Facilities Management & Engineering

Facilities Engineering & Operations

Facilities Engineering & Operations is headed by Anthony Khani. Facilities Engineering & Operations is responsible for all heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, monitoring of research-associated equipment (such as environmental rooms and freezers), and all other building systems necessary to support the research community. Investigators or their designees are notified immediately of any malfunction of monitored research equipment. Facilities Engineering & Operations includes the Machine Shop having the ability to support the scientific community by providing high quality, customized parts. Our machinists can help custom design and develop your specifications to a finished product.

Anthony Khani, MBA
Senior Director, Engineering Operations

Teléfono: 718.430.4191
Correo electrónico: akhani@montefiore.org 

Andrew Morales, B.E, PMP
Plant Manager
Teléfono: 718.430.3687
Correo electrónico: Andrew.morales@einsteinmed.edu

Terence Brady
Manager, Facilities Operations
Teléfono: 718.430.3483
Correo electrónico: Terence.brady@einsteinmed.edu

Carlos Reyes
Supervisor, Facilities Operations
Teléfono: 718.430.4206
Correo electrónico: Carlos.reyes@einsteinmed.edu