Nicholas Baker

Insightful Research Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB) has presented Dr. Nicholas Baker with its Senior Scientific Investigator Award. This grant not only acknowledges Dr. Baker as a leader in the field of eye research, it allocates $150,000 in highly sought-after, flexible support for current research conducted by an established investigator. Dr. Baker aims to identify genes that enable some cells to prosper while neighboring cells perish. Such genes could also dictate whether a healthy eye cell will become diseased. A better understanding of the roles of these genes could reveal the causes of certain eye diseases and provide guidance for their prevention or treatment. RPB is the largest private funder of research into eye disease prevention and treatment, providing hundreds of millions of dollars in support since its inception in 1960. Dr. Baker joins a select group of 184 researchers who have been bestowed the Senior Scientific Investigator Award since its introduction in 1987. Dr. Baker is professor of ophthalmology & visual sciences, of genetics and of developmental & molecular biology.