Einstein Senate
Senate Meeting: Wednesday, September 7, 2016
After approval of the Minutes, Dr. Allen Spiegel gave his Dean’s report. He informed on the events that marked the beginning of the academic year with the welcoming of new students, and on the Dean’s letter celebrating the one year anniversary of Einstein transition to Montefiore, which summarizes the accomplishments.
In his Speaker’s Report, Dr. Jeffrey Segall reported on the Council meeting which was about establishing agendas for the coming Council meetings. He also gave a slide presentation about the Senate and Council organization. He pointed out upcoming elections for Officers to the Senate (October) and the Council (December).
Dr. Kelvin Davies, the Chair of the Committee on Committees, described the functions of the committee and presented the new selected members for Senate confirmation.
Dr. Pamela Stanley, Chair of the Faculty Interactions Committee, gave a presentation describing the mission and work of the committee.