The Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC) was first established in 2000 with a generous gift from the Gruss-Lipper Foundation, and has recently been upgraded by the Department of Radiology. The MRRC hosts novel state-of-the-art In Vivo imaging equipment, including a new human Philips 3 Tesla Ingenia-Elition MRI. This multinuclear imaging and spectroscopy system facilitiates imaging of protons and other nuclei (P-31, F-19, C-13 and others) and improves signal-to-noise by as much as 150% over other 3 T MRI’s, with unmatched imaging speed.
Translational research is a forte of our MRRC Radiology research team, evidenced by a multitude of imaging methodologies available in both man and animals. The MRRC also hosts an ultra-high field Agilent 9.4T MRI for small animal imaging and spectroscopy, as well as a Siemens MicroPet and SPECT/CT system, providing the ability to image radionuclides and co-register radiographic imaging with MRI.
MRI imaging and spectroscopy requires complicated post-image processing of acquired data. The MRRC faculty have developed automated pipeline-based image analysis procedures, expediting acquisition-to-analysis of investigators’ MRI data. Researchers using these facilities are supported by an array of analysis platforms for both human and animal imaging data. Support for processing of microstructural, anatomical, functional, physiological and metabolic data is available within the Center. Novel applications can and are often developed by the expert physics, neuroradiology and chemistry staff. The Center provide expert technological operation of all imaging equipment. The MRRC faculty provide expert support for use of its equipment, eliminating the need for expensive and time-consuming training in data acquisition, data analysis and interpretation. MRRC staff support investigator-initiated grant writing, collaboration and expertise strengthening imaging related proposals to external agencies.
Additional facility resources include cognitive testing facilities, intravenous blood sampling and contrast infusion, animal housing for extended durations associated with longitudinal MRI and Radiographic studies, and a full line of physiological monitoring devices for both animal and human use. Instrumentation are available for delivery of stimuli within the MRI magnets and support for preparation and physiological monitoring of both man and animals.
The MRRC facilities are located in the Gruss Building, between Weiler Hospital and the Student Center.
Hours and Reminders
Please be reminded that as of Monday, May 20th, the 3T Philips MRI will have new RESEARCH HOURS:
- Monday-Wednesday, 9 AM – 6 PM
- Friday 9 AM – 6 PM
- Saturday 9:30 AM – 6 PM
- (Closed to Research Thursday and Sunday)
Please Recall the following changes to our Use and Scheduling Rules:
- Subjects should arrive 15 minutes PRIOR to your scheduled ‘table time’ as reflected on the ILABS calendar.
- Subjects who are not on the table within 15 minutes of the scheduled table time will be turned away to protect subsequent studies.
- Prior to arriving, it is best to ask your subject to complete an MRI screening form, which you can then email to the MRRC for review, insuring you will not forfeit your slot due to subject MRI incompatibility (forms attached). Note that these will be ‘double reviewed’ by MRRC staff.
Please Recall the following changes to our Cancellation Policy:
4. Starting June 1, the new cancellation policy states:
- Cancellations made earlier than 48 hours (2 Business Days) before the scheduled table time are not billed.
- Cancellations made within 48 hours (2 Business Days) of the scheduled MRI slot are billed at 50% the scheduled rate.
Your MRRC Staff…. We are “Here to Help”!

Active MRRC Projects
To Schedule a session on the 3T magnet or reserve the Cognitive Testing Room, please send an email request to:MRRC3TSchedule@einsteinmed.edu
Alternatively, you may call 718-430-3390.
Please provide both the name of the Principal Investigator and the MRRC assigned protocol number for the project.
Contact Us
Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx, New York 10641