Become an IDDRC Investigator

Member Benefits

  • IDDRC investigators use the Center’s core facilities on a priority basis and at reduced rates.
  • Members network with other investigators on a number of educational activities throughout the year, including our IDDRC seminars/workshops series co-sponsored with the Departments of Neuroscience, Neurology, Genetics, and Pediatrics, CERC and the Gruss-Magnetic Resonance Research Center.
  • Each year, our center offers support for pilot projects related to intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). A successful candidate receives funding for direct research support.

Eligibility and Membership Requirements

  • PIs must have at least one project or activity that is relevant to intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • PIs are expected to cite our Center grant support from NIH-NICHD in all publications that result from work supported by one or more of our core facilities.
  • IDDRC members will submit updated information concerning their funded and pending research every spring for our annual report.

How to apply

To apply for membership, please submit a letter of application to the IDDRC Administrator Include a biosketch and a one-page summary of at least one project relevant to IDD research.