Welcome to the Assessment, Evaluation, and Quality Improvement (AEQI) unit of Einstein's Office of Medical Education. The AEQI team develops and manages the evaluation system for all courses, clerkships, and other educational programs offered by the College of Medicine and provides a multitude of educational resources for faculty and students.
Evaluation Activities
Curriculum Evaluation Policies and Procedures
Einstein's online evaluation systems allow students to complete their course and clerkship evaluations more thoughtfully and away from the stress of the exam room. This process also speeds up the data entry and data analysis procedures, and enables us to provide a timely and comprehensive picture of student opinions about the curriculum. All evaluations contain a combination of fixed-response and open-ended questions.
End-of-course and clerkship evaluations are mandatory for all students. Einstein considers it part of each student’s professional responsibility to provide constructive feedback on the curriculum. Student feedback is shared routinely with course and clerkship leaders, education deans, heads of curriculum committees, and with individual faculty members in the belief that meaningful improvement in the curriculum will result.
The data we gather and report are aggregate data. To safeguard student confidentiality, Einstein’s policy has always been to release all course and clerkship evaluation data AFTER grades have been sent to the Registrar. This ensures that the grading of students and the evaluation of the curriculum are completely separate processes.
If you have questions or suggestions about our web-based evaluation systems, please contact Dr. Burton at 718.430.4259, or william.burton@einsteinmed.edu.
Resources for Faculty
Database of Teaching Evaluation
The Office of Medical Education has a team that prepares and stores annual data on the teaching performance of basic science faculty in pre-clerkship courses and clinical faculty and residents teaching in the clerkships. Individual teaching evaluations are sent to basic science faculty (through the course leader) following each course. They also receive an end-of-year “Report Card” summarizing their teaching scores for that year.
Annually, clerkship directors receive quantitative and qualitative evaluations for all clinical teachers (site leaders, attendings, preceptors) in their respective departments. They also receive copies of individual evaluations to distribute to each clinical teacher.
At any time during the year, faculty members may request a summary of their individual teaching evaluations by contacting Dr. William Burton at at 718.430.4259, or william.burton@einsteinmed.edu.
Dr. Burton also provides assistance for faculty working on research projects. This can include help in the following areas: developing study designs, designing surveys, setting up project databases, and offering advice regarding the proper statistical tests to run.
Contact Us
For any further information, questions or assistance, please contact us.
William Burton, Ph.D.