Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

Core Facilities

The Einstein Shared Facilities for Stem Cell Research is comprised of three facilities: Pluripotent Stem Cell Core, Stem Cell Isolation and Xenotransplantation Core, and Single-Cell Genomics Core. In addition, the Stem Cell Institute supports the shRNA Core, which combined with the aforementioned facilities, provides innovative services to facilitate stem cell research for all investigators at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Pluripotent Core 

  •   Director, Eric Bouhassira

The facility’s major objective is to provide services to the Einstein stem cell community with the generation or teaching the skills to manipulate and cultivate induced pluripotent stem cells, and embryonic stem cells.  A new service is to provide site-specific insertion of transgene at AAVS1 a safe-harbor site in pluripotent stem cells which is currently available.


Stem Cell Isolation and Xenotransplantation Core 

  •   Director, Ulrich Steidl

This core has continued to provide high-end cell sorting and transplantation services to a large and still growing group of investigators.  These services include cell isolation from primary human tissue (through high-speed multi-parameter cell sorting) as well as diverse transplantation techniques into various mouse or rat xenografting models. The facility also offers new services for cancer stem cell transplantation and in vivo stem cell sampling.


Single Cell Genomics and Computational Analyses Core 

  • Director, Keisuke Ito 
  • Technical Director, Kyoko Ito

The Single-cell Genomics core offers services for epi/genomics analyses of single cell or few cells to address the need to interrogate highly purified rare populations of stem cells.  In addition, computational services are available for characterization of expression heterogeneity across the genome and its role in regulation of the cell population.