Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, April 4, 2012


The March minutes were approved.


Dean’s Report

Dean Allen Spiegel announced that the implementation, capabilities, and implications of the Banner system will be discussed at a future Senate meeting.  He also mentioned the new data center that will be housed in Van Etten and referred to ongoing recruitments in the Stem Cell Institute and Systems and Computational Biology. 


Speaker’s Report

Senate Speaker Jeff Segall was unable to attend the meeting.  Vice Speaker Elyse Sussman noted the success of Einstein’s students at the recent match day, as well as the improvement in our U.S. News & World Report ranking (from 41 to 39).    


Committee on Committees

Vinayaka Prasad, Chair of the Committee on Committees, informed the Senate that there was nothing to report. 


Craig Branch:  Quantitative imaging of structure, function, metabolism and physiology for your in vivo or in vitro application

Craig Branch, Director of the Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center, provided an overview of the activities and capabilities of the center.


Walter Ronaghan:  Einstein Security Update

Walter Ronaghan, Senior Director of Auxiliary Services, provided an update on Einstein security.