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AECOM Flow Cytometry Core Facility Fees
Effective Aug. 26, 2007
Instrument or ServiceCancer Center MemberNon-Member
   FACScan assisted$45.00$65.00
   FACSCanto II$28.00$40.00
   FACSCanto II assisted$56.00$80.00
   LSRII assisted$61.00$86.00
   MoFlo, MoFlo XDP or FACSAria *
   (available as a service only)
   SuperMACS separator
   (when MS /LS Column is supplied)
   Computer Workstation$10.00$14.00
   Computer Workstation assisted$18.00$24.00
   Archived data retrieval$14.00$20.00
   Fluorescent Microscopes$10.00$14.00

Use of any service will be billed for minimum of one hour. After the initial hour, rates increment in ¼-hour fractions.
"Assisted" indicates analysis done under direct constant supervision of facility staff, and/or training on the instrument by facility staff.
* Sorts that occur outside of regularly available appointment time is billed at double the rate.

Policy concerning non-AECOM users of the facility:
Researchers from other institutions are occasionally permitted to use facility equipment and associated services, although this requires special permission from the senior staff of the Core Facility. Outside users will pay 50% more than AECOM users for all services (i.e., Non-CC Member rates * 1.5). Also, given the level of use of most facility instruments, we reserve the right to deny outside users access whenever we feel that this is necessary to provide optimal service to our AECOM investigators.

Jinghang Zhang is solely responsible for the content of this site. Comments, concerns and questions regarding it should be addressed to her.
File Last Updated: Monday, January 12, 2009