Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine
Department Faculty

Edward R. Burns, M.D., Executive Dean
Executive Dean
Professor, Department of Pathology
Professor, Department of Oncology (Hematology)
Professional Interests
Dr. Edward Burns is the Executive Dean of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. In this capacity, he has responsibility for the support of clinical and basic science research, the College's Doctoral and Post-Doctoral programs, the clinical and scientific relationships with the College's Hospital Affiliates, the development of scientific discoveries into biomedical technology and the licensing of these technologies to pharmaceutical and biotechnology partners. He also oversees the College's policies relating to the responsible conduct of research and biomedical ethics. He is spearheading the College's strategic plan for diversity enhancement.
Dr. Burns is a graduate of Yeshiva University and received his M.D. degree from Einstein. Over a more than thirty year period he has been a faculty member of the College and is a Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Pathology. He served as Director of Clinical Hematology at Einstein Hospital and Vice-Chairman and Director of Laboratories at Einstein and Montefiore Hospitals. He has over 50 publications, has authored two textbooks and holds five U.S. patents for his own inventions.
Since joining the Einstein faculty Dr. Burns was awarded the Sam Rosen Award for Outstanding Clinical Teaching and the Harry Eagle award for excellence in basic science teaching. He has been awarded the Einstein Alumni Association's Lifetime Service Award. In 2015 he was awarded Einstein's Lifetime Achievement Award in Excellence of Teaching.
- Chair - Dean's Executive Committee
- Faculty Affairs
- Appointments and Promotions
- Responsible Conduct of Research
- Human Subject Research Oversight
- Biomedical Ethics Support
- Academic Support
- Faculty and Chair Recruitment
- Panel on Unlawful Harassment
- Scientific Affairs
- Biotechnology Licensing
- Sue Golding Graduate Division of Biomedical Science
- Belfer Institute of Advanced Biomedical Sciences
- Animal Institute Support
- Laboratory Construction Oversight
- Faculty Space Issues
- Grant and Sponsored Research Review
- Research Computing
- Biomedical-Clinical Support
- Clinical Academic Liaison with Montefiore Medical Center
- Clinical Research Liaison with Jacobi Medical Center
Selected Publications
Select Publications:
- Burns ER: Predictive value of the bleeding time in coronary artery bypass grafting. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 100:174-5,1991.
- Burns ER: Mechanism of thrombocytopenia in the May-Hegglin anomaly.
Am J Ped Hematol/Onc 13:431-6, 1991. - Wenz B, Burns ER: Rapid removal of heparin from plasma by affinity filtration.
Am J Clin Pathol 96:385-389, 1991. - Burns ER, Lee V, Rubinstein A: Treatment of septic thrombocytopenia with immune globulin J Clin Immunol 11:363-368, 1991.
Burns ER, Wenz B: Phenotypic characterization of white blood cells in leukocyte
depleted red cell concentrate using flow cytometry. Transfusion 31:829-34, 1991.
Burns ER, Lampasso J, Kowatch N, Wenz, B: Performance characteristics of state
of the art hematology analyzers. Clin Lab Science 5:181-185, 1992 - Burns ER, Goldberg SN, Wenz B: Paradoxical effect of multiple mild coagulation factor deficiencies on the Prothrombin Time and APTT. Am J Clin Pathol 100:94-98, 1993
- Burns ER, Lee V, Wenz B: Detection of undiagnosed coagulopathies using rapid
heparin neutralization. Clin Lab Sci 8:113-117, 1995. - Markowitz GS, Brignol F, Burns, ER, Konigsberg M, Folkert V: Renal vein thrombosis treated with thrombolytic therapy. Am J Kidney Dis 25:801-806, 1995.
- Murthy VV, Ali F, and Burns ER: Differentiation and resolution of erythrocyte and muscle adenylate kinase activities in serum by electrophoresis. J Clin Lab Analysis 11:235-7, 1997.
- Burns ER, Kale A, Murthy VV: Diagnosis of the Hemolytic State using Serum Levels of Erythrocyte Adenylate Kinase. Am J Hematol 64:180-183, 2000.
- Badve S and Burns ER: D-dimer measurements unhelpful for ruling in DIC. Laboratory Medicine 31:383-386, 2000.
- Burns ER and Yoshikawa N: Hemolysis in Serum Samples Drawn by Emergency Department Personnel versus Laboratory Phlebotomists. Laboratory Medicine 33:10-12, 2002
- Burns ER Lou Y, and Patek A: Morphologic diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic Purpura. Am J Hematol 75:18-21, 2004.
- Burns ER, Wen-Wu, D, Kardon D, Wang M, McKitrick J: Rapid assay for Bacteria Detection in platelets. Laboratory Medicine 35:427-429, 2004
- Atzmon G, Li H, Itsik P, Velez C Pearlman A Francesco P, Morrow B, Friedman E, Oddux C,Burns ER, Ostrer H: Abraham’s Children in the Genome Era: Major Jewish Diaspora Populations Comprise Distinct Genetic Clusters with Shared Middle Eastern Ancestry. Am J Human Genetics 86:850-859, 2010
- Moorjani P, Patterson N, Hirschhorn JN, Keinan A, Hao L, Atzmon G, Burns ER, Ostrer H, Price AL, Reich D: The history of African Gene Flow into Southern Europeans, Levantines, and Jews. PLoS Genetics 7(74) e:1001373. 1-13, April 2011
- C. Velez, P.F. Palamara, L. Hao, T. Karafet, J. Guevara-Aguirre,A. Pearlman1, C.Oddoux, M. Hammer, E.R. Burns, I. Pe'er, G. Atzmon, H. Ostrer: The Impact of Converso Jews on the Genomes of Modern Latin American. Hum Genet. 2012 Feb;131(2):251-63.
- Kenny EE, Pe'er I, Karban A, Ozelius L, Mitchell AA, Ng SM, Erazo M, Ostrer H, Abraham C, Abreu MT, Atzmon G, Barzilai N, Brant SR, Bressman S, Burns ER, Chowers Y, Clark LN, Darvasi A, Doheny D, Duerr RH, Eliakim R, Giladi N, Gregersen PK, Hakonarson H, Jones MR, Marder K, McGovern DP, Mulle J, Orr-Urtreger A, Proctor DD, Pulver A, Rotter JI, Silverberg MS, Ullman T, Warren ST, Waterman M, Zhang W, Bergman A, Mayer L, Katz S, Desnick RJ, Cho JH, Peter I.: A genome-wide scan of ashkenazi jewish Crohn's disease suggests novel susceptibility Loci. PLoS Genet. 2012 Mar;8(3):e1002559
- Campbell CL, Palamara PF, Dubrovsky M, Botigué LR, Fellous M, Atzmon G, Oddoux C, Pearlman A, Hao L, Henn BM, Burns E, Bustamante CD, Comas D, Friedman E, Pe'er I, Ostrer H. North African Jewish and non-Jewish populations form distinctive, orthogonal clusters. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012 Aug 21;109(34):13865-70.
1. Burns, ER: Clinical Management of Bleeding and Thrombosis, Blackwell
Scientific Publishing, Inc.,Boston, MA. 1988.214 pgs
2. Burns ER: The Harper Collins Medical Dictionary, New York 2006, 525 pgs.
More Information About Dr. Edward Burns
Material in this section is provided by individual faculty members who are solely responsible for its accuracy and content.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Belfer Building, Room 307
Bronx, NY 10461
In the News
WNYC Radio interviews Dr. Edward Burns about the planned budget deal that could restore some funding to the National Institutes of Health.
The New York Times ran a letter to the editor by Dr. Edward Burns, suggesting patients use physicians’ expertise to guide their medical decisions.