Einstein Senate
Council Meeting: Wednesday, January 18, 2017
January 18, 2016
PRESENT: Drs. Allen Spiegel, Jeffrey Segall, Julia Arnsten, John Blanchard, Jill Crandall, Chandan Guha, Nadine Katz, Ellie Schoenbaum, Victor Schuster, Pamela Stanley, Steve Walkley, Elena Martynova, Allison Ludwig, Ms Nina Flerin
EXCUSED: Drs: Elyse Sussman, Johanna Daily, Ed Burns, Mr. Paul Johnston
GUEST: Ms Shelly Motzkin
Potential future agenda items were discussed.
Items to decide on:
- IT transition process and data server issues : Shailesh Shenoy’s powerpoint would be distributed to the council and then it would be decided if further discussion is needed.
- Possibility of a vote from the Senate supporting the administration’s position on protecting DACA students.
- Transition workgroups – update and general discussion of possible faculty contributions – still to be decided on.
Items ready to be scheduled
- Plans regarding merging Montefiore and Einstein Development offices: progress, metrics of success. Will be discussed by the Dean.
- Status of promotions and tenure process. To be covered by the Dean.
- System for determining merit increases, COLA raises, and other salary adjustments. Will ask Ed Burns and Jed Shivers to present
- Budget update: after the Senate presentation of the budget (possibly March), the possibility of a more detailed discussion in the Council will be decided.
- Programs to enhance diversity – what they are, how they are functioning, what will be the metrics by which success is measured (at student, post-doc, faculty, and senior faculty/Chair levels) Will ask Yvonne Ramirez and staff to present.
- Discussion of postdoc housing availability and status. Dr. Bresnick, Director of the Belfer Institute will be invited along with Jed Shivers and facilities people.
- Einstein Core Scientific Facilities: the number, year formed, cost to the school, user group, fee structure, number of personnel, etc. Will ask Jed Shivers, Brian Pelowski and Harris Goldstein to present.
- Falk center conditions. Will ask a facilities representative and Jed Shivers to present.
The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey E. Segall, Ph.D.
Speaker, Einstein Senate