Einstein Senate
Council Meeting: Wednesday, October 5, 2011
PRESENT: Drs. Allen Spiegel, Edward Burns, Elyse Sussman, Aviv Bergman, John Blanchard, Drs. Harris Goldstein, Susan Horwitz, Ellie Schoenbaum, Victor Schuster, Sonja Shaetzlein, Pamela Stanley, Jonathan Warner
EXCUSED: Drs. Stephen Baum, Jeffrey Segall, Todd Olson
ABSENT: Nathanial Swinburne
GUEST: Ms. Shelly Motzkin
The Basic Science chairs met with Dean Spiegel on Oct 4, 2011 to discuss graduate students and mentoring. There was general agreement between the Chairs and the Dean, which resulted in endorsement of the recommendations in the letter sent by the Chairs to the Dean. Another point of discussion was mentoring and advisement of junior faculty regarding how to use their start up package most effectively and how to obtain external funding. There is now a new stipulation for a formal mentoring plan for junior faculty.
Jed Shivers and the Dean made a presentation to the Economic Development Corp NYC for funds to utilize Einstein resources more effectively. The following three areas were discussed : 1) Renting Van Etten: wet labs on 6th and 7th floor, 18 million dollars is needed for renovation; 2) Renting half the Price Center basement for animal housing, funds needed for renovation ; 3) adding a Metro North stop at Einstein.
Future plans for Van Etten were discussed with the Senate Council, including condensing CERC to one building in Van Etten, selling the Rousso building, and moving the Einstein study of aging program project to Van Etten. Moving the morgue and anatomy labs to Van Etten remains an important part of the Van Etten phase I plan and it is hoped this will occur in the near future.
The next Science Council meeting will discuss faculty mentoring,
The meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Elyse S. Sussman, Ph.D.
Vice Speaker, Einstein Senate