Christel J. Hyden

Christel J. Hyden, Ed.D.



  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Block 416 Bronx, NY 10461

Professional Interests

Christel Hyden, EdD, CHES is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Family and Social Medicine, Research Division. Her current research focuses on the potential applications of new media and technology in educational and behavioral health interventions, including development and evaluation of online and mobile initiatives for sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention, testing, and treatment, and other programs. Dr. Hyden received her MS in Applied Social Research from CUNY Hunter College and her EdD in Health Education from Teachers College, Columbia University.

Selected Publications

Hyden C, Kahn R, Bonuck K. A bottle-weaning intervention tool: The "How" and "Why" of a WIC-based educational flipchart, parent brochure, and website. Health Promotion Practice. Jan 2013;14(1)

Hyden C, Cohall A. Innovative approaches to using new media and technology in health promotion for adolescents and young adults. Adolescent Medicine: State of The Art Reviews. 2011 Dec; 22(3):498-520.

Bonuck, K, Hyden C, Ury G, Barnett J, Askinaze H, Briggs R. Screening for sleep problems in early intervention and early childhood special education: A systematic review of screening and assessment instruments. Infants and Young Children. Oct 2011;24(4)

Vacca SH, Cohall R, Nye A, Tang K, Zhang V, Hyden C, Cohall A. An innovative approach to screening urban youth of color for sexually transmitted infections. Journal of Adolescent Health. Feb 2011;48(Supp 2).

Cohall A, Dini S, Nye A, Dye B, Neu N, Hyden C. HIV testing preferences among young men of color who have sex with men. American Journal of Public Health. Oct 2010;100(10).

Cohall A, Hyden C. Text messaging in primary care settings. Contemporary Pediatrics. Nov  2008; 25(11).

Cohall AT, Dini S, Senathirajah Y, Nye A, Neu N, Powell D, Powell B, Hyden C. Feasibility of using computer-assisted interviewing to enhance HIV test counseling in community settings. Public Health Reports. 2008;123(Supp 3).