
Integrated Imaging Program


Few American medical schools can equal Einstein's strength in imaging. Thanks to a commitment to the College of Medicine from the EGL Charitable Foundation, Einstein's position as a leading imaging center has been enhanced by the EGL Charitable Foundation Integrated Imaging Program (IIP).

Images obtained through IIP reveal—with an astonishing level of detail—how complex diseases get started and progress in the body. This information will help scientists and clinicians target the molecular glitches responsible for cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and other major health problems.

The IIP, one of the first of its kind in the country, represents a major advance in the evolution of Einstein's two state-of-the-art imaging facilities—the Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC) and the Gruss Lipper Biophotonics Center (GLBC). The facilities were established in 2000 and 2006, respectively, through the foresight and generosity of Einstein alumna Evelyn Gruss Lipper, M.D. '71. Both are located on the College of Medicine's Jack and Pearl Resnick campus. The IIP was established in 2012 to bridge these two imaging facilities. More recently the IIP has spread its bridge activities to include the Departments of Anatomy and Structural Biology, Epidemiology and Population Health, Radiology, Pathology and Oncology. Teams of basic and clinician scientists within these departments use the IIP as a bridge to develop new prognostics and companion diagnostics which are in clinical use.

IIP triangle diagram boxed
Live breast tumor imaging

Imaging of live breast tumors at single cell resolution reveals how tumor cells spread

Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center

The MRRC, first established in 2000 with a generous gift from the Gruss-Lipper Foundation, has recently been upgraded and outfitted with the most state-of-the-art imaging equipment, including the first Philips 3T TX MRI system to be installed in the United States, a completely renovated Varian 9.4T MRI magnet for animal imaging, and brand-new computing infrastructure for faculty, staff, students, and visiting researchers.

Gruss Lipper Biophotonics Center

Located at the Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus, the center mandates are to: study and develop novel microscopy techniques that answer fundamental biological questions leading to cures for biomedical problems; make advanced and novel microscopy technologies, methods and reagents available to the research community; and support the education and training of postdoctoral fellows and graduate students in advanced biophotonics techniques.

In The News

Of Mice and Metastasis

The Scientist quotes John Condeelis, Ph.D., about his lab’s new methods of studying animal models of cancer metastasis. Dr. Condeelis is professor and co-chair of anatomy and structural biology, co-director of the Gruss Lipper Biophotonics Center, and the Judith and Burton P. Resnick Chair in Translational Research at Einstein.

(Friday, May 04, 2018)

Mechanisms of Resistance to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer

An editorial highlights research by Drs. Maja Oktay, George Karagiannis, and John Condeelis on the mechanism by which some breast cancer tumor cells resist chemotherapy and go on to metastasize. Dr. Oktay is professor of pathology; Dr. Condeelis is the Judith & Burton P. Resnick Chair in Translational Research and professor and co-chair of anatomy and structural biology; Dr. Karagiannis is a postdoctoral fellow

(Thursday, Dec 21, 2017)

Chemotherapy before breast cancer surgery might fuel metastasis

STAT interviews John Condeelis, Ph.D., about his role in a recent study that linked preoperative chemotherapy with activating the microenvironment of metastasis in breast cancer. Dr. Condeelis is professor and co-chair of anatomy and structural biology and co-director of the Gruss Lipper Biophotonics Center, and the Judith and Burton P. Resnick Chair in Translational Research at Einstein.

(Monday, Jul 10, 2017)