Einstein Senate
Senate Meeting: Wednesday, April 5, 2017
After approval of the Minutes, Dr. Allen Spiegel gave his Dean’s report. He announced that the new Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Dr. Jonathan Albert, has officially joined Einstein-Montefiore. Dean Spiegel mentioned that the searches for Neurosurgery and Radiology Chairs are close to the final stages. With regard to the Cancer Center Director position, Dr. Spiegel said that the committee chaired by Dr. Schramm has conducted interviews and leading contenders will be invited to give seminars. Dean Spiegel mentioned that there is a search going on to replace Dr. Marti Grayson, Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education, who is retiring. With regard to the research arena, Dr. Spiegel mentioned the possibility of a government shutdown and its implication to flow of funds of NIH grants, and the cuts of NIH budget proposed for the fiscal year’ 18. Dean Spiegel also mentioned his support to the March for Science.
Dr. Elyse Sussman, Vice-Speaker, on her Speaker’ report summarized the two previous Council meetings since last Senate meeting. Items discussed were the merge of Montefiore and Einstein Development Offices and the Strategic Plan to build an inclusive environment at Einstein.
Mr. James Geragthy, Chief Financial Officer, and Mr. Jed Shivers, Associate Dean for Finance and Administration, presented Einstein’s budget for 2016 and 2017.