Einstein Senate
Senate Meeting: Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Sept. 3rd, 2013
The June minutes were approved.
Dean’s Report
Dean Allen Spiegel discussed the bleak NIH budget situation, while at the same time reporting on Einstein’s recent success in both renewing and obtaining several large awards. He also reported on the engagement of a consulting firm to perform a study toward budget sustainability for Einstein. Updates were provided on the ongoing department chair searches, Einstein’s membership in the New York Genome Center, and progress toward realization of Einstein’s education center.
Speaker’s Report
Senate Speaker Jeff Segall reviewed Senate procedures and announced that elections for officers would be held at the October meeting. He also discussed an informal survey concerning faculty salary and interim support at other medical schools. The reassembly of the Senate Fiscal Committee was voted on and supported. The Speaker also presented a Banner update based on information provided by Jed Shivers and Jim Geraghty.
Committee on Committees
Maureen Charron, Chair of the Committee on Committees, reported that the Senate Advisory Committee that will provide a recommendation to the Senate regarding the Dean’s reappointment began their work in late June.
Pamela Stanley: Faculty Interactions Committee
Pamela Stanley, Chair of the Faculty Interactions Committee, reviewed the purpose and activities of this committee. She also reported on the successful “Seeds for Collaboration” faculty mixers organized by the committee.
Yvette Calderon: Diversity Enhancement--2012 Annual Report
Yvette Calderon, Associate Dean for the Office of Diversity Enhancement, delivered her annual report.