
The Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Einstein) is one of the nation's premier institutions for medical education, basic research and clinical investigation. A full-time faculty of more than 2,000 teaches, delivers health care and conducts research in every major biomedical specialty. There are about 225 research groups supported by over $192 million dollars in NIH research grant support in which students can perform their Ph.D. thesis research.

From an original class size of 56, the College of Medicine has evolved into one of the largest medical schools in the country. Today, the student body includes 737 M.D. students, 209 Ph.D. students attending the Einstein Graduate Division, and 126 MD-PhD students in the Medical Scientist Training Program. There are approximately 240 postdoctoral investigators currently receiving advance training at our Belfer Institute for Advanced Biomedical Studies. Approximately 9,000 Einstein alumni are among the nation's foremost clinicians, biomedical scientists, and medical educators.