Einstein Senate
Senate Meeting: Wednesday, April 3, 2024
- Dr. Tomer presented the Dean’s Report. He gave updates on the efforts related to LCME, including faculty evaluations and the development of learning communities, and discussed the next steps for the process. Dr. Tomer also talked about philanthropic funds, the library renovation, and visits from other accreditation bodies.
- Dr. Arnsten gave the Speaker’s Report. The recent Senate Council sessions discussed increases in a certain benefit for faculty. She also spoke about the Board of Trustees meeting she attended and the approval of the resolution to approach Montefiore Human Resources about extending emergency childcare benefits. Finally, Dr. Arnsten updated the Senate that, following the resolution at the last meeting, a message formally thanking Dr. Gottesman was sent.
- Dr. Daniel Correa reported on the activities of the Office of Diversity Enhancement, including outreach to expand advising for the affinity and student groups and the schedule for the second annual Diversity Week in Medicine and Science.
- Dr. Elizabeth Kitsis provided updates on the Einstein strategic plan. Over the past few months, interviews and focus groups have been completed with institutional leaders and members of key stakeholder groups, including faculty, staff, community members, students, and alumni. A retreat was held in late March, where four pillars were identified, within each of which two subcommittees were established. Dr. Kitsis also explained the next steps and timeline for completing a new strategic plan.
- Dr. Arne Gennerich presented for the Committee on Committees. He outlined the changes to the BxM10 bus route that he was able to achieve through outreach to the MTA. He then turned the floor over to Jennifer Garner and Jim Geraghty, who reported on the Einstein budget, which has been approved for 2023 and 2024.
- There was no additional old or new business at this meeting.