Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9, 2013
The December minutes were approved.

Dean’s Report
Dean Allen Spiegel did not have anything to report.   

Speaker’s Report
Senate Speaker Jeff Segall announced the new members of the Senate Council and thanked the outgoing members for their service.  He also noted that the next “Seeds for Collaboration” faculty mixer, sponsored by the Faculty Interactions Committee, will be held on January 17th in Max and Sadie.            

Committee on Committees
Vinayaka Prasad, Chair of the Committee on Committees, reported that the Committee on Committees has been reformulated and announced the current members.  He also announced that, at the request of CFO James Geraghty, a faculty focus group has been formed to provide Banner feedback to the administration.  Prasad also noted that the Legal Committee is being reformulated; faculty are urged to volunteer to serve on this committee.  

Laura Santambrogio:  Report from the Associate Professors Committee on Appointments and Promotions
Laura Santambrogio, chair of the Associate Professors Committee on Promotions, summarized the activity of the committee over the past three years.

Alberto Pereda:  Report from the Professors Committee on Appointments and Promotions
Alberto Pereda, chair of the Professors Committee on Promotions, similarly summarized the recent activity of that committee.

Linda Jelicks:  Scientific Capabilities of the MicroPET Imaging Facility
Linda Jelicks, Interim Associate Director of the MicroPET facility, provided an overview and examples of the power of MicroPET technology.