División de Gastroenterología

The interdisciplinary, NIDDK-supported Marion Bessin Liver Research Center, established in 1974, conducts scientific investigation to understand fundamental mechanisms of normal liver functions, alterations in these functions in pathophysiologic states in animal model systems and in human liver disease and development of methods (therapies) to overcome these abnormalities.

See the Marion Bessin Liver Research Center website for more information.

Programa de Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal

The Montefiore Einstein IBD Program has a number of IRB-approved studies and clinical trials under way. The Program encourages fellows, residents, medical students, and undergraduates to participate in its clinical and translational research, which affords the unique opportunity to examine IBD incidence among the Bronx's significant proportion of African American, Afro-Caribbean, and Hispanic patients, populations that are currently underrepresented in the medical research literature that covers this disease.

IBD Program website>> 

Thomas Ullman

Chief de división
 Thomas Ullman, MD



Pacientes y proveedores 

GI disorders: 866-MED-TALK (1-866-633-8255)

Oficina administrativa 

Albert Einstein College of Medicine
625 Edificio Ullmann
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx, NY 10461

Teléfono: 718.430.2098

Más información