Einstein Senate
Senate Meeting: Wednesday, October 25, 2017
After approval of the Minutes, Dr. Allen Spiegel gave his Dean’s report. Dr. Spiegel highlighted the Celebrate Montefiore and Einstein gala and announced the Kennedy center 50th anniversary symposium. He then stated that the Cancer center director search is still ongoing and updated the Senate on the progress in obtaining degree-granting authority. The remarkable accomplishments of two medical students and tragic loss of another were described. He closed with a summary of Montefiore’s efforts to bring relief to Puerto Rico.
Dr. Jeffrey Segall, in his Speaker’s report, reported on two Senate Council meetings. He introduced the procedure to elect the new Council, and presented the new CAP members.
Elections for Parliamentarian, Treasurer, Secretary and Speaker were held. Dr. Steven Safyer updated the Senate on the Einstein-Montefiore relationship, and on the search for a new Dean, highlighting the characteristics sought by the search committee in the candidates.