28th Annual National CFAR Meeting Einstein-Rockefeller-CUNY Center for AIDS Research New York City October 28-30th, 2024 The Einstein–Rockefeller–CUNY Center for AIDS Research (ERC-CFAR) is excited to host the 28th Annual National CFAR Meeting of the NIH-funded CFARS on October 28-30th, 2024 at the Marriot Marquis in Times Square, NY. Action Items Registration is now closed, if you have any questions, please reach out to Sonya Rusanov. Our Marriot Block is sold out at our discounted price. Rooms are still available at the Marriot at regular prices. Itinerary at a glance 2024 National CFAR Meeting Monday October 28, 2024 10:00- 4:00 N3C Executive Committee Meeting Olmstead Ballroom 10:00-4:00 CFAR Administrators Meeting Astor Ballroom 5:00- 6:00 N3C Primer Olmstead Ballroom 6:00- 7:00 ESI Meet & Greet Soho Complex Tuesday October 29, 2024 8:30- 5:00 Scientific and Community Symposium Astor Ballroom 6:00- 7:00 Poster session and cocktail hour South Pre-Function 7:00- 9:00 Directors' Dinner Soho Complex Wednesday October 30, 2024 9:00- 3:00 N3C Business Meeting Omstead Ballroom 9:00-3:00 ESI Mentoring Workshops Empire Complex 9:00 – 3:00 Directors' Meeting Astor Ballroom Breakfast, Lunch, and Coffee Breaks provided each day Program Details Meeting Location & Hotel Accommodation Marriot Marquis, Times Square 1535 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 The Marriot Marquis has guaranteed us a number of rooms at a discounted rate of $349 per night. Please make sure to reserve your rooms as soon as possible to lock in that rate. Marriot has a flexible cancellation policy, with free cancellation up to 72 hours before check-in. Meeting Itinerary Submit suggestions for agendas here for the admin meeting, directors meeting, or ESI workshops Parking & Transportation The Marriot Marquis is located in the heart of Times Square and is conveniently accessible by many modes of transportation. Train Stations Penn Station 15 minute walk, 15 minute drive, 10 minutes by subway Grand Central Station 17 minute walk, 13 minute drive, 10 minutes by subway Bus Terminal Port Authority Bus Terminal 8 minute walk, 6 minute drive Subway MTA Times Square 3-minute walk to the 1,2,3,7, N, Q, R, W, S Airports: LaGuardia Airport 45 minutes by taxi or 45 minutes by train JFK International Airport 1 hour by taxi or 1 hour 10 minutes by train Newark Liberty International Airport 40 minutes by taxi or 1 hour by train Parking Valet parking is available at the hotel for registered guests. Please see the attached document for price information. For information about other parking garages in the area, please visit this website. PLAN TO PROMOTE SAFE ENVIRONMENTS Please click here to view the National CFAR Meeting plant to promote safe environments. If you experience or witness behavior that you believe violates our expectations, please confidentially report it to this year’s conference organizers by contacting the conference organizers: Sonya Rusanov, MPH (she/her/hers) Program Administrator, ERC- Center For AIDS Research Email: sonya.rusanov@einsteinmed.edu Phone: 718.430.8634 Sponsors For any questions, please contact the ERC-CFAR sonya.rusanov@einsteinmed.edu Funding for this conference was made possible [in part] by grant number 5 R13 AI 102630-12 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Frequently Asked Questions How do I know what events I am invited to? Everyone is invited to join the symposium on October 29. Each CFAR is invited to send 2 directors, 2 administrators, 2 community members, and 2 ESIs to the dinner. If you aren't sure whether you are included, please reach out to your CFAR's administrator. Will the symposium be accessible via zoom? The symposium will be entirely in person. What time does the conference end on October 30? The conference will end at 3:00 PM on October 30 What costs are associated with the meeting? There are no registration fees and attending the meeting is completely free thanks to a generous grant from the NIH.