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Mission Statement:
The mission of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is to oversee the provisions for the care and well-being of animals used for research and educational purposes at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Einstein). The IACUC is committed to ensuring that quality animal research at Einstein is conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. The IACUC is also committed to ensuring institutional compliance with legal standards regarding the use of animals in research. The IACUC is engaged in assisting animal research investigators with their animal-related needs.
Responsibilities of the IACUC:
The IACUC, a federally mandated committee, oversees all aspects of the institution’s animal care and use program, facilities and procedures. The regulations of the USDA and PHS require institutions using animals to appoint an IACUC. The members of the IACUC are appointed by the Dean of Einstein. The regulatory charges of the IACUC include, but are not limited to:
- Overseeing the use of vertebrate animals for research and teaching
- Establishing policies for ethical animal use and ensures that such use is compliant with federal, state and local regulations
- Reviewing all animal use protocols and modifications requesting approval for the use of vertebrate animals
- Investigating all reports of animal mistreatment
- Overseeing animal husbandry and veterinary care provided by the Institute for Animal Studies (IAS)
- Overseeing training of faculty, students and staff on the use of experimental animals
- Recommending changes in service fees and reviews proposed budgets for the IAS, as a Dean’s committee
- Inspect all areas where animals are housed and used, including but not limited to the institution’s animal facilities, individual laboratories and satellite facilities on a routine basis
- Reviewing the institution’s program for animal care and use at least twice a year (semiannually)
- Perform post-approval monitoring of approved animal use protocols and modifications
The IACUC normally meets once a month. To determine when your animal use protocols and/or modifications requesting approval for the use of vertebrate animals will be reviewed by the IACUC, please see: Deadline for Submission of Protocols/Modifications.
Animal Welfare Policy:
The IACUC is charged with investigating any reports concerning the welfare, care and treatment of research animals from members of the Einstein community or from individuals outside of Einstein. All reports may be made anonymously and are held in strict confidence. No employee shall be subject to discrimination or reprisal for reporting animal welfare concerns. To report animal welfare concerns, you may call 718.839.7144 of submit an email to Dr. Linda Jelicks of any of the IACUC members. For list of IACUC members contact Dr. Sunder Shrestha.