Publication Policy              


Facility Oversight and Contact Infomation

What is Flow Cytometry?

Flow Cytometers

Magnetic Cell Separator


Support Equipment and Software


Fluorescent Proteins



Publication Policy

Protocols and Useful Links

Seminars, Meetings and Conferences

Facility News

Facility Rates


Frequently Asked Questions

It is obligatory for all users of the Flow Cytometry Core Facility to acknowledge the AECOM National Cancer Institute's cancer center support grant number, which is P30CA013330, that partially supports all work conducted through the shared facilities at AECOM, which include this facility.

In circumstances in which outside investigators (i.e., staff or faculty without an AECOM appointment) are accessing AECOM core facility equipment/services by collaborating with an AECOM investigator, we require that the collaborating AECOM investigator be included as a coauthor on all publications resulting from work that used the core resources. In such cases, the core facility name and its grant support (i.e., P30CA013330) must also be acknowledged in publications.

In addition, research utilizing the AECOM Flow Cytometry Core Facility is categorized by these types:

  • Independent use of the facility only (principle investigator, technicians, post docs, associates or graduate students who are trained operators, as defined in the previous section) - ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF FACILITY.

  • Provision of routine procedures and methods by the facility staff - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF FACILITY AND SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL(S).

  • Significant involvement in the project, significant involvement in the interpretation of scientific data, involvement in the actual writing of a paper, use of original techniques, and/or novel experimental design by the facility stuff - CO-AUTHORSHIP AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF FACILITY.

  • Independent, original work by the facility staff - SENIOR AUTHORSHIP, WITH PERMISSION GRANTED FROM THE INVESTIGATOR FOR USE OF MATERIALS, AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF FACILITY. Cases of disagreement or potential conflict arising from prior agreements (or more likely, lack of prior agreements) will be assessed and resolved by the flow cytometry advisory board.

Jinghang Zhang is solely responsible for the content of this site. Comments, concerns and questions regarding it should be addressed to her.
File Last Updated: Monday, January 12, 2009