Office of Faculty Development

Career Day

The Annual Career Day for Women co-sponsored with The Graduate Division of Biomedical Sciences is an annual full day event dedicated to career development focusing on issues important to female faculty. Mentoring, breaking the glass ceiling, moving into leadership roles, and negotiations were among the themes of recent Career Days. Plenary speakers have included, Deborah Helitzer, Sc.D., Dr. Jo Ivey Boufford, Dr. Sandra Daley, Dr. Griffin Rodgers and Dr. R. Kevin Grigsby. The highly inspirational day also gives faculty an opportunity to network. 

In 2017, Career Day took place on Thursday, February 2 and centered on promoting resilience and self-care in the face of the multiple challenges we encounter, both as researchers and clinical educators. Dr. Hope Ricciotti of Harvard Medical School set the tone for the day as she discussed how we develop resilience in these uncertain times. Our own Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski, followed the plenary talk and shared her own experiences leading a panel discussion exploring the ways we can get our "foot through the open door." During the afternoon, Dr. Sandra K. Masur shared her insights and years of mentoring experience to help round out the day.


Stay tuned for Career Day 2022


2017 Event Agenda