Nir Barzilai, MD
Director, Institute for Aging Research
Professor, Departments of Medicine (Endocrinology) and Genetics
Ingeborg and Ira Leon Rennert Professor of Aging Research
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. —Albert Einstein, 1879-1955
Aging is a complex, universal condition leading to the functional decline of all cells and organisms, and to major national and global public health problems. Although aging is the major risk factor for developing most adult-onset diseases, systematic investigations into the fundamental physiology, biology, and genetics of aging are only just beginning.
Created in 2002, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Institute for Aging Research (IAR) conducts focused multidisciplinary research geared towards unraveling essential elements in the biology of aging. The IAR has successfully attracted a large number of world-class faculty through its programmatic approach (5 P01s funded since its inception), recruitment of new investigators, availability of the Einstein Aging T32 training grant, and the new Biology of Aging graduate course.
Nearly 50 Einstein investigators, with 90 grants awarded for a total of over $41 million, are currently conducting biology of aging research. These investigations unite faculty with diverse scientific backgrounds and technological expertise to focus on three primary areas:
- Studies on macromolecules, intracellular organelles, cells, and tissues
- Molecular physiology, nutrients, and energetics in whole-animal models
- Genetics and genomics of aging in single-cell animal models and aging humans
The Institute’s goals are to continue to develop infrastructure, collaboration, programs, and novel science to expand our understanding in aging. Toward this goal, we have submitted a center grant and created several cores to attract more scientists and give services to those engaged in this important area of research.