Beginning January 1, 2013, a new Primary Care Section will be established within the Division of General Internal Medicine.

Joseph Deluca, MD The goal of the Primary Care Section will be to improve continuity and quality of care across the three Internal Medicine adult primary care resident teaching sites (Family Care Center (FCC) Adult Medical Practice, Comprehensive Health Care Center (CHCC), and Comprehensive Family Care Center (CFCC) Adult Medical Practice). To achieve this goal, the Primary Care Section will develop plans and procedures for ensuring clinical productivity and quality, teaching excellence, and accountable, accessible, and continuous primary care by attending and resident Internal Medicine physicians. The Primary Care Section will also seek to improve retention of attending physicians and recruitment into primary care by graduating residents.
To direct the Primary Care Section, Dr. Joseph Deluca will be named Associate Division Chief for Clinical Affairs. Working closely with the Montefiore Medical Group, Dr. Deluca will focus on policies regarding patient volume, attending/resident panel size, and non-physician staffing needs in the three teaching practices, and will also coordinate our response to quality initiatives. Dr. Deluca will remain Medical Director at CHCC.
In addition, Dr. Gianni Carrozzi has assumed the role of Associate Medical Director for the FCC Adult Medical Practice. On January 1, 2013, Dr. Reena Agarwal will assume the role of Associate Medical Director for the CFCC Adult Medical Practice. In these roles, Drs. Carrozzi and Agarwal will focus on clinic systems and workflows, faculty development, educational curricula, and quality improvement initiatives.
All Internal Medicine Physicians who work in the three teaching practices will be members of the Primary Care Section. Drs. Elisabeth Ihler and Marta Rico will continue as Medical Directors at FCC and CFCC, and will remain the key points of contact for all practice-related issues.