Einstein Senate

Council Meeting: Wednesday, October 27, 2010


PRESENT: Drs. Allen Spiegel, Jeffrey Segall, Erika Banks, Stephen Baum, John Blanchard, Robert Burk, Donald Faber, Ellie Schoenbaum, Elyse Sussman, Jonathan Warner

EXCUSED: Todd Olson, Vern Schramm, Elizabeth Walker


GUEST: Ms. Shelly Motzkin

The minutes of the September 29 meeting were approved.

The composition of the awards committee was discussed. Dr. Burk submitted his resignation to the Dean, effective December 31. Updating the membership was discussed. This is a Dean’s committee and advice from the Senate Council on new members was provided.

North Shore/LI Jewish faculty will be primary with Hofstra Medical School, and thus will only be able to have adjunct appointments at Einstein, and will not have graduate students at Einstein.

Concern about the support by Prudential of the US Chamber of Commerce was expressed.

An awards nomination committee was proposed as a mechanism for increasing Einstein exposure and application for available national awards. John Blanchard agreed to be the founding member.

The Dean summarized the recent Science Council meeting. Vici Freedman provided a graduate program report – the numbers of students and balance between PhD and MD/PhD will not change. There is a need for more training grants to support the students, and a training program director and administrator will deal with maintaining the data required for training grant applications. There is ongoing concern regarding the length of time taken for completion of the PhD.

The meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey E. Segall, Ph.D.
Speaker, Einstein Senate