Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1, 2013
The April minutes were approved.

Dean’s Report
Dean Allen Spiegel announced the election of Bill Jacobs and Rob Singer to the National Academy of Sciences.  He also reported on recent Einstein events, including a celebration at the Plaza Hotel to install the recipients of several new endowed chairs, the Women’s Division Spirit of Achievement Luncheon, the MSTP retreat, and a symposium in honor of the Glenn Center.  The Dean also announced his interest in having his contract renewed beyond June 2014.       

Speaker’s Report
Senate Speaker Jeff Segall reported that a faculty advisory committee would be formed to advise the Senate concerning the renewal of the Dean’s appointment.  He also noted that the next “Seeds for Collaboration” faculty mixer, sponsored by the Faculty Interactions Committee, will be held on May 23rd at 4:30 PM in Max and Sadie.           

Committee on Committees
Vinayaka Prasad, Chair of the Committee on Committees, was unable to attend the meeting.     

Walter Ronaghan:  Einstein Security
Walter Ronaghan, Senior Director of Supporting Services, Fred Roche, Chief of Security and Transportation Services, and Neil Kaplan, Associate Chief of Security and Transportation Services, jointly presented an update on security at Einstein.

Mimi Kim:  Is There a Biostatistician in the House?
Mimi Kim, Head of the Division of Biostatistics in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, provided an overview of the statistical support offered at Einstein and how to access it easily.