From the Chief
Established in 2004 to build clinical research activity; research funding; and an administrative home for educators, hospitalists, and researchers, the Montefiore Einstein Division of General Internal Medicine currently boasts renowned research activity, an award-winning mentorship network and a research budget doubled by extramural grants.
Division News

Research & Training in Substance Abuse
Led by Dr. Julia Arnsten, General Internal Medicine's outstanding, highly committed faculty members are conducting innovative investigations to address the burgeoning rates of substance abuse in the Bronx and the nation.

Overdose Deaths from Common Sedatives Have Surged, New Study Finds
Overdose deaths from benzodiazepine drugs ("benzos") have increased more than four-fold since 1996, according to a study conducted by Dr. Marcus Bachhuber, Dr. Chinazo Cunningham, and Dr. Joanna Starrels.
Dr. Serena Roth to Direct Weiler Clerkship Site
Dr. Serena Roth has been appointed the new site leader for the Department of Medicine third-year clerkship on the Einstein campus (Weiler Hospital).
How do Medical Students Deal with Communicating Uncertainty When Breaking Bad News?
A recent study by Dr. Rosemarie Conigliaro sought to address the effectiveness of medical students’ ability to inform family members about a patient’s death, particularly in cases where the cause of death is unclear.

The End of Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
Dr. Paul Marantz recently blogged about whether the promulgation of Dietary Guidelines for Americans (including how they are interpreted and responded to by the public, legislators and regulators, the food industry, lobbyists and other stakeholders) actually leads to an overall improvement in health.
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham Receives Faculty Mentoring Award
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham received the Einstein Faculty Mentoring Award in recognition of her significant impact as a Clinical Science Mentor on the faculty's career development and success.

Dr. Chinazo Cunningham Chosen for Mayor's Task Force
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham has been chosen to serve on the de Blasio administration's Ad Hoc "Mayor’s Heroin and Prescription Opioid Public Awareness Task Force".
Dr. Alain Litwin Honored by NYSDOH AIDS Institute
Dr. Alain Litwin received the Commissioners Special Recognition Award from the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute for promoting hepatitis C testing and improving access to hepatitis C care and treatment.

Dr. Alain Litwin: Studying and Overcoming Stigmas of Treating Injectable Drug Users with Hepatitis C
MD Magazine's AASLD conference coverage included Dr. Alain Litwin discussing the C-EDGE CO-STAR trial's finding that an investigational combination drug for hepatitis C (elbasvir and grazoprevir) reduced viral load in patients being treated for opioid addiction, as well as overcoming stigmas to treat this marginalized population.
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham Receives AMERSA Mentoring Award
Dr. Chinazo O. Cunningham received the Anderson Spickard, Jr. Excellence in Mentorship Award at the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA) 29th Annual National Conference, November 5-7 in Washington, DC.
Dr. Shadi Nahvi Receives AMERSA New Investigator and Best Research Abstract Awards
Dr. Shadi Nahvi received both the New Investigator/Educator Award and a Best Research Abstract Award Semi Finalist Award at the AMERSA 29th Annual National Conference, November 5-7 in Washington, DC.
Dr. Alain Litwin Approved for $14M Research Funding Award for Hepatitis C
A research team led by Dr. Alain Litwin has been approved for a five-year, $14 million research funding award by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) for a study titled "Patient-Centered Models of HCV Care for People Who Inject Drugs".
Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research Awarded $1.3M in ECRIP Funding
A research team led by Dr. Julia Arnsten has been approved for a two-year, $1.3 million research funding award by the New York State Department of Health Empire Clinical Research Investigator Program (ECRIP) for the Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CCER).
GIM Fellowship Program Welcomes Dr. Jonathan Ross
The General Internal Medicine Fellowship Program welcomes Dr. Jonathan Ross, who began the research fellowship in July 2015.
Dr. Joanna Starrels Receives First-Time NIH Research Project Grant
Dr. Joanna Starrels recently received her first R01 grant, a four-year, $2.3 million award for her study on opioid analgesic use and HIV.
How Does Transitioning Affect a Transgender Athlete's Sports Performance?
Dr. Robert Beil discusses the physical effects of male-to-female transitions and how these may affect athletic performance.
Dr. Michelle Larsen Receives Four-Year NIH Grant for Develop New TB Test
The NIH has awarded Dr. Michelle Larsen a four-year, $2.5-million grant to continue work on a promising test to detect viable TB bacteria and determine their drug susceptibility.
Dr. James Brust Receives First-Time NIH R01 Grant for Study Assessing a New TB Drug
The NIH has awarded James C. M. Brust, M.D. a five-year, $3.6 million grant to study bedaquiline, the first new tuberculosis (TB) drug to receive FDA approval in 40 years.
General Internal Medicine Welcomes Dr. Hector Perez
The Department of Medicine and Division of General Internal Medicine extend a
warm welcome to Dr. Hector Perez, Assistant Professor of Medicine.
Why Incarceration Is Not the Solution to the Opioid-Addiction Epidemic
Dr. Aaron Fox discusses how incarceration is destabilizing and can set back addiction recovery; why addiction should be treated as a chronic disease; how jobs, stable housing and social support are critical to avoid drug relapse; and how the stigma of a criminal record impedes recovery.
General Internal Medicine Welcomes Dr. Marcus Bachhuber
Dr. Marcus Bachhuber has joined the Division of General Internal Medicine as Assistant Professor of Medicine.
Ending the Silence on Heroin-Overdose Deaths
A recent Doctor's Tablet blog post panel includes Dr. Chinazo Cunningham, who discusses how regulations to limit prescribing of high-dose opioids may contribute to rising heroin use, and how the number of people receiving treatment for opioid-use disorders has failed to keep up with the number of those needing treatment.
Strategies to Improve HCV Care
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham presented "Strategies to Improve the HCV Continuum of Care: Best Practices in Testing, Linkage to Care, & Treatment"at the 2015 National Summit on HCV and HIV Diagnosis, Prevention and Access to Care in Arlington, VA.

Overcoming Opioid Addiction Through a Group-Based Model
A new research study led by Dr. Aaron Fox, Assistant Professor of Medicine and a clinician-
investigator in the Division of General Internal Medicine, seeks to improve the effectiveness
of buprenorphine treatment within primary care by offering counseling and treatment to multiple
patients simultaneously in groups.

Works-In-Progress: Grants
For Excellence In Medical Education
Dr. Darlene LeFrancois, recipient of a Grant for
Excellence in Medical Education, will present her work in progress to fellow faculty members
at the annual "Works-In-Progress: Grants For Excellence In Medical Education", Thursday, June
18 in the Price Center.
Research Skills for Clinicians
Drs. Aaron Fox and Paul Marantz were featured for their participation in the Einstein Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP), which offers a Master of Science in Clinical Research Methods.
Faculty Appointments and Promotions
The Department of Medicine extends its warmest congratulations to Drs. Chinazo Cunningham, Eva Metalios, Anjali Sharma, and Robert Sidlow, who were among the Department of Medicine faculty members appointed or promoted in the past year.

General Internal Medicine and Hospital Medicine at SGIM 2015
Members of the Divisions of General Internal Medicine and Hospital Medicine delivered a total of 56 workshops, clinical vignettes, original research, and innovations at the national meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine, April 22-25, 2015 in Toronto, Canada.

Training Physicians to Think Broadly About Health and Wellness
In Einstein's "The Doctor's Tablet" blog, Dr. Aaron Fox explains why he believes public advocacy should be part of the training for all physicians and how it can help both patients and doctors.
Three GIM Faculty to be Inducted into Leo M. Davidoff Society
Drs. Julia Arnsten, James Brust, and Colin Cha Fong have been elected to membership in the Leo M. Davidoff Society this year.
Dr. Milan Selected for 2015 Outstanding Teaching Award
Dr. Felise Milan will receive the Harry H. Gordon Award for Outstanding Clinical Teaching, presented at Einstein's 2015 Commencement ceremony at Avery Fisher Hall in New York.
A Change of Heart Over Urine Drug Testing
Dr. Joanna Starrels on the protocol of urine drug testing: "Physicians don’t want to be police; our mission is not to find perpetrators of illegal or dangerous activity. Our mission is to understand and weigh the risks and benefits of treatments we provide. Urine drug test results give me data to help me weigh the risks."

Drs. Erin Goss and Shwetha Iyer to Lead PC/SIM Program
The Department of Medicine proudly announces the joint appointment of Drs. Erin Goss and Shwetha Iyer for the track directorship of the Primary Care/Social Internal Medicine Program (PC/SIM). Drs. Iyer and Goss bring a passion and a commitment to the program’s varied missions, allowing the program to move forward and continue its national reputation for training outstanding clinicians for careers in leadership in health care and primary care with a social medicine conscience.

Opioid Addiction Treatment Options
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham of Einstein and Montefiore Medical Center argues that the increasingly unmet need for opioid-addiction treatment makes it critical for doctors and patients to be aware of, and choose, the proper treatment.

Dr. Julia Arnsten to Receive ACLGIM Chief’s Recognition Award
Dr. Julia Arnsten has been selected to receive the 2015 Association of Chiefs & Leaders of General Internal Medicine (ACLGIM) Chief's Recognition Award from ACLGIM and the Society for General Internal Medicine, given annually to the general internal medicine division chief who most represents excellence in division leadership.

Dr. Paul Marantz Honored at 7th Annual Faculty Mentoring Awards
Dr. Paul Marantz (General Internal Medicine) was honored at Einstein’s seventh annual Faculty Mentoring Awards reception. These awards are presented annually to senior Montefiore Einstein faculty members who have successfully mentored junior faculty.

Addressing Barriers to BMT Could Reduce Illicit Buprenorphine Use
Poor access to BMT may contribute to illicit buprenorphine use, and relatively minor interventions addressing barriers could improve treatment access, according to a recent study by Dr. Aaron D. Fox and associates.

Social Media for HIV Prevention
Dr. Viraj Patel has initiated a research study using social media to encourage and increase the use of pre-exposure HIV prevention medication among young men of color who have sex with men.

On the Road to Recovery, Leave the Cigarettes Behind
Dr. Shadi Nahvi's research seeks to overcome the traditional bias that treating tobacco use in opiate recovery settings might harm the recovery process, and to capitalize on patients' real interest in quitting to determine what will successfully help people quit smoking permanently.

$3.5 Million Grant Awarded to Montefiore Medical Center to Focus on Hepatitis C
Montefiore Medical Center received a $3.5 million grant as part of the $10 million Health Care Innovation Award from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services to identify, diagnose and treat people with hepatitis C (HCV), a project led by Dr. Alain Litwin.

#14Days: Dying for pain relief in the opioid epidemic
CBS News interviews Dr. Chinazo Cunningham about the growing problem of opioid painkiller abuse and addiction.

A Keynote, a New Oath and the First White Coat
Dr. Julia Arnsten delivered the keynote address to Einstein's class of 2018 and their families at the 2014 "On Becoming a Physician" ceremony.

General Internal Medicine Fellowship Welcomes First Fellows
The Montefiore Einstein General Internal Medicine Fellowship, a two-year program directed by Dr. Chinazo Cunningham that prepares general internists for an academic research career, welcomed Drs. Laila Khalid, Laurel Mohrmann, and Stella Safo in July 2014.
Strong Showing at Annual SGIM Meeting
Montefiore Einstein was one of the most represented institutions at this year's annual Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) meeting.
Don’t Call that Apple “Medicine” Just Yet
Dr. Paul Marantz comments on media coverage report that an apple a day would save as many lives as statins do. His post caught the eye of the BBC, who subsequently interviewed him about the study.
Doctor's Tablet
BBC interview

Why Aren't More Drug Treatment Centers Screening for HIV and Hep C?
Drs. Chinazo Cunningham and Marcus Bacchuber examine how screening for potentially deadly infectious diseases has dropped at for-profit opioid treatment programs over the past decade, which may unnecessarily delay the diagnosis and treatment of people enrolled in these programs and increase the chances that they will pass on infectious diseases to others.

New York Times Misses Mark on Buprenorphine Drug
In The Huffington Post, Drs. Chinazo Cunningham and Aaron Fox wrote about the importance of providing people battling opioid addiction with appropriate support and treatment, in response to a recent New York Times article focusing on the misuse and diversion of buprenorphine.
Researchers Receive $1.17 Million Grant to Develop Comparative Effectiveness Research Center
Dr. Julia Arnsten and fellow researchers were awarded a $1.17 million grant to support the Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research, a joint Montefiore Einstein project to compare the effectiveness of different prevention, screening and treatment options for economically underserved populations.
New Administrative Roles for Cunningham
Effective November 1, Dr. Chinazo Cunningham will take on two new roles in the Department of Medicine.
Arnsten Receives ECRIP Awards
Dr. Julia Arnsten is an esteemed recipients of the Empire Clinical Research Investigator Program (ECRIP) award for her work focuses\\ing on comparative effectiveness research.
EMR and the Doctor-Patient-Computer Divide
Dr. Sharon Parish discusses the challenge to connect with patients in the age of the electronic medical record.
Take the test: What you need and when you need it
Dr. Gary Rogg describes the 10 most important preventative tests that everyone needs. (amNEWYORK)
Dr. Viraj Patel was featured in the NY Times on "theSEXword," a Montefiore Einstein project using social media to educate gay men about H.I.V. and AIDS prevention. article
2013 Faculty Promotions
The Division of General Internal Medicine congratulates Drs. Alain Litwin, Sharon Parish, and Melissa Stein, who were promoted in 2013.
Inaugural Career Day Addresses Issues of Female Faculty
Dr. Julia Arnsten spoke at a day-long program addressing the underrepresentation of women in faculty positions.
Curbing Cervical Cancer
Dr. Kathryn Anastos found that women infected with HIV are more likely to have high-risk, and multiple types of, HPV infection and cervical precancer.
Beyond the Bedroom: The Importance of Sexual Health in Medicine
Dr. Sharon Parish discusses why conversations about sexual health need to be a part of visits to the doctor.
Screening for HIV-Related Cancers in Rwanda
Through a generous NIH training grant under Dr. Kathryn Anastos, Ruwandan research fellow Dr. Gad Murenzi to working to improve screening methods and reduce the number of Rwandan women who die from HIV-related cancers.
The Uganda Advantage
Physicians trained in global health settings bring home the benefits of stronger examination skills; improved bedside teaching; and a more evidence-based, cost-effective work style.
General Internal Medicine Announces New Primary Care Section
A new Primary Care Section, directed by Dr. Joe Deluca, will be established in January 2013.
2014-2015 Chief Residents Announced
The Montefiore Einstein Internal Medicine Residency Program proudly announces its Chief Residents for the 2014-2015 academic year.
Eye of the Storm
Montefiore Medical Center's hospitals, teaching clinics, and outpatient facilities remained open and operational throughout the course of Hurricane Sandy, thanks in part to General Internal Medicine faculty physicians's extraordinary effort.
Cunningham Invited to NIH Study Section
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham has joined, by invitation, the NIH Center for Scientific Review's Behavioral and Social Consequences of HIV/AIDS Study Section.
PC/SM Announces New Leadership
After sixteen years at Montefiore Einstein, including more than five as Director of the Primary Care/Social Internal Medicine Track, Dr. Hillary Kunins will be leaving at the end of June to take on a new position.
Conigliaro Selected as Residency Program Director
The Department of Medicine is pleased to announce the recruitment of Dr. Ro Conigliaro as Internal Medicine Residency Program Director.
Medicine Prominent at Clinical Research Training Program Graduation
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham presented the commencement address and seven of the thirteen graduates were in Internal Medicine at the Einstein CRTP's graduation ceremonies, held on June 1.
Doctors Lax in Monitoring Potentially Addicting Drugs
A new study led by Dr. Joanna Starrels has found that few primary care physicians pay adequate attention to patients taking prescription opioid drugs.
HIV & Cardiovascular Disease in Rwanda
Dr. Elizabeth Kiefer is investigating the connection of malnutrition, HIV, and inflammation in Rwandan women.
Faculty Appointments & Promotions
Drs. Martin J. Arron and Andrew H. Gutwein
Department of Medicine faculty members who were appointed or promoted in 2010.
Major Funding Awarded to Improve Treatment of Drug-Resistant TB and HIV Co-Infection
Dr. Neel Gandhi has received a five-year, $4 million grant for the first-ever prospective study of antiretroviral therapy for people in South Africa who are co-infected with MDR-tuberculosis and HIV.
PCSM Residency Features Innovative Curriculum, Technology
Hillary Kunins, director of the Montefiore Einstein Primary Care and Social Internal Medicine residency programs, discusses the program’s recently implemented training innovations.
Einstein Awarded NIH Grant to Study Drug-Resistant TB
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded Sarita Shah and colleagues at Albert Einstein College of Medicine a five-year, $3.9 million grant to study how extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) is transmitted in rural South Africa.
Hospitalist Program at Montefiore Einstein
William N. Southern, MD, Chief of the Section of Hospitalist Medicine, comments on a recent New York Times article on hospitalists.
Parish Elected President of ISSWSH
Dr. Sharon J. Parish was recently elected as First President Elect of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH).
Schlair Awarded National Faculty Development Fellowship
Sheira Schlair, MD, MS was recently accepted into the Facilitator-In-Training (FIT) national faculty development fellowship program sponsored by the American Academy on Communication in Healthcare (AACH).
Southern Wins Research Awards
William Southern, MD took first place at the SHM research abstract competition and won a Scholar's Abstract Award at ACRT/SCTS.
2010 SGIM Meeting
The Division of General Internal Medicine was in full force at the 2010 33rd annual meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine.
Medicine Faculty in the News
Sarita Shah was among faculty members represented in recent media.
Diversity Second Look Dinner and Visit
Seventeen minority medical students applying to the Internal Medicine Residency Program attended a Re-Visitation Day sponsored and hosted by the Diversity Affairs Committee, led by faculty members including those from the Division of General Internal Medicine.
New Faculty Welcomed
2009 welcomed a number of new General Internal Medicine faculty members.
Improving Einstein's Diversity
The Montefiore Einstein Diversity Affairs Committee, led by members of the Division of General Internal Medicine faculty, promotes cultural diversity among housestaff and faculty of the Department of Medicine.
2009 Academic Promotions
Congratulations go to General Internal Medicine faculty members approved for promotion in senior rank.
Medicine Faculty NIH Funding 2008-09
Julia Arnsten is among Einstein faculty members listed under "Internal Medicine" as primary or secondary appointments who received significant NIH funding from September 2008 to September 2009.
Using Patient Data for Health Services Research
Long known to illuminate clinical studies, hospital databases can be a goldmine in tackling some of the nation's most complex, challenging healthcare issues.
Arnsten Receives Faculty Mentoring Award
Julia Arnsten Mentoring Award presented at Einstein's Davidoff Education Day.
Southern Appointed Chief of Hospital Medicine
Dr. William Southern has been appointed Chief of a new Section of Hospital Medicine within the Division of General Internal Medicine.
Santana to Champion Quality Improvement Initiative
Dr. Calie Santana joined the Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine in September 2008 as the Associate Director of Quality, a newly created role created in part as a response to the increasing demand for higher quality of care from regulatory and accreditation bodies, patient groups, and payers.
CHCC's Buprenorphrine Program Offers Drug Users More Options
Frustrated by the lack of drug treatment options for substance-using patients in the Bronx, Dr. Chinazo Cunningham turned her attention to buprenorphine, enabling patient-centered addiction treatment outside of highly regulated settings.
Recent Faculty Accomplishments
Felise Milan chaired the search committee for the new Associate Dean of Medical Education.
GIM Faculty Achievements
Hillary Kunins, Shadi Nahvi, William Southern, Alain Litwin, and Sarita Shah were recognized for recent scholarly accomplishments.
Appointments and Promotions
General Internal Medicine faculty were well represented among the 2008 appointments and promotions.
Arnsten to Lead CFAR Core
Dr. Julia Arnsten, Chief of the Division of General Internal Medicine and Professor of Medicine, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, and Epidemiology & Population Health, has agreed to take over as Director of the Montefiore Einstein Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Clinical Core Facility
Loehner Appointed Montefiore Service Chief
Dr. John Loehner, a former chief resident, has taken the position of Service Chief at Moses.
Southern Appointed Associate Director, Medical Service
Will Southern, M.D., has been appointed to the position of Associate Director of the Medical Service, Weiler Division.
More Division Info
General Internal Medicine academic faculty listing.
Hospitals and Facilities
Clinical care, medical education, and research activity takes place at Montefiore Medical Center, Weiler Hospital, Montefiore Comprehensive Family Care Center, Montefiore Comprehensive Health Care Center, Montefiore Ambulatory Medical Practice, and Einstein Division of Substance Abuse.