The Manny Genn Prize for 2023


The award’s goal is to aid in developing skills, knowledge, and other qualities that prepare professional staff members for growth within the College of Medicine.

This year, Einstein will award the Genn Prize to a staff member(s) who have demonstrated out standing performance and commitment to improving the College of Medicine. Einstein will allow for release time to permit the winner(s) to attend a program that is scheduled during work hours. Human resources also will administer the application, selection, and reimbursement process for the Genn Prize.

  • Who is eligible to apply?

    This year’s Genn Prize will be awarded to a professional who works full time, has a current performance evaluation rating of outstanding, and is seeking to acquire new learning as well as skills through continuing education or professional development program.

  • What kind of courses will Genn grants support?

    Einstein is interested in helping our eligible employees gain access to and knowledge from continuing education, seminars, conferences, thought leaders’ programs, or networks within the fields of higher education, medical education, or research. Other career-related programs also will be considered, such as those that may prepare an employee for additional assignments or positions within the College of Medicine.

  • What expenses are covered?

    The Genn Prize will reward a grant not to exceed $2,000, which must be used by June 30, 2024. Covered expenses include tuition costs, lodging, and travel to attend the desired program.

How do I apply?

The application involves a two-step process:

  • Step 1 requires filling out the online Genn Prize application and concludes with clicking “submit”; your application will then be sent automatically to your department chair or department head and is considered “pending.”
  • In Step 2, your department chair/head fills out his/her portion of your application and submits it. At that time, your application will be considered “complete” and you will receive an email confirmation.
  • The Genn Prize is awarded on the basis of the level of professional development and challenge of the desired program you will ask the College of Medicine to invest in and support. Each recipient is expected to return to campus and share his/her new learning with colleagues. They also will be featured in a story on our intranet and publicly recognized at the annual Staff Recognition Award program in December.

    The deadline for you application submission is Monday, November 6, 2023.

Prior Year’s Winner

Research Agreement Request Portal

Manny Genn Prize Bolsters Professional Development

Jennifer Renta-Barca, Thomas Aprea and Cookie Kurtz: 2017

Research Agreement Request Portal

Inaugural Genn Prize Rewards Excellence among Einstein Administrators

Hector Jimenez, Nancy Carcia, and Najam Hayat: 2012