Einstein Senate

Council Meeting: Wednesday, September 3, 2008

PRESENT: Dr. Spiegel, Drs. Weidenheim, Cohen, Birshtein, Blanchard, Etgen, Mehler, Olson, Segall, Townsend, Baum.
Guest: Ms. Motzkin.
Excused: Drs. Schuster, Walker, Ms. Chrisman, Drs. Battinelli, Burns, Safyer, Shulkin, Mr. Walsh.
Absent: Dr. Keller.

I. The minutes of the previous Senate Council meeting held on June 4, 2008 were approved. As the CEOs of the hospital are invited guests who attend when an issue involves their institution, they will be listed as excused unless present.

II. Affiliate Relations. The Dean and the CEO's of the affiliated hospitals are working together actively to improve relationships. This is particularly true for Jacobi Medical Center, Beth Israel and Montefiore Medical Center. Dr. Reichgott is leading an initiative "Valuing the Affiliates." Student contact hours on their hospital clerkships, and student evaluations of the clerkships, are being analyzed. Responding to a query about the possibility of geographically distant affiliated hospitals, for example those in California or Florida, the Dean noted that there are many difficult issues including student transportation and housing, so that this idea is not an option at present.

III. The Dean's Committee on Conflict of Interest. Dr. Reichgott is the Chair of this committee which will report at Senate today. It is very important for AECOM to comply with applicable rules and regulations and be careful to ensure full disclosure by faculty members, to avoid problems.

IV. Updates from the Dean.
A. Stem Cell Institute Directorship. The Search Committee has found a primary candidate.
B. Chair Searches. The search for a Chair for Ophthalmology has interviewed five candidates.
C. Research Director for the Children's Evaluation and Research Center (Kennedy). This committee is actively working.
D. Director for the Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center: AN offer has been made to a candidate.
E. Educational Program. Associate Dean Albert Kuperman will soon retire and a national search will begin soon.
F. Introduction of new people to the AECOM Community. The group discussed additional ways to introduce new faculty to the community, including more pictures, receptions and symposia. The Dean announced that there will be a Translational Research Symposium and an Epigenetic Symposium, which will provide a venue for social interactions as well as scientific discussions. The Dean encouraged the group to relay suggestion to Mr. Earle's office.
G. Liaison Committee on Medical Education. The AECOM response was mailed in time for the September deadline, as required.
H. First Year Medical Students. A session "On Becoming a Physician" was held for the first year students and their parents, and white coats were given to the students.
I. Dean's Initiatives for the November 5 Senate meeting. Mr. Earle will report on the new branding strategy for AECOM, and Mr. Sal Ciampo and Dr. Ed Burns will report on the campus Master plan.
J. Quality of Life Committee interactions with Administration. Computer issues discussed by the QOL Committee are being worked on by the Dean and his administration, as appropriate.
K. Important AECOM Committees. The new slate for the Committee on Admissions was approved by the group over the summer. The slates for the committees on Appointments and Promotions for Associate and Full Professor were presented, suggestions elicited and approved.

There being no additional business, the group adjourned for the 4 pm Senate meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen M. Weidenheim
Speaker, Faculty Senate