Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health Service


The purpose of Einstein's Occupational Health Services is to service Einstein employees and students with regard to occupational health needs. Anyone who sustains an occupational exposure may call Einstein OHS during hours of operation for information on postexposure procedures. If the exposure occurs after hours, the employees are to go to the nearest Emergency Room and contact the OHS during the next working day.

Students who sustain an occupational exposure should call the Einstein Occupational Health Service at 718-430-3141 to discuss Post-exposure follow-up. After regular business hours, students should go to the Emergency Department of the hospital where the exposure occurred and follow-up with Einstein Occupational Health on the next business day.

Ms. Tina Crane, R.N.

Location: Block Building Room 219.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM.

Tina Crane

Contact Us

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

1300 Morris Park Avenue
Block Building Room 219
Bronx, NY 10461



Monday - Friday 9AM to 5PM