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Please see "Frequently Asked Questions" to find out the difference between: IACUC animal study proposal review in a convened meeting and "expedited" review, and when is it appropriate to use the latter. |
Before preparing your animal use protocol, you might be interested in reviewing the pamphlet What Investigators Need to Know About Animal Use (NIH Publication No. 05-6009). All protocols and addenda MUST be submitted through eSIRIUS (online protocol submission program). To obtain access and training for eSIRIUS, contact anyone listed below:
Adding or Removing Personnel: If you need to add personnel or remove personnle, you must file an amendment in eSIRIUS. If the name of the person you are attempting to add to the protocol does not appear on the dropdown menu in eSIRIUS, ONLY AFTER person has been medically cleared and completed all required CITI online training, you should complete "New Personnel Form" and submit to IACUC by email. The information provided on the form will be entered into eSIRIUS and you will be notified so that you may then submit addendum to add personnel.
Use of Einstein Core Facility: If you will be obtaining services from an Einstein Core Facility, you must complete the following template, obtain signature for Core Director, and attach to protocol or addendum before routing protocol or addendum to IACUC for review - Template for Use of Einstein Core Facility.
If any information you are attempting to enter does not appear on any of the dropdown menus in eSIRIUS, send an email to: iacuc@einsteinmed.edu.
If you have any questions regarding grants, please contact the IACUC Grant Specialist, Dr. Silvia Racedo, at 718.839.7152.
- Animal Use Assurance Statement (AA-1 Form) – This form may be used for renewals, continuations, and revisions/supplementals. However please note the following: If you check items 3A-E “NO”, the grant does not have to be routed to the IACUC. If you check "YES" to any item under 3, then the grant must be routed to the IACUC. The grant will be marked "Pending" and the IACUC will authorize submission of the grant.
- Memorandum of Understanding - For any animal research involving a collaboration between Einstein and a pre-assured institution.
- Inter-institutional Assurance - Required when Awardee Institution Lacks a PHS Assurance