If an SP is submitted for publication, the student should be the first author of their SP and the mentor should be the corresponding author. Widely accepted definitions of first and corresponding authorship are located in the instructions to authors in major journals. According to JAMA’s instructions to authors, first authors must have 1) made substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; and (2) drafted the article and (3) have final approval of the version to be published. The corresponding author serves on behalf of all coauthors and is the primary correspondent with the editorial office of the journal during the submission and review process. The mentor as corresponding author can take responsibility for submitting your paper to a journal for publication while you are busy with a clerkship or elective or even after you have graduated. If the manuscript is accepted, the corresponding author will review an edited typescript and proof, as well as make decisions regarding release of information in the manuscript. Students should refrain from submitting a paper to a journal without their mentor’s input and approval.
If your SP is accepted for publication, please share the good news with us via email (omsr@einsteinmed.edu).
The Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine
The Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine, a student edited and peer-reviewed journal, presents students with an unusual opportunity for learning the skills involved in editing and managing a scholarly periodical and provides a venue for research and review articles in a wide variety of topics related to biomedical science, clinical medicine and medical education. Students are encouraged to consider submitting papers to the Einstein journal. The journal accepts basic or clinical research papers as well contributions related to education, social science, bioethics, and more.