Instituto de Investigación del Envejecimiento

Dr. Nir Barzilai

Dr. Nir Barzilai
Director del Instituto para el Envejecimiento

Director de Investigación del Centro de Excelencia Nathan Shock en Biología Básica del Envejecimiento

Cátedra de investigación sobre el envejecimiento Ingeborg e Ira Leon Rennert

Biografía del Dr. Barzilai / currículum vitae

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El proyecto de genes de longevidad

Dr. Barzilai's Bio

Dr. Nir Barzilai is the director of the Institute for Aging Research, the director of the Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging and the Ingeborg and Ira Leon Rennert Chair of Aging Research. Dr. Barzilai, an endocrinologist, discovered the first "longevity gene" in humans. His research established that the gene variant that leads to high HDL, or "good cholesterol," is linked to healthy aging and extreme longevity. Dr. Barzilai is a former chief instructor of medics for the Israeli army and his work has been profiled by major outlets, including the New York Times, the BBC and PBS' NOVA scienceNow.

Dr. Barzilai's CV


2do Simposio Anual de Estudios sobre Longevidad


Serie de vídeos del proyecto Genes de la longevidad

Esta serie de videos incluye entrevistas informativas con el Dr. Nir Barzilai, quien lidera los esfuerzos de investigación de Einstein sobre la longevidad, y con cuatro participantes del estudio cuyas diversas y convincentes historias lo inspirarán. Lo invitamos a ver todos los videos y dejar comentarios. Haga clic en los enlaces a continuación para ver cada segmento.

Investigación: Dra. Nir Barzilai

Perfiles personales: Lilly Port: 96 años | Harold Laufman: 98 años | Irma Daniel: 103 años | Irving Kahn: 104 años


Acerca del proyecto

Longevidad y longevidad
Información y resultados preliminares de la búsqueda de Einstein de genes de longevidad en la población judía asquenazí y genotipos y fenotipos para una longevidad excepcional.

¿Por qué los judíos asquenazíes?
Información sobre el "efecto fundador" y la población judía asquenazí históricamente única.

Resultados de los estudios LonGenity y Longevity.

Requisitos para participar
Pautas y preguntas frecuentes sobre la participación en el estudio LonGenity.

Información del contacto
Descubra más sobre la investigación sobre longenidad en Einstein.

Meet the Super Agers

Lilly Port, a los 96 años

Puerto de LillyLilly Port's suitcase doesn't spend much time in her closet. In the first half of this year, Lilly traveled to Israel, Turkey, Indonesia, Singapore and Australia. Her love of adventure began early in life. In 1941, she left Vienna with a doctorate in economics to come to the United States, where she became a radio talk-show host and author of one of the first books written to empower people with disabilities. Lilly owns an apartment in a retirement community—but says she's too young to live there. She still lives independently in her own house, enjoying regular walks and exercise classes at the community center.

¡Lilly acaba de cumplir 100 años!
Observa cómo reflexiona sobre haber alcanzado este hito

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Harold Laufman, a los 98 años

Harold LaufmanHarold Laufman lives every moment by the motto "never waste time." His inexhaustible curiosity fueled his drive to become a combat surgeon, violinist, commercial artist, entrepreneur and author. Harold, who put himself through medical school by selling his illustrations, became a leader in experimental surgery techniques. He served as professor of surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and director of the Institute for Surgical Studies at Montefiore Medical Center. Harold has been working on his latest book, To Thrive Past 95, which details his personal experience with aging.

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Irma Daniel, age 103

Irma DanielFleeing Hitler's regime, Irma Daniel, her husband and five-year-old son left Germany in 1938. They arrived in Hoboken, NJ, with no belongings and no jobs. Despite their hardships, Irma saw this tumultuous time as a "fantastic beginning." Taking up residence in a tiny attic apartment, Irma seized every opportunity that came her way. She took a variety of jobs—from scrubbing floors to selling clothes to taking care of the elderly. She believes that working and "never sitting still" are the best ways to stay young. Today, Irma lives in her own home, exercises regularly and leads an active social life.

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Irving Kahn, age 104

Irving KhanInvestment advisor Irving Kahn began his career before the stock market crash of 1929 and is widely respected in the field of value investing. In 1978, he founded Kahn Brothers Group, Inc. Today, the company manages over $700 million in assets. Irving, who is chair of the firm, goes into his Madison Avenue office five days a week, where he works with his son and grandson. Irving reads at least two financial newspapers daily, keeps in touch with friends and clients all over the world via the Internet and says it would be foolish to retire.

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Nir Barzilai, M.D., Principal Investigator

The Longevity Genes Project at Einstein is a study of more than 500 healthy centenarians, near-centenarians and their children. In this video, principal investigator Dr. Nir Barzilai, director of the Institute for Aging Research and director of the Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging, discusses the findings to date. Dr. Barzilai also explains his personal and professional quest for ways to significantly delay age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and to help people live longer, healthier lives.

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