Einstein Experts for Media

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You searched for "Cognition"

5 results found

Charles B. Hall, Ph.D.

Charles B. Hall, Ph.D.

Professor, Epidemiology & Population Health

Professor, Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology

Alzheimer's disease/dementiaAgingCognition


Dr. Hall is a biostatistician recognized for leading important long-term studies of aging and dementia. His research has shown, for example, that brain-stimulating activities delay the onset of dementia. He is the longtime director of the statistical core of the Einstein Aging Study, one of the longest-running prospective studies of aging in the country. He is also the lead statistician for the data coordinating center of the federally funded World Trade Center (WTC) Medical Monitoring & Treatment Program, which provides free health monitoring and treatment for workers and volunteers involved in the rescue, recovery and clean-up activities at the WTC site in New York City. read more...


Ruth Macklin, Ph.D.

Ruth Macklin, Ph.D.

Distinguished University Professor Emerita, Epidemiology & Population Health

Dr. Shoshanah Trachtenberg Frackman Faculty Scholar in Biomedical Ethics

BioethicsMultinational researchEthics in reproductive healthBioethics of research involving human subjectsGlobal health

Dr. Macklin is considered one of the founders of the field of bioethics. In a career dating to the early seventies, Dr. Macklin has lectured and published widely on a variety of medical ethics topics, including research using human subjects, global health, stem cell research, reproductive health, public health ethics, end-of-life issues and HIV/AIDS. She is a past president of the International Association of Bioethics and currently serves on its board of directors. read more...


Solomon L. Moshe, M.D.

Solomon L. Moshe, M.D.

Professor, The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology, Einstein

Charles Frost Chair in Neurosurgery & Neurology, Einstein

Vice-Chair & Director, Pediatric Neurology & Clinical Neurophysiology, Department of Neurology, Einstein

Chief, Pediatric Neurology, The Children's Hospital at Montefiore

EpilepsyPediatric neurologyNeurophysiology

Translational research

Dr. Moshé is an authority on the mechanisms that underlie the development of epilepsy and on the consequences of the disease in infants and children as a function of gender. read more...


Martin I. Surks, M.D.

Martin I. Surks, M.D.

Professor, Medicine (Endocrinology), Einstein

Professor, Pathology, Einstein

Program Director, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center

Endocrinology (thyroid)Thyroid disease

Dr. Surks is a thyroid disease expert with 40 years of experience in basic and clinical research, education and patient care. In addition to thyroid disorders, his clinical practice focuses on conditions of the pituitary, parathyroid and adrenal glands and on metabolic bone disease. His recent research has involved subclinical thyroid diseases and determining a reference range for TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels in people.  read more...


Elyse S. Sussman, Ph.D.

Elyse S. Sussman, Ph.D.

Professor, Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience

Professor, Otorhinolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery

Director, Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory, Rose F. Kennedy University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service

Autism/learning disabilitiesAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Language development/language impairmentHearing

Dr. Sussman studies auditory scene perception, a crucial hearing skill that allows us to follow a single voice in a crowded room. Her research focuses on understanding how auditory cognition changes across the lifespan from infancy to old age and how it breaks down in individuals with developmental disorders (such as autism, language impairments and ADHD) and hearing impairments.  read more...