Student Council

The Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) Student Council (MSC) was formed to:

  1. Represent the views and interests of the Einstein MSTP students,
  2. Facilitate communication among MSTP students, faculty, and Einstein administration,
  3. Participate in organizing recruitment events for Einstein MSTP applicants,
  4. Provide academic, professional, and social support to MSTP students, and
  5. Organize events such as: Translational Speaker Event, Qualifying Exam and STEP 1 Exam panels, Faculty Appreciation Winter Mixer, Match Panel, Back-to-the-Wards Party, Coffee Hours, New Student Welcome BBQ, and much more!

All MSTP students are members, and are encouraged to attend meetings and participate in efforts to achieve the goals stated above.


Current MSC Officers

Blake Ebert

Blake Ebert 

Caitlin Hills

Vice President
Caitlin Hills 

Kevin Tao

Kevin Tao 

Vaishnavi Mahalingam

Vaishnavi Mahalingam