Kieran Traynor

Facilities Management & Engineering


Facilities Management oversees the Engineering and Groundskeeping departments to help meet the goals of the dean’s office for strategic planning, space management, budgeting and capital improvements, in order to provide an environment supportive of teaching and research. We are responsible for formally funded and approved requests for renovations, and help the Einstein community with such issues as processing work requests, heating and cooling, lighting and electricity, plumbing, installation and monitoring of scientific equipment, design assistance, floor plans and layouts, signs, refrigerant disposal, computer and telecommunications cabling.

Design & Construction

The Design & Construction department collaborates with the Einstein community to plan, design, and oversee the renovation of all facilities throughout Albert Einstein College of Medicine, ensuring that these spaces meet the specific needs of our community.

Facilities Engineering & Operations

The Facilities Engineering and Operations Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the physical plant, its mechanical systems, and all aspects of building functions. The staff includes professional engineers, licensed operating engineers, operating mechanics, masters-level administrative personnel, planning, and craft specialists.

Specific crafts available within the Engineering staff are carpentry, electrical (including fine instrumentation), machine-shop, painting, plumbing, refrigeration, sheet metal, stationary, and watch engineers.

Anthony Khani, MBA

Senior Director, Engineering Operations Multi-Campuses

Financial & Administrative Operations

Provides Administrative and Financial support to Facilities Engineering & Operations and Design & Construction.

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