Marmur Awardees

The Julius Marmur Award highlights the research contributions of our graduate students. Marmur Awardees present their work to the Einstein community at the Annual Julius Marmur Symposium. 

A major consideration for selecting the awardees was the likelihood that the work of these students will have high impact on their field of study.

*Current positions updated on yearly basis.  Last update: March 2022  

25th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 22, 2021

Helen Belalcazar, Ph.D. '21

For her work “The intellectual disability-associated protein KDM5 regulates synaptic structure and function” 

Mentor: Dr. Julie Secombe
Department of Genetics

Marta Gronska-Peski, Ph.D. '20

For her work “Diverse roles of FGFRs in the hippocampal adult neurogenesis ” 

Mentor: Dr. Jean Hebert
Department of Neuroscience

Joshua Weinreb, M.D., Ph.D. '22

For his work “Uncovering the roles of DDX41 in hematopoiesis” 

Mentors: Dr. Teresa Bowman, Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology


24th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 16, 2020

Jeetayu Biswas, M.D., Ph.D. '21

For his work “RNA binding proteins, mechanisms underlying recognition of targets” 

Mentor: Dr. Robert Singer
Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology

Current Position: Internal Medicine Resident at Weill Cornell (Medical Research Track)


Hannah Monday, Ph.D. '21

For her work “Presynaptic protein synthesis supports structural and functional plasticity in the adult mammalian brain ” 

Mentor: Dr. Pablo Castillo
Department of Neuroscience

Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley

Justin Wheat

Justin Wheat, M.D., Ph.D. '21

For his work “Single Molecule Imaging of Transcription Dynamics in Somatic Stem Cells” 

Mentors: Dr. Ulrich Steidl, Department of Cell Biology and Dr. Robert Singer, Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology

Current Position: Internal Medicine Resident, Brigham and Women's Hosptial




23rd Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 18, 2019

Jiahao Chen

Jiahao Chen, Ph.D. '19

For his work “Myelodysplastic Syndromes Progression to Acute Myeloid Leukemia at the Stem Cell Level” 

Mentor: Dr. Ulirich Steidl  
Department of Cell Biology

Current Position: Senior Scientist, Stelexis Therapeutics

Anthony Gizzi

Anthony Gizzi, Ph.D. '18

For his work “A naturally occurring antiviral ribonucleotide encoded by the human genome: A unifying mechanism for the antiviral effects of the radical SAM protein viperin” 

Mentor: Dr. Steven Almo
Department of Biochemistry

Current Position: Senior Scientist, Autonomous Therapeutics

Penelope Ruiz

Penelope Ruiz, Ph.D. '19

For his work “Dissecting the functions of macroH2A1 in transcriptional regulation and the DNA damage response” 

Mentor: Dr. Matthew Gamble
Department of Molecular Pharmacology

Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Rockefeller University

22nd Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 19, 2018

Denis Ruiz

Denis Reyna Ruiz, Ph.D. '18

For his work “Direct Activation of BAX by BTSA1 Overcomes Apoptosis Resistance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia” 

Mentor: Dr. Evripidis Gavathiotis
Department of Biochemistry

Current Position: Senior Research Scientist, Arvinas

Christopher Warren

Christopher Warren, Ph.D. '18

For his work “Structural Regulation of Histone Chaperone Function by Intrinsically Disordered Regions and Acidic Streches” 

Mentor: Dr. David Shechter
Department of Biochemistry

Current Position: Senior Scientist, Infectious Diseases and Vaccines, Merck

Ali Zahalka

Ali Zahalka, M.D., Ph.D. '19

For his work “Adrenergic nerves activate an angio-metabolic switch in prostate cancer” 

Mentor: Dr. Paul Frenette
Department of Cell Biology

Current Position: Urology Resident, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


21st Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 20, 2017

Lily Cao

Longyue (Lily) Cao, M.D./Ph.D. '18

For her work “Control of mitochondrial function and cell growth by the atypical cadherin Fat1”
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Nicholas Sibinga
Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology

Current Position: Pediatrics Resident, Boston Children’s Hospital

Halley Pierce

Halley Pierce, Ph.D. '17

For her work “Central nervous system Chrm1 signals prime hematopoietic stem cells for mobilization via a glucocorticoid mediated relay”
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Paul Frenette
Department of Cell Biology

Current Position: Group Director, Medical Affairs, IMPRINT Science

Robert Stanley

Robert Stanley, M.D./Ph.D. '18

For his work “A myeloid tumor suppressor role for NOL3”
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Ulrich Steidl
Department of Cell Biology

Current Position: Resident, Internal Medicine, New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center

Anna Wec

Anna Wec, Ph.D. '18

For her work “A ‘Trojan Horse’ Bispecific Antibody Strategy Broadly Protects Against Ebolaviruses”
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Kartik Chandran
Department of Microbiology & Immunology

Current Position: Platform Team Lead, Senior Scientist, Dyno Therapeutics


20th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 21, 2016

Philip Campbell

Philip D. Campbell, M.D./Ph.D. '17

For his work "Vital roles of Kinesins in development and disease in zebrafish"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Florence Marlow
Department: Developmental and Molecular Biology

Current Position: Psychiatry Resident, University of Pennsylvania

Fanny Cazettes

Fanny Cazettes, Ph.D. '16

For her work "How the brain handles sensory uncertainty"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Jose Luis Pena
Department: Neuroscience

Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon Portugal

Veronica Miskolci

Veronica Miskolci, Ph.D. '16

For her work "Optical tools to study the isoform-specific roles of small GTPases in immune cells"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Dianne Cox & Dr. Louis Hodgson
Department: Anatomy & Structural Biology

Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dachuan Zhang

Dachuan Zhang, Ph.D. '16

For his work "Neutrophil aging is regulated by the microbiome"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Paul Frenette
Department: Cell Biology

Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

19th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 23, 2015


Rachel Freemont, M.D./Ph.D. '16

For her work "The role of the cerebellum and cerebello-basal ganglia interactions in dystoniar"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Kamran Khodakhah
Department: Neuroscience

Current Position: Resident, Department of Psychiatry, New York Presbyterian-Columbia University


Jamie Schneider, M.D./Ph.D. '16

For her work "Consequences of selective blockage of chaperone-mediated autophagy in vivo"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo
Department: Developmental & Molecular Biology

Current Position: Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital


Thomas Younts, Ph.D. '14

For his work "Presynaptic forms of long-term plasticity in the mammalian hippocampus"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Pablo Castillo 
Department: Neuroscience

Current Position: Newton Fellow, University College London

18th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 24, 2014

Michelle Antoine

Michelle Antoine, Ph.D. '13

For her work "Impacts of inner ear dysfunction on brain activity and behavior"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Jean Hebert
Department: Neuroscience

Current Position: Stadtman tenure-track investigator, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), NIH

Adina Buxbaum

Adina Buxbaum, Ph.D. '14

For her work "Single beta-actin mRNA detection in neurons reveals a mechanism for regulating its translatability"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Robert H. Singer
Department: Anatomy & Structural Biology
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, San Diego

Carlyn Patterson

Carlyn Patterson, M.D./Ph.D. '14

For her work "Effects of adaptation in the visual motion processing hierarchy"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Adam Kohn
Department: Neuroscience
Current Position: Attending Physician, Child Neurology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

17th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 18, 2013

Laura Barreyro

Laura Barreyro, Ph.D. '14

For her work "Molecular characterization of stem and progenitor cells in acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Ulrich Steidl
Department: Cell Biology

Current Position: Senior Scientist, Oncology Translational Research, Janssen Pharmaceutical 

Hashem Dbouk

Hashem Dbouk, Ph.D. '13

For his work "Regulation of p110β signaling and functions by interacting proteins"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Jonathan Backer 
Department: Molecular Pharmacology 

Current Position: Associate Scientific Director, Ashfield Healthcare Communications

Xiaoxuan Jia

Xiaoxuan Jia, Ph.D. '12

For her work "Effects of adaptation in the visual motion processing hierarchy"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Adam Kohn
Department: Neuroscience

Current Position: Senior Scientist, Allen Institute for Brain Science 

Clarissa Melo Czekster

Clarissa Melo Czekster, Ph.D. '12

For her work "Mechanistic characterization of enzymes involved in tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. John Blanchard 
Department: Biochemistry

Current Position: Sir Henry Dale Fellow, University of St. Andrews, Scotland UK 

16th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 26, 2012

Abhishek Bhattacharya

Abhishek Bhattacharya, Ph.D. '11

For his work "A Novel Transcriptional Network of Broadly Expressed HLH Genes: Regulating Tissue Specific Cell Fates"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Nicholas Baker
Department: Genetics

Current Position: Faculty, National Centre for Biological Sciences

Vivek Patel

Vivek Patel, M.D./Ph.D. '13

For his work "Spatial Arrangement of Conserved RNA Recognition Elements Marks Targets for Post-transcriptional Control"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Jonathan Backer 
Department: Anatomy & Structural Biology

Current Position: Radiation Oncologist at Concord Hospital

Yong Zhang

Yong Zhang, Ph.D. '11

For his work "Targeting Pyrimidine Synthesis in Plasmodium Falciparum with Transition State Analogues of Orotate Phosphoribosyltransferase"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Vern L. Schramm
Department: Biochemistry

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Southern California

15th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 21, 2011

Catherine Liu

Catherine Liu, M.D./Ph.D. '12

For her work "Unlocking the secrets of the E1 homotrimerization reaction during Semliki Forest virus membrane fusion"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Margaret Kielian
Department: Cell Biology

Current Position: Ophthalmologist at the Shiley Eye Institute

Diany Paola Calderon

Diany Paola Calderon, Ph.D. '10

For her work "The neural substrates of Rapid-Onset Dystonia-Parkinsonism"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Kamran Khodakhah
Department: Neuroscience

Current Position: Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, Weill Cornell Medical College 

Rotem Rubenstein

Rotem Rubenstein, Ph.D. '11

For his work "Functional classification and structural characterization of immune regulatory proteins"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Steven Almo & Dr. Andras Fiser
Department: Biochemistry

Current Position: Principle Investigator, Tel Aviv University 

14th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 22, 2010

George Han

George Han, M.D./Ph.D. '11

For his work "Nitric Oxide Releasing Nanoparticles: Development, Characterization, and Application of a Novel Therapeutic" 

Thesis Mentor: Dr. Joel M. Friedman
Department: Physiology & Biophysics 

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 

Kurt Marsden

Kurt Marsden, Ph.D. '10

For his work "NMDA receptor activation potentiates inhibitory synapses in the hippocampus" 

Thesis Mentor: Dr. Reed Carroll
Department: Neuroscience

Current Position: Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at North Carolina State University

Melissa Smith

Melissa Smith, Ph.D. '11

For her work "Development of targeted therapies for rhabdoid tumors based on the function of the INI1 tumor suppressor"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Ganjam V. Kalpana
Department: Genetics

Current Position: Assistant Professor in Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine 

Hongbo Wang

Hongbo Wang, Ph.D. '09

For his work "Rb deficiency-induced tumorigenesis depends on an Rb-Skp2-p27T187p pathway" 

Thesis Mentor: Dr. Liang Zhu
Department: Developmental & Molecular Biology

Current Position: Anatomic Pathologist, Aurora Diagnostics

13th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 23, 2009

Irene Jarchum

Irene Jarchum, Ph.D. '09

For her work "From mice to men and back again: IGRP and insulin as targets of the autoimmune attack in type 1 diabetes" 

Thesis Mentor: Dr. Teresa DiLorenzo
Department: Microbiology & Immunology 

Current Position: Associate Director, International Immuno-Oncology Network (II-ON)

Susmita Kaushik

Susmita Kaushik, Ph.D. '08

For her work "Mechanisms of regulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo
Department: Developmental & Molecular Biology 

Current Position: Instructor, Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine  

Hyungbae Kwon

Hyungbae Kwon, Ph.D. '08

For his work "Synaptic plasticity at hippocampal mossy fiber to CA3 pyramidal cell synapses" 

Thesis Mentor: Dr. Pablo Castillo
Department: Neuroscience

Current Position: Associate Professor of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University   

Irene Puga

Irene Puga, Ph.D. '08

For her work "Regulation of T cell anergy by Caspase 3" 

Thesis Mentor: Dr. Fernando Macian
Department: Pathology

Current Position: Scientific Manager, "la Caixa" Banking Foundation

12th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 21, 2008

Boris Heifets

Boris Heifets, M.D./Ph.D. '09

For his work "Molecular mechanisms for a novel form of coincidence detection at inhibitory synapses in the brain" 

Thesis Mentor: Dr. Pablo Castillo
Department: Neuroscience

Current Position: Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Stanford University School of Medicine 


Shaeri Mukherjee, Ph.D. '07

For her work "The role of the Golgi vesicle protein p115 in apoptosis and mitosis"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Dennis Shields
Department: Developmental & Molecular Biology 

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine  

Kyuang Min Noh

Kyuang-Min Noh, Ph.D. '08

For her work "REST-dependent epigenetic remodeling of AMPA receptors is critical to ischemia induced neuronal death" 

Thesis Mentor: Dr. Michael Bennett & Dr. R. Suzanne Zukin
Department: Neuroscience 

Current Position: Group Leader, European Molecular Biology Laboratory 

11th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 29, 2007

Erhu Cao

Erhu Cao, Ph.D. '07

For his work "T Cell Immunoglobulin Mucin 3 Crystal Structure Reveals a Novel Ligand Binding Surface"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Stanley G. Nathenson
Department: Cell Biology

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Utah 

Ashish Massey

Ashish Massey, Ph.D. '08, MD '13

For his work "Cellular Consequences of the Selective Blockage of Chaperone-mediated Autophagy"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo
Department: Anatomy & Structural Biology 

Current Position: Clinical Consultant, General Oncology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 

Sean McBride

Sean McBride, M.D./Ph.D. '10

For his work "Pharmacological Reversal of Age Dependent Behavioral Plasticity Deficits in a Drosophila Model of Alzheimer's Disease"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Thomas V. McDonald 
Department: Molecular Pharmacology 

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology, School of Osteopathic Medicine at Rowan University  

10th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 22, 2006

Jelena Arnold

Jelena Arnold, Ph.D. '06

For her work "Role of TBX1, the 22q11 Deletion Syndrome candidate gene, in mouse development"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Bernice Morrow
Department: Genetics

Current Position: Director, Clinical Strategy, Medscape 

Maofu Liao

Maofu Liao, Ph.D. '06

For his work "Characterization and Inhibition of Class II viral membrane fusion proteins"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Margaret Kielian
Department: Cell Biology

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School 

Vipender Singh

Vipender Singh, Ph.D. '06

For his work "Transition States and Analogues for MTAP and MTAN "
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Vern Schramm
Department: Biochemistry

Current Position: Investigator/Lab Head, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR)

Joy Walter

Joy Walter, Ph.D. '07

For her work "Decreases in the precision of intrinsic Purkinjue cell pace-making cause cerebellar dysfunction and ataxia"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Kamran Khodakhah
Department: Neuroscience

Current Position: Science Teacher, Lincoln Park High School

9th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, April 7, 2005

Laura Antar

Laura Antar, M.D./Ph.D. '06

For her work "Sunrise at the synapse: FMRP shapes the synaptic interface"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Gary Bassell
Department: Neuroscience

Current Position: Psychiatrist, New City, New York 

Peng Ji

Peng Ji, Ph.D. '06

For his work "Skp2 connects Rb, cyclin A, and p27kip1 in oncogenesis"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Liang Zhu
Department: Developmental & Molecular Biology

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine 

Utpal Pajvani

Utpal Pajvani, M.D./Ph.D. '05

For his work "FAT-ATTAC - an inducible, reversible fatless mouse model"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Philippe Scherer
Department: Cell Biology 

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Medicine (Endocrinology), Columbia University Medical Center 

Huafeng Xie

Huafeng Xie, Ph.D. '06

For his work "Stepwise reprogramming of B cells into macrophages"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Thomas Graf
Department: Developmental & Molecular Biology 

Current Position: Principle Investigator at the School of Medicine/Institutes for Life Science, South China University of Technology Institutes for Life Sciences

8th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 18, 2004

Eliah Aronoff-Spencer

Eliah Aronoff-Spencer, M.D./Ph.D. '06

For his work "The structure and function of neurotoxic proteins: Biochemical and biophysical studies of metal binding and conformation-encoded pathogenesis of prion protein"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Peter Davies, Dr. Gary J. Gerfen, Dr. Jack Peisach
Department: Physiology & Biophysics

Current Position: Assistant Physician and Design Lab on Health Technology and System Design, UCSD School of Medicine 

Scott Lieberman

Scott Lieberman, M.D./Ph.D. '05

For his work "A study of pathogenic CD8˖ T Cells in autoimmune diabetes"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Teresa DiLorenzo
Department: Microbiology & Immunology

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics (Rheumatology), University of Iowa College of Medicine/Children's Hospital 

Michael Rajala, M.D./Ph.D. '05

For his work "The role of resistin in insulin resistance and Type II Diabetes"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Philippe Scherer
Department: Cell Biology

Current Position: Gastroenterologist with Einstein Healthcare Network in Philadelphia, PA

7th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 27, 2003

Don Gibbons

Don Gibbons, M.D./Ph.D. '04

For his work "Biochemical and structural studies of the semliki forest virus fusion protein"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Margaret Kielian
Department: Cell Biology 

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston

Yonathan Melman

Yonathan Melman, M.D./Ph.D. '05

For his work "Control of the KvLQT1 potassium channel by KCNE proteins"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Thomas V. McDonald
Department: Molecular Pharmacology

Current Position: Physician, Department of Electrophysiology, Intermountain Healthcare in Utah 

Caroline Woo

Caroline Woo, Ph.D. '03

For her work "V region chromatin modifications are associated with the induction of mutation in BL2 cells"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Matthew D. Scharff
Department: Cell Biology

Current Position: Director of Pharmacology at Translate Bio

6th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 21, 2002

Anna Kagan

Anna Kagan, M.D./Ph.D. '04

For her work "14-3-3 Mediates PKA Regulation of the Herg K˖ Channel"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Thomas V. McDonald
Department: Molecular Pharmacology

Current Position: FASN Transplant Nephrologist, Methodist J.C. Walter Jr. Transplant Center 

Brett Lewis

Brett Lewis, M.D./Ph.D. '04

For his work "Isotope Effects and Molecular Changes in Glucose: Anomeric Equilibrium and Binding to Human Brain Hexokinase"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Vern Schramm     
Department: Biochemistry

Current Position: Physician in Radiation Oncology at Hackensack University Medical Center.

Babak Razani

Babak Razani, M.D./Ph.D. '03

For his work "Caveolin-1 Deficient mice are lean, resistant to diet-induced obesity, and show hypertriglyceridemia with adipocyte abnormalities"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Michael Lisanti
Department: Molecular Pharmacology

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine 

Jean-Claude Schwartz

Jean-Claude Schwartz, M.D./Ph.D. '03

For his work "Structural basis for T cell regulation by CTLA-4"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Stanley G. Nathenson
Department: Microbiology & Immunology 

Current Position: Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon, Georgia Breast Surgery 

Xuewu Zhang

Xuewu Zhang, Ph.D. '03

For his work "Structural basis for T cell regulation by CTLA-4"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Stanley G. Nathenson
Department: Cell Biology

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Biophysics, UT Southwestern Medical Center

5th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 22, 2001

Gregory Kicska

Gregory Kicska, M.D./Ph.D. '03

For his work "Disrupting purine salvage is selectively toxic to T-Cells and plasmodium falciparum"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Vern L. Schramm
Department: Biochemistry

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Washington 

Jian-Yu Lan

Jian-Yu Lan, Ph.D. '01

For his work "Protein kinase C modulates NMDA receptor trafficking and gating"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. R. Suzanne Zukin
Department: Neuroscience 

Current Position: Consultant, Solution Design, Alcatel-Lucent (China)

Amnon Schlegel

Amnon Schlegel, M.D./Ph.D. '02

For his work "Caveolin-1 , mechanistic insights into membrane attachment"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Michael Lisanti
Department: Molecular Pharmacology 

Current Position: Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Adjunct Associate Professor of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology at the University of Utah

4th Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 23, 2000

Alexis Kalergis, Ph.D. '00

For her work "Role of αβ TCR complementarity-determining regions in antigen binding, recognition and T cell function"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Stanley G. Nathenson
Department: Microbiology & Immunology 

Current Position: Professor/Director, Millennium Institute on Immunology & Immunotherapy, Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile  

Wenjie Luo, Ph.D. '01

For her work "Membrane Traffic and Quality Control in Yeast"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Amy Chang
Department: Anatomy & Structural Biology 

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Brain & Mind Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medical College

Igor Matushansky, M.D./Ph.D. '01

For his work "Reprogramming Tumor Cells into Terminal Differentiation:  Role of Cell Cycle Regulators"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Athur Skoultchi
Department: Cell Biology 

Current Position: Clinical Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology at Columbia University. He is also the Chief Medical Officer and Global Head of Research and Development at Hookipa Pharma

3rd Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, March 25, 1999

Benjamin Braunheim, Ph.D. '99

For his work "Theoretical Prediction of Binding Affinity and the Design of Bioactive Properties"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Steven Schwartz 
Department: Physiology & Biophysics 

Current Position:System Director, Data Science at Bon Secours Mercy Health

Richard Lee, M.D./Ph.D. '01

For his work "Follicle Cell Expression of the Drosophila pipe Gene Defines Dorsal Ventral Polarity in the Embryo"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. David Stein
Department: Molecular Genetics 

Current Position: Assistant Physician, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital 

Jonaki Sen, Ph.D. '01

For his work "Follicle Cell Expression of the Drosophila pipe Gene Defines Dorsal Ventral Polarity in the Embryo"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. David Stein
Department: Molecular Genetics

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology 

Wei Tong, Ph.D. '00

For his work "Sex Steroid Hormone Regulation of the Cell Cycle and Its Impact on Female Fertility"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Jeffrey Pollard
Department: Developmental & Molecular Biology

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania  

2nd Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, April 9, 1998

Shani Bialik, Ph.D. '98

For her work "Molecular Regulators of Ischemia-Induced Cardiac Myocyte Apoptosiss"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Richard Kitsis
Department: Cell Biology 

Current Position: Consultant for the Kimchi Lab at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel

Nicole Mahoney, Ph.D. '99

For her work "The Role of Profilin in Site Specific Actin Assembly"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Steve Almo
Department: Biochemistry  

Current Position: Executive Director, US Regulatory Policy & Intelligence, Novartis

Oleg Varlamov, Ph.D. '98

For his work "Carboxypeptidases in the Processing and Sorting of Neuroendocrine Peptides"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Lloyd Fricker
Department: Molecular Pharmacology

Current Position: Scientist, Oregon Health & Science University  

1st Annual Julius Marmur Awardees, April 17, 1997

Mark Mu-Quan Lin, Ph.D. '97

For his work "Antibody V Region Hypermutation  in Vitro"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Matthew D. Scharff 
Department: Cell Biology 

Current Position: Director of the Section of Movement, Department of Neurology, MedStar Washington Hospital Center 

Magali Reyes, M.D./Ph.D. '99

For her work "Must what goes up, come down?  Investigations of the Signal Transduction Cascades Involved in Long-Term Depression of Synaptic Transmissions."
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Patric K. Stanton
Department: Neuroscience 

Current Position: CEO and President, Cohen Veterans Bioscience Inc.  

Tsu-Shuen Tsao, Ph.D. '97

For his work "Role of Skeletal Muscle Glucose Transporter 4 (GLUT4) in Micro- and Macro-Glucosde Homeostasis"
Thesis Mentor: Dr. Maureen Charron
Department: Biochemistry

Current Position: Staff Scientist at Ventana Medical Systems