Einstein's Graduate Student Council gives students a formal voice in the operations of the graduate program. The council seeks to enhance the academic and social environment at Einstein. The GSC elects student delegates to a variety of committee, such as the Graduate Executive Committee (GEC), the Faculty Senate, and the Quality of Life Committee. GSC meetings are held on a monthly basis and are the best venue for a graduate student's voice to be heard.
The GSC also plans social events and community service activities, maintains an active student listserv, and manages the Big Brother/Big Sister program, in which each entering student is paired with an older student who serves as a guide and confidante during the first year. There is also a Student Council representing MSTP students.
The objectives of the GSC are to provide an agency for the coordination of graduate student activities and programs toward common goals and interests. We promote and enrich the academic and educational objectives of Einstein by funding and sponsoring events applicable to the intellectual, educational, and cultural interests of graduate students. We seek the improvement of graduate student education through active and permanent communication with governing bodies at Einstein such as the Graduate School, University Administration, Student Government, and Einstein Senate. We appoint representatives to positions reserved for graduate students on official University committees and serve as an official medium of communication between graduate students and faculty and the administration. The GSC meets once a month (usually the last Wednesday of the month at noon) to discuss issues concerning the graduate students and to update everyone on the activity of different committees at Einstein.
The officer positions make up the GSC Executive Board. All officers of the GSC must be elected. The officer positions consist of Co-Chair(s), Secretary, and Treasurer. The co-chairs act as primary representative of GSC and serve as chair of the Executive Board. The treasurer is responsible for all financial workings of the organization in accordance with Student Government rules and regulations. The secretary is responsible for sending out meeting notices, agendas, minutes.
Anastasia Nizhnik, Co-chair
Imran Jan, Co-chair
John Connolly, Treasurer
Illana Karp, Secretary
Sarah Aminov, Senator
Gracelyn Richmond, Einstein Student Governing Board
Juan Sepulveda, Einstein Student Governing Board
Margarette Mariano, Quality of Life Committee
Zipporiah Bush, Quality of Life Committee
Thomas Bassett, Graduate Executive Committee
Kristen Jew, Graduate Executive Committee
Marliette Rodriguez Matos, Graduate Curriculum Committee
Kyle Aronson, Graduate Curriculum Committee
Zipporiah Bush
Esteban Uceda Arias-Stella
Yesenia Cedeno, Liaison, GSC/Graduate School
Rachel Ramos, 1st Year Student Representative
Kyle Aronson, Event Planning Committee