Education & Training

Einstein Announces Free Tuition for M.D. Students

Thanks for a transformational gift from Dr. Ruth L. Gottesman, Chair of the Board of Trustees, all medical students will have their full tuition and fees covered, starting in August 2024.

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Einstein Announces Free Tuition for M.D. Students
737 M.D. Students
209 Ph.D. Students
124 MSTP Students
239 Postdocs
07 Educational Programs


Using CAR-T Therapy Against Solid Tumors

Researchers at Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center strengthened a breakthrough immunotherapy to boost its effectiveness against solid tumors, including pancreatic cancer and glioblastomas.

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Using CAR-T Therapy Against Solid Tumors
$192M NIH Research Funding
2,000+ Full-time Faculty
3,211 Published Papers
20 Research Centers
36 Global Initiatives
Reducing Allergic Reactions to Cancer Treatments

Einstein & Montefiore

Reducing Allergic Reactions to Cancer Treatments

Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center has the only outpatient cancer desensitization program in NYC, enabling people to stay on optimal therapy and avoid hospitalization.

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Diversity and Inclusion

We reaffirm our strong commitment to fostering a culture in which diversity is a central tenet.

Shanisha Gordon

Shanisha Gordon

It is my hope that we can meaningfully acknowledge and address racialized issues within our community with the courage and conviction especially required in this political clime.

Lani N. Allen

Lani N. Allen

Employees are more likely to feel comfortable and happy in an environment where inclusivity is a priority and where people of all backgrounds feel confident in their ability and achieve their best.

Damien Jackson, M.Ed.

Damien Jackson, M.Ed.

I hope that the College becomes the standard for diversity and inclusion in New York.

Karen Bonuck, Ph.D.

Karen Bonuck, Ph.D.

Without an understanding of racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, linguistic, and dis/ability diversity, we will fail to adequately meet our mission.

Shacelles Bonner

Shacelles Bonner

I think it is important for student to see a diverse faculty, as it allows us all to find a mentor who may have shared similar life/educational experiences.

Luis Maldonado

Luis Maldonado

A diverse workplace allows us to learn from each other by sharing our strengths, our talents and our skills.

Dayle Hodge

Dayle Hodge

A wealth of diversity creates the excellent training environment that is Einstein.