Einstein may be required to withhold a percentage of the amount otherwise due to a vendor. For a detailed explanation of these tax compliance requirements or to schedule a departmental training, please contact the Office of General Counsel at 718-430-2229 or by email at
A. Payments to U.S. Persons or Companies other than Einstein Employees
For tax purposes, Einstein is required to have a Form W-9 on file to certify that the recipient is a U.S. person with a valid social security or taxpayer identification number, and the recipient's tax classification. If a From W-9 is not on file prior to payment, Einstein may be required to withhold 24% of the payment as "backup withholding" and remit the withheld amount to the IRS. For payments to individuals acting as independent contractors, Einstein must also confirm that the vendor does not meet the definition of an employee for tax purposes.
- Individual Vendors Receiving Payment for Services - Einstein is required to collect a Form W-9 from the vendor and the Department must fill out the Einstein Independent Contractor Pre-Hire Worksheet to confirm that the individual qualifies for independent contractor status. The Independent Contractor Worksheet must be reviewed and approved by the Einstein's Office of General Counsel.
- Entity Vendors Receiving Payments for Services - Einstein is required to collect a Form W-9 from the vendor. If the services will be performed by a current or former Einstein or Einstein affiliate employee or if the services are the same or similar to those previously performed by an Einstein or Einstein affiliate employee, the Einstein Independent Contractor Pre-Hire Worksheet must be completed by the Department and reviewed and approved by Einstein's Office of General Counsel.
- Individuals or Entity Vendors Receiving a Reimbursement Payment - Einstein is required to collect a Form W-9 from the vendor.
- Payments to Students - Einstein is required to collect a Form W-9S or Form W-9 from the student. If a Department is unable to or it is impractical to acquire the W-9S from the students, it is acceptable to receive a confirmation from the Einstein Student Finance Department as to the student's social security number and citizenship/residency.
For "stipend" or fellowship payments, the Einstein Stipend Payment Characterization Checklist must be completed by the Department to confirm that the payment is not for services, which would require the student to be treated as employee (similar to work-study payments). If multiple students are being paid as part of one program, only one checklist is required for the program. For aggregate stipend or fellowship payments in excess of $2,000, the Stipend Payment Characterization Checklist must be reviewed and approved by Einstein's Office of General Counsel.
B. Non-Employee Payments to Foreign Individuals or Entities
Special tax reporting and withholding rules apply to payments to foreign individuals or entity vendors. Einstein is generally required to withhold 30% from payments made to foreign vendors for services provided in the United States unless exempted under a U.S. income tax treaty with the foreign person's country of residence. Einstein must collect the required documentation supporting any such exemption prior to any payment to the foreign person or entity. Einstein is not required to withhold or do any reporting to the IRS for payments to foreign vendors performing services outside of the U.S. or for the purchase of goods. However, a Form W-8BEN is still required to certify the foreign status of the vendor and documentation Einstein Foreign Source Income Certification Form is required to support that the service or activity took place outside of the U.S. Generally, the vendor will be required to provide Einstein with a From W-8BEN. However, in certain circumstances, a From W-8EXP (when the vendor is not-for-profit entity) or a W-8ECI (when the vendor is a foreign entity that has an operating business in the U.S. and files U.S. tax returns) will be appropriate.
- Foreign Vendors Performing Services Outside of the U.S. - Einstein is required to collect a From W-8BEN certifying the foreign status of the vendor along with proof of the foreign location of the services; the Einstein Foreign Source Income Certification Form. If it is not practical to complete the Certification Form, a written notation by the vendor on the Form W-8BEN or in a separate written communication (e.g., email) is acceptable.
- Foreign Entity Vendors Performing Services in the U.S. - Einstein is required to collect a Form W-8BEN to document the vendor's foreign status and possible exemption from or reduced U.S. income tax withholding. Part II of the W-8BEN, including a U.S. EIN or International Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), must be completed to claim the exemption. A foreign person may apply for an ITIN using a Form W-7. Since it may take a long period of time for the IRS to process a Form W-7, the Department may accept the Form W-7 application from the foreign vendor as sufficient documentation. If a Form W8-BEN is not submitted or the vendor is from a country that does not have a tax treaty with the U.S., Einstein will be required to withhold and remit to the IRS 30% of the service payment.
- Foreign Individual Vendors Performing Services in the U.S. - Einstein is required to collect Forms W-8BEN and 8233 and require the vendor to complete the Einstein Foreign National Information Form prior to payment. The W-8BEN documents the vendor's foreign status. The 8233 is required to document the vendor's qualification for exemption from or reduced U.S. income tax withholding. If a completed Form 8233 is not provided, Einstein is required to withhold 30% from the payment made to the foreign vendor and remit that amount to the IRS. The Form 8233 requires a valid U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) or International Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Because it may take a long period of time for the IRS to process a Form W-7, the Department may accept the Form W-7 application from the foreign vendor as sufficient documentation.
Einstein's AP/Tax Department is required to submit the Form 8233 to the IRS for approval at least ten (10) days prior to the services being performed and the ITIN application process may take significant time. Therefore, the Department should submit the completed Form 8233 at least thirty (30) days prior to the service being performed, if not longer. In addition, other than for honoraria or short-term speaker fees, the Einstein Independent Contractor Pre-Hire Worksheet must be filled out to confirm whether the individual qualifies for independent contractor status.
- Foreign Individual or Entity Vendors Receiving a Reimbursement Payment - Einstein is required to collect a Form W-8BEN from the foreign vendor.
- Payments to Foreign Students - Einstein is required to collect a Form W-8BEN from the foreign student and the student must complete the Einstein Foreign National Information Form. For non-tuition, non-reimbursement payments, the Form W-8BEN must include an SSN or ITIN to qualify for an exemption from or reduced tax withholding.
Submission of a Form W-9 is only required once, when the in initially set up in the Einstein vendor system. A Form W-8BEN is generally valid for 3 years from the time it is received from the vendor. Forms W-8BEN and W-9 should be collected by the requesting department and submitted to Accounts Payable.
C. Visa Restriction on Payments to Certain Foreign Persons
United States immigration regulations govern the types of payments that can be made to individuals who are neither citizen nor permanent residents of the United States. The Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department rules govern the Federal Income and Social Security tax withholding and reporting rules related to payments made in accordance with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) rules.
USCIS regulations restrict the type of payments that can be made to persons who are neither citizens nor permanent residents of the United States. Whether such payments are permissible is based on the current immigration status of each individual payee as stated on the individual's Form I-94. This is generally a white or green card attached to the passport that lists the visa status of a non-immigrant visitor at the U.S. port of entry. Some aliens may not possess this card. Depending on their current immigration status, an individual may be permitted to receive one of the following types of payments or a combination thereof:
- Wages
- Non-employee compensation (for example, consulting payments)
- Honoraria
- Substantiated expense reimbursements
- Scholarship/fellowships
- Prizes or awards
An individual who does not have an appropriate immigration status is not allowed to receive any payment from Einstein, including service payments or reimbursements. If you have questions regarding visa status and allowable payments, please contact Alexia Pakiela (Einstein Campus), Director of the International Students and Scholars Office at 718-430-2850.
IV. Definitions
V. Effective Date
Effective as of: 2 July 2018.
VI. Policy Management and Responsibilities
Einstein's Procurement Services department is the Responsible Office under this Policy. Einstein's Associate Dean for Finance and Administration is the Responsible Executive, and Einstein's Associate Vice President for Business Services is the Responsible Officer for the management of this Policy.
Section 2.1 Purchase Authorization
To minimize institutional vulnerability to legal claims, unintended program obligations and financial liabilities, all contracts, letters of agreement, leases, real estate and construction documents and service contracts must be reviewed as to form and approved by the Office of General Counsel before any commitments are undertaken.
After documents are approved as to form by the Office of General Counsel and execution is authorized, the next step, in many instances, is the preparation and the submission of a purchase order and its budget approval in accordance with the purchasing procedures as outlined in this policy. The written approval of the Office of General Counsel, as to contract documents and any comments, should be attached to the purchase order.
Do not attempt to negotiate with the vendor. Procurement will perform all negotiations and obtain the appropriate institutional authorized signature for any required documents.
If this procedure is not followed, the institution will not be responsible for the financial and legal consequences.
Deans, chairpersons, directors and administrators are authorized to approve expenditures of College funds based upon prior approved budgets. Principal investigators are authorized to approve expenditures of restricted funds based upon prior approved budgets. No purchases can be made without prior approval and verification of the availability of funds. Therefore, Procurement will only issue an official purchase order when the procurement requisition has been previously approved by an authorized signatory.
Purchase requisitions for Equipment valued in excess of $500, or Shipments to Off-Site Locations, must be sent to Research Finance for approval. In addition, for any items shipped to a location other than a College facility, the order must be forwarded to the Finance Department for approval.
All expenses greater than $5,000 require approvals as follows:
Approval Chart
Dollar Amount |
Einstein Approver |
$0 - $5000 |
Department only |
$5,001 - $100,000 |
Budget Director |
$100,001 - $250,000 |
Budget Director |
$250,001 - $500,000 |
$500,001 - $1,000,000 |
> $1,000,000 |
CFO and Board |
The College's Electronic Procurement System (Epro) includes dynamic workflow that moves the requisition through the system based and roles and security. If you're a requestor you should utilize the workflow by not assigning the cart to your approver. You have to click "Submit to Workflow." Your approver will not be able to process your request if it is not in Workflow.
Make a purchase
A requisition is initiated via Epro and, once approved, (via workflow), reaches Procurement, this authorizes Procurement to order goods and services on behalf of the requesting department.
Section 2.2 Unauthorized Purchases
Procurement has the exclusive responsibility for approval of all purchase contracts entered into for the College. College personnel must not sign any contract documents unless they are specifically authorized. Purchases charged against College funds that are made contrary to College policies will be the personal responsibility of the individual placing the order.
Confirming Orders
A confirming order occurs when a department wishes to place an order for a needed item or service without subjecting the purchase to the normal purchasing procedures of the College. Confirming orders are permitted only in bona fide emergency situation. Examples of bona fide emergencies are a College owned motor vehicle in need of road repairs, emergency equipment repairs and other situations resulting from unforeseen circumstances. Poor planning or poor management are not acceptable reasons for placing a confirming order. The Senior Director Business Services is responsible for the interpretation of ''emergency situations.'' The nature of the emergency that promulgated the confirming order should be stated in the notes section and approved by the department head for College purchases or the principal investigator for grant purchases.
If a bona fide emergency condition exists which warrants a confirming order, the following procedure is to be utilized. An emergency purchase order number must be obtained from Procurement prior to placing the order with the vendor. Enter your request electronically, or call Procurement services at 718.430.3001 giving specific information regarding your order (i.e., Req. Number) to the Procurement personnel, who will complete the order and issue an emergency purchase order number after financial approval has been obtained.
When an emergency purchase order number is requested for repairs or service, the requisition should be submitted after the service is completed and the service report must be forwarded to Procurement. The vendor should be requested to mail the invoice showing our purchase order to Einstein, Accounts Payable office, for processing and payment.
Individuals requesting Emergency Purchase Order numbers for confirming orders, who abuse the system through excessiveness or lack of follow-up documentation, will forfeit the ability to use the emergency system.
Section 2.3 EPRO Roles
Shopper - These users can shop for items and assign their shopping cart to Requesters to process, but cannot themselves submit a cart for approvals. This is the most common role in the procurement process, with many shoppers in each School/Department. If you used to shop on Epro and assign your cart to someone else for processing and currently had no access to Epro for procurement then you are a shopper.
Requisitioner (Requester) - These users can shop for items, change/add GL number(s) on carts assigned to them, and submit carts to approval workflows. Typically, there are several requesters in each School/Department depending on the size of the department.
Approver - These users review (approve and reject) purchase requisitions that are assigned to them by the system, based on their function (typically, it is the Departmental Administrators and Manager). Approvers can also shop. There is usually one or two per School/Department and most often this role is performed by the Administrator, Director, or Manager (similar to the "Budget Manager" role in Banner Finance).
Requestor/Approver - This role is a combination of the Requester and the Approver roles. Caution should be exercised when giving someone the Approver/Requester authorization, as he/she will be able to approve their own orders (requisitions) up to $5,000, and can also approve orders - under $5,000 - of other Requesters within the Department, Division, or School. It is recommended by our auditors, and a good procurement practice in general, that a request for goods and services has two levels of approval, a Requester and an Approver. However, in certain cases we understand that this is not entirely possible. If this is the case in your Department, Division or School you can request that certain individuals be given the Approver/Requester role.
Section 3.1 Solicitations/Demonstrations/Sole Source Purchases
College policy requires that supplies and materials in excess of $10,000 be obtained by competitive bidding.
Bidding Guidelines
Items from $10,000 to $249,999:
Procurement shall use best efforts to solicit a minimum of three quotations from responsible vendors. Documentation of the quotes will be noted on the purchase order. It is up to the purchasing professional if a sealed formal bid should be performed. Generally, the purchase is made from the vendor quoting the lowest price, whose product and offer complies with the terms of the solicitation. If the purchase is not made from the bidder quoting the lowest price, a written justification for the low bid bypass will be retained by Procurement.
Items $250,000 and over:
Procurement shall use best efforts to solicit a minimum of three sealed written competitive bids from reliable vendors. The written quotes will be retained by Procurement. Purchase will be made from the vendor quoting the lowest price, whose product and offer complies with the terms and specifications of the solicitation. If the purchase is not made from the bidder quoting the lowest price, a written justification for bypassing the low bid will be made and retained by the Procurement. A bypass of a low bid requires the approval of the Senior Director Business Services.
Evaluating the Bids:
Once the bids are received, they must be evaluated to determine which vendor will be given the order.
If the products offered by each of the bidding vendors are of equal quality, if each vendor promises the same delivery date and if there are no other considerations, the order would go to the low bidder. However, all these factors are seldom equal, and many orders are, therefore, placed with other than the low bidder for good reasons. No set formula can be devised that can be applied to all products for all orders. The quality and delivery requirements will vary for different products and for different uses. The delivery requirements may vary for different orders as well. For these reasons, the selection of the bid that best suits the needs of the College under the circumstances is based on the professional judgment and experience of the Procurement staff and the department purchasing the goods or services. The selected vendor is informed via receipt of a purchase order. The others are informed via a correspondence from Procurement.
Bidders List:
A bidders list that is active and current is maintained by Procurement. This stimulates competitive bidding and should result in maximum response to an invitation to bid. Those requesting the purchase of goods or service subject to competitive bidding must allow sufficient lead time so all solicited vendors are able to submit timely bids. Within existing time constraints, alternate vendor(s) will be sought to provide bids. Vendors not returning a bid will be queried as to the reasons they chose not to respond and Procurement bidders list will be updated accordingly.
Sole Source/Directed Source Request:
The originator of the purchasing requisitions frequently suggests or requests a specific manufacturer or supplier. Procurement will review the request for reasonableness, but reserves the right (after discussion with the requesting department) to place orders with vendors whose prices are lower than those of the vendor that appears on the requisition. When an item is unique, available from only one supplier or a substitution is not feasible (commonly referred to as ''sole source or directed source"), a sole source justification form must be filled out, approved by a department head for College fund purchases or the principal investigator for grant purchases, must be completed. Procurement will determine the reasonableness of the request for waiver by investigating the price and services available from the "sole source" vendor. The justification must be approved by the Senior Director Business Services.
Sole Source/Directed Source Justification:
Although competition may be waived, it is required wherever possible. When a justification is considered, Procurement may negotiate with a potential vendor in an effort to acquire the best quality, price, delivery, and terms and conditions. If performance or price competition is not available the Sole Source/Directed Source Justification form must be used. Conditions permitting a Sole Source/Directed Source Justification include, but are not limited to:
- Performance or price competition is not available.
- Necessary product or service is available from only one source.
- Competition has been solicited with no satisfactory offers received.
- Standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration.
- The goods/services have been identified and/or required by a research grant or contract. The grant name and contract number must be provided on the Sole Source/Directed Source Justification form.
Supporting documentation should be provided to fully substantiate the conditions listed for justification of the Sole Source/Direct Source.
Section 3.2 Types of Purchase Orders and Forms
Non-Catalog Form:
When to Use This Form:
- To purchase goods and services not found in a Epro catalog, from contracted and other suppliers.
- This form should also be used for contracted services, independent contractors/consultants, service and repair contracts and any other orders that have contracts associated with them. To avoid delays in your request, be sure to attach all necessary documentation to this form. This form is quantity driven. If a contract has multiple even payments you may use this form.
- This form can be used for "confirmation only" type orders. Confirmation type orders are permitted only in a bona fide emergency situation. This type of PO will only be sent to supplier if you choose the "yes" option.
- Please note: You will need to enter "Einstein Procurement Department" as the supplier if you cannot find a supplier in the search or if it is a new vendor to be added.
Blanket Order Form:
When to Use This Form:
A Blanket Order/Standing Order is a term contract or basic agreement between the College and a supplier. It is issued to a specific supplier to address recurring low-dollar purchases of consumable supplies or services, for a specific period of time. A Blanket Order is issued to support an existing contract, or independently, after all terms and conditions have been negotiated.
You must include the following information:
- The period to be covered by the blanket agreement (cannot exceed one calendar year)
- The previous Blanket Order number, if this is a replacement Blanket Order
- Items and/or categories of items to be covered by the Blanket Order (when available). In the case of a standing order, quantities and day/time of delivery are required
- Maximum quantities, if any
- Prices and pricing arrangements
- Blanker orders must be itemized
Request for Payment:
- This form is to be used for payments to vendors only when use of a Purchase Order is not possible.
- Invoices, receipts or other supporting documentation must be attached to this form. Incomplete forms will be returned.
- Documentation must identify: Date of purchase, Name of vendor, Itemized list of goods, and the Total amount.
- For all types employee or student payments, please click the link below to be taken to the Employee/Student Payment form which is not a part of Epro. Follow the instructions on the form for payment processing.
Guest Lecturer/Honorarium Authorization Request:
- Use this form to obtain approval to present an honorarium or hire a guest lecturer. The definition of a "Guest Lecturer" shall include distinguished faculty, eminent or renowned individuals presenting lecturers, speeches, seminars, workshops, and performances.
- Do not use this form when services from Einstein staff, faculty members, or students are used for Refrigerator/Freezer Safety.
Refrigerator/Freezer Safety:
This form is for interdepartmental use only. This form must accompany any Non-Catalog or Blanket Order Form when requesting refrigerator/freezer commodities.
PO Change Request:
- Use this form to request a change to a Purchase Order that has already been sent to the supplier.
- Only Procurement is authorized to issue a revision. In case of extensive changes, Procurement Services may choose to reproduce the complete information on the purchase order, in effect, canceling the original order.
- Changes may refer to price, quantity ordered, terms and conditions, delivery point, funding source, etc. As a result of these or any other changes, the accounting information may also have to be altered and the appropriate documentation sent to the Finance Department.
- A revision is issued only after the change has been agreed to verbally by the vendor and/or the requesting department. Issues that might require a revision include:
- Request for a change received by a department or originated by Procurement
- Request from vendor for change in the provisions of the purchase order
- Any error (typographical or otherwise) discovered by any section Procurement
Section3.3 Einstein Automated Freezer Program/Alcohol Program
Einstein's Automated Freezer Program is a Consignment Program managed by the Science Division of Procurement. These freezers contain commonly used research items: reagents, kits, proteins, and more. This store is in the Belfer building room B12. The Central Stores Catalog is available via Epro home page.
Register to gain access to the automated freezer program by sending an e-mail to Subject Line: Automated Freezer Program Registration. The e-mail must contain your phone #, your admin's name, PI and department name. An e-mail will come to you from the vendor you're registering with containing information on how to access the freezer. The vendors in the program are: Life Technologies, New England Bio, Bio-Rad, Promega, Denville, USA Scientific, Takara Bio, Goldbio, and Roche. For more information on how the program works, please call the freezer program administrator at 718-430-8884.
The Scientific Purchasing Manager is responsible for determining items placed in the various freezers run by the individual vendors. The decision will reflect what is most beneficial to the College based on size, quantity, and projected research direction.
Alcohol Program/Automated Freezer Program
The Alcohol program maintains an alcohol inventory ranging from pints to 5 gallon bottles and offers them "for sale" daily 9:00am-4:45pm. It also houses automated freezers, accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Use the Alcohol Request Form to order the item and desired amount. Once complete submit the cart to workflow. Once cart is approved the Freezer Program clerk will receive the requisition dispense the alcohol, record the serial numbers in the requisition, and create a Purchase Order. Item will be dispensed once end user comes to store to pick up item. Contact Procurement to sign up for access to the Automated Freezer Program.
Alcohol Request Form
- This form is for interdepartmental use only. Please submit this form when requesting 190/200 proof Alcohol.
- Requestor originates alcohol order from specifying type and quantity.
- Necessary approvals secured. Order form is forwarded to Central Stores through Epro.
- Requestor goes to Central Stores (Belfer B13) Alcohol Room to obtain product.
- Central Stores Clerk dispenses requested alcohol.
- Alcohol requestors in Price, Van Etten, and Kennedy will have their alcohol shipped to them within 24 hours of Central Stores receipt of their requisition
- Alcohol requestors at all other locations on Einstein's campus, must come to pick up their alcohol during business hours. Bring the requisition # of your alcohol request with you.
- Central Stores Clerk enters receipt data.
Section3.4 New Vendor Policy
New Vendor Policy
Departments must submit current W-8BENE (foreign) or W9 form (domestic) with their requisition. Procurement will contact the vendor for them to fill out Einstein General Supplier Information Form (GSI). Einstein will run Dunn & Bradstreet (DnBi) report and enter them into K-Checks. If there's an issue with the vendor's DnBi report or if they're flagged on K-Checks, it will be brought to the attention of the Senior Director Business Services. Vendors performing work on site must provide a valid certificate of insurance with limits of liability as determined by Montefiore's Risk Management department, naming Albert Einstein College of Medicine as additionally insured. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the College. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by Albert Einstein College of Medicine, shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to Einstein.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine's policy is to not procure goods or services or make contract purchases from an entity or individual listed on the Federal Governments Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) or to make a sub-recipient award to an entity or individual included on the EPLS.
Federal guidelines (FAR 9.405-2 and FAR 52.209-6) prohibit subcontracting of federal funds in excess of $25,000 to an organization or an individual who is debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment, unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Any transactions proposed with a federally debarred, suspended or proposed for debarment entity or individual must be approved by the Senior Director Business Services as administrator of this policy. In addition, the College may prohibit the use of certain vendors if past experience, legal action, or other factors warrant exclusion.
Procurement will review all vendors monthly, comparing the list of vendors with whom the College does business with against the Federal Government's list of debarred or suspended vendors. In the event that a vendor upon initial set up or who is doing business with the College is found to be debarred or suspended by the Federal Government, it should be brought to the immediate attention of the Senior Director Business Services and Procurement will place any Purchase Orders and/or Invoices on holds. Any debarred or suspended vendor will be immediately removed from the Procurement Vendor File and precluded from doing business with the College until the suspension or disbarment has been resolved.
Section4.1 Additional Policies
Cell Phone Policy
I. Purpose
This policy is developed to provide standard guidelines for the purchase, use, and payment of cell phones for Einstein.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all Albert Einstein College of Medicine employees.
III. Policy
Einstein recognizes that certain job functions require the use of communication devices such as cell phones, PDAs, air cards or push-to-talk, to conduct business on behalf of the College. This policy provides specific guidelines regarding the business use of these communication devices and the process to acquire a device. All users of data/phone plans must comply with IT policies related to data and network security. Organization provided communication devices are to be used only for fulfilling business tasks and responsibilities only.
Employees may be provided with cellular services to be used for Einstein business. Business use is any use while performing specific job-related duties on behalf of and for the benefit of Einstein. Subject to Budget and Associate Dean approval, employees receive cell phone service through an Einstein Telecommunication's plan only after a business justification for purchase and services requirements are identified and eligibility in meeting the criteria listed below. International calling privileges can be set up with the Telecommunications Department only for the times the employees travels internationally. One week's notice is required.
Criteria for receiving a cellular phone (one or more required):
- The nature of work requires substantial travel, limiting the ability to use an office or departmental phone.
- Because of frequent and prolonged time out of the office, a cell phone is required to support departmental operations.
- Because of the nature of the work, the individual is required to be available routinely outside of normal work hours.
- The nature of the work requires an immediate response from the individual.
Criteria for receiving additional features (one or more required):
- Responsibilities include receiving automated text messages from computerized systems.
- Responsibilities include sending commands to control systems remotely during non-business hours.
- Responsibilities require quick, response using the internet during off hours.
- Responsibilities involve significant time outside of the office where internet is not available.
Criteria for receiving an air card (one or more required):
- Because of frequent and prolonged time out of the office where a workstation is unavailable.
- Uses laptop or other mobile device to regularly perform work operations where no internet access is available.
The following is the procedure for Einstein purchased cell phones/plans:
- Einstein Telecommunication's department is the only department authorized to distribute cellular devices and assign a monthly plan. The cellular devices and plan are contracted by Einstein Procurement Department.
- Only approved cellular devices will be provided. Baseline cell equipment (beginning with the latest free model) and the standardized usage plan will be issued by the telecommunications department with approval as outlined. No other smart phone models will be ordered without Departmental Chairman, Department Head, and Associate Dean approval for the additional cost.
- The cellular devices provided to employees will be purchased and owned by Einstein. Employees are responsible for the safekeeping and care of the cell phones they are assigned.
- All initial costs associated with the cellular telephone service are charged to the department ordering the equipment. Such costs include, but are not limited to, the purchase of equipment, service initiation, monthly fees, maintenance, and programming.
- Accessories which may be provided are a phone case and a head piece for hands free use purchased on EPRO with a limit of $50 per item. All other accessories will be the responsibility of the associate and do not qualify for employee reimbursement.
- The user's department is responsible for keeping the funding current, if applicable, and for terminating the cell phone plan when the employee is no longer employed by Einstein.
- No proprietary, sensitive or confidential data is to be stored on a cell phone.
- Lost, misplaced and stolen cell phones must be reported to Telecommunications immediately on discovery. The employee is responsible to reimburse the College for any costs incurred with its replacement. (Telecom permits the user to keep their old cellular devices in the event of a lost, stolen, or broken device for the use of their company phone. A second option: Upon the Administrator's approval, the staff member may use the free buddy upgrade of a member from their department.)
- Users are responsible for the cost of repair to a damaged phone that is not kept in a protective case. The expense of a case can be covered by the department.
- Upgrade eligibility is every 2 years for free and paid devices.
- For upgrade orders before 2 years, the user will receive the same exact model the user currently has via the warranty process; warranty devices are certified refurbished and not new. If warranty expired, you must use your old cellular device until you are eligible for an upgrade.
A. Procedure for Picking Up and Getting Status Updates
- Requestor will receive an email when to pick up device in Belfer Room B&B. He or she must bring the email to pick up the device; it will be used to release the device.
- Requestors are not permitted to go to the receiving department to pick up devices.
- Signature and email from Telecom are required to acknowledge receipt of device.
- Device orders take up to 2 weeks to receive. Back order devices can take up to 8 weeks to receive.
- No phone calls or physical visits permitted to Telecom for order status. Please send an email to
The official Einstein Cell Phone Policy is located
IV. Definitions
V. Effective Date
Effective as of: 23 July 2018.
VI. Policy Management and Responsibilities
Einstein's Procurement Services department is the Responsible Office under this Policy. Einstein's Associate Dean for Finance and Administration is the Responsible Executive, and Einstein's Associate Vice President for Business Services is the Responsible Officer for the management of this policy.
Employment Agency
Einstein to better meet our hiring needs and ensure clarity in our business transactions with external vendors, we have adopted the following employment agency policy. It is important that you read this policy before contacting us.
We do not accept resumes from agencies unless:
- There is a signed agreement between the agency and Einstein is in place, and
- Our Human Resources department has authorized the agency to submit a resume for a specific position.
If an agency submits unsolicited resumes, Einstein is not obligated to pay a fee if we hire from these unsolicited resumes.
Any unsolicited candidate information disclosed to Einstein by an agency may be used by Einstein in whatever manner it deems appropriate without compensation to the agency. In addition, if there is no signed agreement between Einstein and an agency, the opening of an unsolicited e-mail or any other communication and/or Einstein's response to any such communication will not obligate Einstein to the agency in any way or require the payment of a fee in connection with any resume received by Einstein.
If your agency is interested in being considered for Einstein’s Approved Employment Agency Vendor list, please email the following information to
- Agency name
- Contact information
- Location
- Agency references
- Area of specialization and a description of products and services, especially those that differentiate your organization
The official Einstein Employment Agency Policy is located
The official Einstein Policies and Procedures for the Procurement Services are located
Accounts Payable Policies and Procedures
Accounts Payable
This policy covers all of Einstein check requests and inquiries for both restricted and unrestricted funds.
The objective of the Accounts Payable is to ensure that all disbursements of College funds are done in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. This entails providing vendors and internal departments with up-to-date efficient, precise and prompt service. The responsibility of the Accounts Payable Department is to review, post and finalize reimbursements, travel expenses, and make payments on goods and services rendered by individuals and vendors.
The official Einstein Accounts Payable Policies and Procedures are located here.
Invoice Process
Accounts Payable can only issue payments on invoices.
Accounts Payable can't issue payment on statements, estimates, quotes or Pro-forma invoices unless submitted as a Submit Check with Order.
For Vendors
Invoices are not to be sent to departments directly. All invoices should be sent to our Digital Mailroom – EDM at for processing. Invoices require a valid PO # in order for the invoice to continue workflow and not get stuck in an error folder
Once the invoice is emailed to EDM, EDM takes 48 to 72 hours to upload in our P2P system.
For Departments
Invoices are to be sent to our Digital Mailroom - EDM at for processing. Invoices require a valid PO# in order for the invoice to continue workflow and not get stuck in an error folder.
Once the invoice is emailed to EDM, EDM takes 48 to 72 hours to upload in our P2P system.
Procure to Pay (P2P) Process
- Requisition is created
- Requisition is approved
- PO is created
- Purchase of Goods/Services is made
- Goods/Services are received
- Invoice is sent by Vendor to EDM
- EDM enters invoice
- Invoice is imported to EPRO
- Invoice is receipted by department
- PO valued at $5,000 or greater requires 3 ways match (PO, Receipt, Invoice) on all invoices associated with the PO.
- PO valued less than $5,000 requires a 2 way match (PO and Invoice), NO receipt is required.
- There are two types of receipts that can be created: Quantity and Cost receipts.
- Quantity receipts maintain a running total of goods received, returned or cancelled. Typically on a Non-Catalog Order, which is quantity driven.
- Cost Receipts are used for services throughout the year against an order. Multiple invoices can processed as long as the PO has available funds - Typically on a Blanket Order.
- Invoice / Transaction is settled
- Invoice is exported to ERP
- Check / ACH is created in Banner through E-Visions
- Banner syncs with Epro to update payment records
Vendor Terms
Terms are set by the Purchasing Department. Einstein's standard terms are NET 60. Invoices are scheduled for payment according to terms. Requests for other terms must be brought to the attention to Procurement.
Exception invoices are processed manually
All invoices are to be processed by EDM. Only those invoices outlined below are processed manually in the Accounts Payable department.
- Submit Check with Order-Events, Catering and Prepayments.
- Reoccurring Bills - Rents and Car payments
- Utility bills
- Con Edison Direct Energy / NYC Department of Water Board
- Verizon/AT&T
- Cablevision
- OptiFreight (Cardinal Health)
Submit Check with Orders
Overview - Submit Check with Orders are for payments that need to go out immediately and bypass the normal invoice procedure. These requests come at request of Procurement. Every request needs to be approved by the Senior Director Business Services and the Purchasing Manager. Normally a Blanket Order or a Non-Catalog PO is created.
Purpose - Events/Catering, Prepayments, Deposits and rush payments.
Accounts Payable will pay against an Agreement, Proforma Invoice, Quote, Contract, etc. and bypass payment vendor terms to immediate payment.
(See forms for Submit Check with Order Overview and Process)
Banner Direct Pay
Use Banner Direct Payment Request form - Direct pay should only be used in the event of special payments that do not fall under the category of a Purchase Order and/or the Employee/Student Payment Request Form. Original invoices, receipts or other supporting documentation must be provided with the form.
All fields are required. Incomplete forms will be returned, which will cause delayed payments.
Examples of payments:
- Benefits
- Insurance
- Returned funds
- Taxes
*Direct Pay should be avoided whenever possible*
FedEx Invoices
FedEx invoices are processed via Direct Payment Request form. Invoice includes index and account #, so we can charge the department accordingly.
Is a batch payment process which reduces manual direct data entry. A special formatted excel spreadsheet is uploaded into our Accounting System (Banner) to generate automatic payments.
Is used for: Recurring Student Stipends/Awards/Garnishments/WEX Fuel Cards
Exemption from Sales Tax
Einstein is exempt from sales taxes which may appear on invoices. Vendors must have a current Tax Exempt Form on file. Requests for tax exempt forms must be made through the purchasing department and approved by the Senior Director Business Services. Requests for Tax Exempt form must include complete vendor name that matches the name on its W-9 and complete address. Forward them to Purchasing to supply Einstein's Tax Exempt form.
Refund Checks
Refunds due to the College must be sent to Accounts Payable. The assigned bookkeeper will research the payment and locate the department in which the check should be refunded to. The department will then provide Accounts Payable with a reference PO. A copy of the check gets uploaded tot he referenced PO in Epro, for tracking purposes. If a PO doesn't exist, a copy is saved in the Accounts Payable Shared drive for future findings.
Once Accounts Payable records the check, the check is given to Petty cash with the FOAPAL information to credit the account and deposit.
Stop Payment / Cancel Check / Void Check
Occasionally checks may be lost, damaged or simply uncashed. Checks are stopped/reissued upon request. The request must include an explanation of why the check should be stopped/reissued. The check will not be stopped/reissued without a valid business reason. If the funds are still due to the payee, a check cannot be voided, it must be reissued.
Please allow 30 days before submitting a stop/reissue request if the check was mailed to the correct address.
A check mailed to the correct address that was confirmed as being received and was either lost or damaged can be reissued prior to it going stale.
A check mailed to the incorrect address can be reissued prior to it going stale.
Forms of Payment - Checks, ACH, Wire and Credit Card
Check Payments (bill of exchange) - A check is a written, dated and signed document that contains a definite order that directs a bank to pay a specific amount of money to a payee. Checks are processed through our Banner system online.
Automated Clearing House (ACH) Payments is an electronic payment deposited straight into an institution, corporation or individual's bank account. ACH payments are proven to be an efficient and cost effective mechanism for making payments, for increasing payment security, and eliminating 2 to 3 days of mail time or lost checks. In order to receive ACH payments, the recipient needs to submit the necessary documents to be set-up.
Documents needed:
- ACH Form filled out entirely
- Deposit slip, Voided Check or Banking instructions with Banks letterhead.
- Funds are received 2 days after ACH payment date.
(See form ACH Set-up for Students and Vendors Forms & ACH Enrollment Form)
Credit Card Payments - Albert Einstein College of Medicine policy forbids the use of individual PCards. In rare instances vendors might only accept credit card as method of payment. For that reason, a centralized card is maintained by Procurement services. This card is intended for vendors that do not accept checks or purchase orders as a form of payment. The department will be required to email the Administrator to request use of the credit card. If permission is granted the department will then create a requisition which will be used as authorization for the purchase and to charge the department's index for the expense. The description section of the requisition must include all the information needed to process payment (i.e. site links, directions). This requisition will then be rejected but kept on file for audit purposes. If login information is required in order to process payment online please email or call Procurement. The credit card does not leave the purchasing department.
Wires - A Wire Transfer is a method of electronic payments from one bank account to another. Wires are usually sent to international vendors. All wires are submitted and requested by the department. A Purchase Order needs to be created to get all necessary approvals. Once the Purchase Order is generated, a completed wire form and an invoice copy with the PO #, should get sent to Accounts Payable. Accounts Payable will request approval from the Senior Director Business Services, then sent to the Treasury Department for processing.
Once the wire is processed by the Treasury Department, a confirmation and summary is sent to Accounts Payable to post into EPRO and Banner.
Exchange rates used, are based on the vendor's invoice date. To convert currency, please use the
Payments are wired in USD.
(See forms for Wire Procedure check list & New Einstein Wire Form-Revised)
All Checks Will Be Mailed Directly to the Payee
To provide for an appropriate level of segregation of duties, all checks will be mailed directly to the payee unless special requirements are needed.
Request for Payment form - Documents that are required to be mailed with the check, must be inserted by the requesting department in the Special Payment Instructions section.
Pick-up checks are only for special situations in which the check needs to be sent out via FedEx, hand delivered or specific documents need to be included with payment.
Checks that mailed out with the remittance or invoice copy.
- Montefiore
- Universities
- Department of Homeland Security
- Utility vendors
Foreign checks are mailed in an airmail envelope.
Disbursements Payment Procedure
- The Accounts Payable Department runs an ACH and check cycle once a week.
- Single check request are for emergencies only, and must be authorized by the Senior Director Business Services.
- Foreign disbursements via Wire Transactions are paid as needed.
- Payments will be made in accordance to the payment terms established for the vendor, by the Senior Director Business Services.
Reimbursement Request Form
A Reimbursement Request Form should only be used for Einstein students, faculty and staff members.
Reimbursement Requests should be submitted via EPRO, using the Reimbursement Request form in the homepage of Epro. All other reimbursements should be on a Request for Payment form. Approvals will be routed accordingly through workflow.
In order to expedite processing of these requests, please remember the following:
- All fields are on the Reimbursement Request form are mandatory.
- All receipts and applicable documentation are to be scanned and uploaded to the form. (Hold on to your original receipts for audit purposes)
- If request total is over $5,000, it requires additional approval from your Departmental Finance Administrator prior to submission to Accounts Payable.
- Please fill out all fields as applicable. Incomplete forms, including those with missing documentation, will be returned back to the department for correction/adjustment thus causing a delay processing payment.
- Examples of documents to submit: Receipts, Invoice, credit card statements, email correspondence, flyers, etc.
When submitting a Reimbursement for an employee or student it is the responsibility of the department to complete the form accurately with the business purpose clearly indicated. All corresponding paperwork must be included and the expense must conform to all College and Sponsored research guidelines.
Departments will have to submit the reimbursement via EPRO for Students with no EPRO Access. If students require access to submit their reimbursement, they will need to request shopper access. Please contact the Help Desk and put in a ticket.
Important information to know:
Submission Time Limit: Since original receipts are not required, expenses must be submitted in a timely manner. Any expense that is reported more than 90 days after it was incurred will NOT be reimbursed. This is to avoid duplicate receipt reimbursement.
Reimbursements are paid within 30 days from the date it is received in Accounts Payable box (Provided all documents are included)
Travel and Business Expense Reimbursement Policy and Procedure
To create a policy to provide Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Inc. ("Einstein") with an all-inclusive travel and business expense policy. This policy will provide rules and guidance on the following:
- Identifying expenses that are appropriate and allowable;
- Determining expenses for which College funds donor derived funds shared facilities, recruitment, retention research support and interim funds may not be used; and
- Proper methods of incurring expenses.
This policy covers all of Einstein, including donor derived funds, all college funds, shared facilities, recruitment, retention, research support and interim funds. This policy applies to all travel and related expenses incurred by Einstein staff, faculty, students and Montefiore employees while performing responsibilities for and/or on behalf of Einstein, and all other travelers travelling on behalf of the College.
The policy is set forth below.
Exceptions to the Policy
Any exceptions to this policy must have a written authorization from the Associate Vice President of Business Services.
Effective Date
This policy is effective as of January 1, 2018.
Policy Management and Responsibilities
The Associate Dean of Finance and Administration and the Chief Financial Officer are the Responsible Executives for this policy. The Associate Vice President of Business Services and the Procurement Services are responsible for implementation and review of this policy.
Contact Information and Websites
Travel Policy and Procedure
Policy Details
This policy provides general guidelines for identifying travel-related expenses that are appropriate, verifiable and in compliance with federal, state, city and College policies and regulations. It also provides guidelines for employees and others traveling on behalf of the Einstein to understand proper procedures.
Travel expenses may take the form of direct payments to individuals or agencies that provide Einstein with goods or services related to travel, or in the form of reimbursements to College employees for costs they incur while conducting College business. This policy addresses only those expenses specifically related to travel. Please refer to Business Expense Policy and Procedure for guidance on any expenses not related to travel.
Who Should Know This Policy?
All employees including vice presidents, senior administrators, deans, directors, department heads, administrative staff and students who are required to travel in support of official College business.
Employees should also refer to the policies of their department as the may be more restrictive than the College policy.
Employees should also refer to the policies of donors, sponsors, or contractors as they may be more restrictive than the College policy. If a donor, Sponsor or contractor policy on business expenses is less restrictive than the College policy, the College policy applies.
Employees are responsible for expending funds in accordance with the guidelines in this policy. If there is any question about the compliance with the College policy, or about the proper procedure for the transaction, employees should seek direction from Procurement Services.
Travel Arrangements
The College has designated Egencia as the online travel booking tool to use for all airline tickets, car rentals, hotel accommodations (not including conference nights) and Amtrak. Egencia has been supplanted to help offset out of pocket expense to the traveler while providing real time reporting to the College to help manage departmental travel budgets, and provide additional discounts to the school.
Air Travel-Domestic and International
- All travel should be by the most direct, economical traveled route while being reasonable and consistent with the purpose of the business trip.
- Fares must be booked non-refundable for all travel.
- Air travel must be booked 21 days in advance in order to secure the most economical prices.
- Airlines must be selected on the basis of price rather than personal preference.
- Employees will not be reimbursed for tickets in a class other than economy/coach, including comfort seats. Exceptions include Medical (with a signed doctor's note) and NIH guidelines. Government grants carry certain regulations about flying on U.S. airlines, please refer to the Fly America Act in this policy.
- Business class may be used for travel if your business office confirms before purchase that appropriate funds are available, and if any of the following conditions are met:
- Any flight segment has a scheduled in-air flying time in excess of 6 hours, or
- The total scheduled in-air flight time, including connecting legs, is in excess of seven hours or
- A medical justification has been documented by a primary care provider.
- Students must travel economy class regardless of duration or length of the flight.
Seat Upgrades
Seat upgrades are generally not permitted on any funding source. However exceptions are allowed:
- A signed doctor's note is required to receive any type of upgrade from economy/coach. Please note most medical notes are temporary and need to state period for which an upgrade is necessary. If a medical note is specific to a time period, justification will only be for travel during that time period.
Personal Travel
Einstein will accommodate travelers who wish to add a personal air segment to a business trip. Einstein will not accommodate hotel or car requests for the personal portion of a trip. It is the employee's responsibility to attach a quote and document the fare difference at the time of booking.
The traveler is responsible for payment of any additional costs that may be incurred with the addition of the personal travel. If the fare can't be issued on a separate ticket, the employee must reimburse Einstein by personal check submitted to Finance. In addition, a scanned copy of the check must be attached to the expense report.
Fly America Act (courtesy of on NIH grants
The Fly America Act (49 U.S.C. 40118) generally provides that foreign air travel funded by Federal government money may only be conducted on U.S. flag air carriers. A "U.S. flag air carrier" is an air carrier that holds a certificate under 49 U.S.C. 41102 but does not include a foreign air carrier operating under a permit. There are limited circumstances under which use of a foreign-flag air carrier is permissible. These circumstances are outlined below:
- Airline "Open Skies" Agreement. A foreign flag air carrier may be used if the transportation is provided under an air transportation agreement between the United States and a foreign government, which the Department of Transportation has determined meets the requirements of the Fly America Act. For example, in 2008, the U.S. entered into an "Open Skies" Agreement with the European Union (EU). This Agreement gives European Community airlines (airlines of Member States) the right to transport passengers and cargo on flights funded by the U.S. government, when the transportation is between a point in the United States and any point in a Member State or between any two points outside the United States.
The U.S.-EU Open Skies Agreement was amended effective June 24, 2010. GSA issued Guidance October 6, 2010. Pursuant to the amendment, federal contractors and recipients (not U.S. Government employees) need to be concerned about city-pair contract fares. However, contractors and recipients must check with the airline to ensure that the airline is covered by the U.S.-EU Open Skies agreement which may change periodically.
Additionally, pursuant to the amendment, EU airlines are no longer limited to flying passengers between points in the United States and points in the EU. Instead, EU airlines are authorized to transport passengers between points in the United and points outside the EU if the EU airline is authorized to serve the route under the U.S.-EU Open Skies Agreement. This includes flights that originate, arrive, or stop in the European Union. For additional information, please see the text of the Amendment and GSA Bulletin FTR 11-02. For information on other "open skies" agreements in which the United States has entered, refer to GSA's Web site:
- Involuntary Rerouting. Travel on a foreign-flag carrier is permitted if a U.S.-flag air carrier involuntarily reroutes the traveler via a foreign-flag air carrier, notwithstanding the availability of alternative U.S.-flag air carrier service.
- Travel To and From the U.S. Use of a foreign-flag air carrier is permissible if the airport abroad is: (a) the traveler's origin or destination airport, and use of U.S.-flag air carrier service would extend the time in a travel status by at least 24 hours more than travel by a foreign-flag air carrier, or (b) an interchange point, and use of U.S.-flag air carrier service would increase the number of aircraft changes the traveler must make outside of the U.S. by two or more, would require the traveler to wait four hours or more to make connections at that point, or would extend the time in a travel status by at least six hours more than travel by a foreign-flag air carrier.
- Travel Between Points and Outside the U.S. Use of a foreign-flag air carrier is permissible if: (a) travel by a foreign-flag air carrier would eliminate two or more aircraft changes en route; (b) travel by a U.S.-flag air carrier would require a connecting time of four hours or more at an overseas interchange point; or (c) the travel is not part of the trip to or from the U.S., and use of a U.S.-flag air carrier would extend the time in a travel status by at least six hours more than travel by a foreign-flag air carrier.
- Short Distance Travel. For all short distance travel, regardless of origin and destination, use of a foreign-flag air carrier is permissible if the elapsed travel time on a scheduled flight from origin to destination airport by a foreign-flag air carrier is three hours or less and service by a U.S.-flag air carrier would double the travel time.
- Use of foreign air carrier is necessary for medical reasons. (Provide supporting documentation such as doctor's note)
- Use of foreign air carrier is required to avoid unreasonable risk to traveler's safety.
- Seat on U.S. flag air carrier in authorized class of service is unavailable, seat on foreign air carrier in authorized class of service is available. (Provide detailed explanation along with supporting documentation from at least 2 U.S. flag carriers.)
- Use of U.S. flag air carrier will not accomplish the sponsoring agency's mission (Provide detailed justification with supporting documentation from the federal sponsoring agency).
- Code sharing agreement exists. U.S. is a party and the Department of Transportation determines agreement meets requirements of the Fly America Act. (Supporting documentation with U.S. flag carrier designator code must be included.)
- No U.S. flag air carrier provides service on a particular leg of your route.
Policy Statement:
It is the policy of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (College) to comply with all government laws, regulations and guidelines regarding the Fly America Act. This policy is consistent with College's US Flag Air Carriers Policy adopted July 22, 2015 from the College's Travel Policy (5, 6). It states that provisions of the granting agency will apply and reimbursements must be within the budgeted amount in the grant award. If a granting agency stipulates a particular expense can be incurred, as a condition of funding, the particular expense will be permitted. However, prior permission for every foreign trip must be obtained from the awarding agency. In those cases where the use of funds for international travel is specifically authorized, United States flag carriers must still specifically outlined under the stated exceptions above, for departure from or entry into the United States and for any other portions of the trip where U.S. carriers are available.
Travel Insurance
Travel insurance is not an allowable expense.
Travel by rail is allowed when it is less expensive than alternative means of transportation or when there are convenience or safety issues that justify the additional cost.
Rental Cars
- The use of rental cars is authorized when all other modes of transportation are not available.
- Employees are expected to secure rentals from Enterprise, the College preferred vendor and its affiliates National and Alamo.
- The standard for a rental is a midsize automobile.
- Additional charges for upgrades are not allowed unless there is a specified business purpose such multiple travelers or traveling with equipment.
- In any situation where students and/or travelers under the age of 25 will be traveling in rental cars, the trip must be cleared in advance with the Office of Risk Management.
- Collision and/or physical damage (CDW)/(LDW) must be purchased for all business rentals as the coverage is not covered under the College's automobile insurance policy. This coverage will be reimbursed by the College.
- Vehicle should be refueled before returning. You will not be reimbursed for car rental company refuel charges.
When traveling on College business, travelers should adhere to the College per diem rates. The rates will always be published at the end of each calendar year. If you hotel room exceeds the College per diem you will only receive reimbursement for the amount allocated to that city. Averaging the cost of a multiple night room stay is not allowable. If you need to book a local hotel near the College, please refer to the link below for College approved hotels:
The Maximum hotel rates are (including taxes and applicable hotel fees):
Domestic |
$275.00 (all cities not listed in exceptions) |
Exceptions: San Francisco (Includes Oakland, San Jose, Palo Alto and Sunnyvale) |
$375.00 |
Boston |
$350.00 |
Hawaii |
$375.00 |
New York City |
$350.00 |
Chicago |
$350.00 |
Washington DC (Includes Alexandria, Falls Church, Fairfax and Bethesda) |
$350.00 |
International |
$350.00 |
Conference Hotels
When traveling to a conference, employees should adhere to the implemented College per diem rates. If a conference hotel exceeds the per diem, surrounding hotels should be considered with a 2 mile radius of the conference hotel. If there are no hotels available within the 2 mile radius this should be brought to the attention of the Purchasing and Travel Manager.
Airbnb (Alternate Hotel Booking Option)
Airbnb's under no circumstances is allowed for medical or graduate students. Pre and post docs will be decided on a case by case basis and approved by procurement. All other employees that choose to use Airbnb will need to sign the Release and Waiver of Liability form and submit prior to your stay.
Ground Travel-Personal Vehicle
The IRS reimbursement rate is established each calendar year. The current reimbursement rate per is $0.545 per mile and is subject to change as per IRS guidelines. Mileage reimbursement is intended in place of the costs of operating a vehicle, including fuel, maintenance/repairs, insurance and so on. Mileage is calculated from your office location to your destination. It is not calculated starting from your home to campus.
Tolls and parking costs may be reimbursed if applicable, and receipts must be obtained. An E-Z Pass statement toll charges highlighted can be substituted for a receipt. In order to be reimbursed for mileage, travelers must submit a record of the distances traveled, which should include start and end date and location, total mileage and backup showing a valid business purpose for each trip. Route maps showing mileage total printed from the Internet are acceptable records.
Ground Travel - Taxi and Car Service
For travel within the New York City area, employees are encouraged to utilize public transportation or personal vehicles whenever possible. If neither option is possible, employees are encouraged to use Vital Transportation, Inc., the College preferred vendor for transportation service. All costs for local travel must be incurred through the use of a valid purchase order with a current Vital Transportation Inc. account. Local travel does not include commutes from home to campus.
Parking (Airport)
Parking (Non-Airport)
Currency Conversion for Foreign Travel
All claims for foreign travel must be converted to US dollars and must be accompanied by a printout for each individual receipt. Conversions must be completed on the OANDA website ( The conversion date on OANDA has to match the date of the receipt. Credit card statements with the applicable charges highlighted and labeled, can be substituted for the OANDA printout.
The official Einstein Travel Policy is located here.
Business Expense Reimbursement Policy and Procedure
Policy Details
This policy general guidelines for identifying expenses that are appropriate and inappropriate, verifiable and in compliance with federal, state, city and College policies and regulations. It also provides guidelines for employees and others requesting reimbursements on behalf of the Einstein to understand proper procedures.
Who Should Know This Policy?
All employees including vice presidents, senior administrators, deans, directors, department heads, administrative staff and students who are required to travel in support of official College business.
Employees should also refer to the policies of their department as the may be more restrictive than the College policy.
Employees should also refer to the policies of donors, sponsors, or contractors as they may be more restrictive than the College policy. If a donor, Sponsor or contractor policy on business expenses is less restrictive than the College policy, the College policy applies.
Employees are responsible for expending funds in accordance with the guidelines in this policy. If there is any question about the compliance with the College policy, or about the proper procedure for the transaction, employees should seek direction from Procurement Services.
Roles and Responsibilities
- The individual who incurs the travel expense is responsible for being familiar with this policy and for incurring expenses in compliance with this and any other applicable policies. Specifically, the individual must ensure:
- The expense is appropriate and permitted in accordance with this policy
- Necessary approvals have been obtained in advance and attached to the request
- The expense is within budgetary constraints
- The expense is in compliance with any funding designations and/or guidelines
- The expense is in compliance wit individual departmental/school guidelines
- The appropriate purchasing method has been utilized
- If the traveler will be requesting reimbursement, it is his/her or the department's responsibility to complete the Epro Travel Reimbursement form and provide complete supporting documentation. Business expense and reimbursement policy and procedure apply to reimbursement of expenses submitted under Requests for Payment.
- In some cases, Reimbursement forms and/or expense reports may be prepared by an individual other than the traveler. The processor is responsible for ensuring that the appropriate paperwork is correct, complete, and is ready to be approved by the appropriate official.
- The Approver is responsible for ensuring the following:
- The expense is appropriate and permitted in accordance with this policy, and that no non-reimbursable expenses are included
- The expense is within budgetary constraints
- The expense is being charged to the appropriate index
- The expense is in compliance with any funding designations and/or guidelines
- The expense is in compliance with all other appropriate College policies
- The expense is in compliance with individual departmental guidelines
- Complete documentation has been provided
- The Approver must also be aware of any additional approvals that may be required depending on the type and dollar threshold of the expense.
Payment Methods
- In order to receive reimbursement or payment, the transaction must comply with this policy and the requester must complete the appropriate forms.
- The following additional requirements must also be met:
- Submission Time Limit: Expenses must be submitted in a timely manner. Any expense that is reported more than 90 days after it was incurred will not be reimbursed or paid.
- Business Purpose: A business purpose must be provided for all expenditures. The business purpose description must be specific and comprehensive enough that a third-party reviewer could understand.
- Documentation: Legible receipts are required for all expenses. Documentation must identify: Date of purchase, Name of vendor, Itemized list of goods, and the Total amount.
- Appropriate Approval: Employees should obtain approval(s) for the reimbursement prior to incurring the expense.
- Noncompliance with this policy may result in non-reimbursement of funds. Repeated use of reimbursements in place of preferred mechanisms may also be considered a violation of this policy.
Registration and Conference Fees
Registration fees for a meeting or conference at which attendance has been approved should be billed directly to a departmental or sponsored project source of funds through the College's financial system. Registration fees paid directly by an individual will not be reimbursed until the conference is completed and proof of attendance is submitted.
Appropriate and Inappropriate Expenses
Appropriate and inappropriate expense may be characterized by the following:
- Appropriate Expenses
- Baggage Fee (1st bag only only domestic travel and added 2nd bag on international travel)
- Internet access and business center functions pertaining to business travel
- Mileage
- Fuel
- Tolls
- Parking
- Inappropriate Expenses
- Airlines upgrades (includes comfort seats, business and first class)
- Hotel upgrades
- Car rental upgrades
- Credit Card Interest or delinquency fees
- Personal automobile repairs, parking permits, gas (not related to business travel and does not include home to campus travel)
- Personal entertainment expenses including in-flight movies and headsets (exclude Wi-Fi service)
- Flowers
- Health Club Facilities
- Gifts
- Clothing purchases and tuxedo/formal-wear rentals
- Dry cleaning
- Personal grooming or toiletries
- Child care and babysitting
- Pet care or kennel charges
- Fraudulent, illegal risk that could present financial or reputational liability to the College
- The expenditure was or will be reimbursed or paid from a source other than the College (ex. Egencia; ePRO)
- Alcohol beverages
- Costs associated with personal telephone use
- Damage to properly
- Mini-bar purchase
- Expense of spouse, family member or travel partners
- Mobile phone accessories such as Bluetooth devices or belt clips
- Traffic and parking violations incurred while driving during College business
- Books, magazines and newspapers
- Additional costs incurred by traveler's failure to cancel travel reservations
- Amusement, entertainment or social activities that do not directly advance College mission and purpose
- Handwritten gratuity on receipts (unless accompanied by credit card statement documenting gratuity)
- The college has established a maximum reimbursement rate of $86 per day with receipts to be used for meals purchased while traveling on business.
- Reimbursement of meals is only on the days you travel on business. This includes your travel days and your business stay in between. If personal travel is added you will only receive reimbursement for the business portion.
- Employees who wish to claim reimbursement for such meals must detail each day's meals and costs on the travel reimbursement form. Itemized receipts must be provided for every expense and must include:
- Date expense was incurred
- Name of vendor
- Itemized list of items
- Total amount
- If an employee is unable to provide proper documentation for every meal purchased while traveling, the maximum per diem is $51. This amount is subject to change as per IRS guidelines.
- If a meal is provided during a conference, seminar, or similar program, the employee is not permitted to claim reimbursement for that meal or another meal taken at the same time.
- Alcoholic beverages are never reimbursable.
- Please note that they daily limits are firm and cannot be applied to other days.
Missing Receipts