
Message from the Chair

Ulrich G. Steidl, M.D., Ph.D. 

Professor and Chair
Department of Cell Biology

The field of cell biology has made enormous strides in the past decade, propelling us forward at an ever-accelerating pace. There have been dramatic advances in imaging, cell isolation, and molecular techniques; key insights at the single-cell, subcellular, and single-molecule levels; and increasing integration with advanced computational biology. These novel discoveries, technologies, and approaches have provided new tools to tackle the most important questions and challenges in the field. I’m proud to say that our department has been at the forefront of these advances.

The Department of Cell Biology has a distinguished history of innovation in basic science and translational research, as well as in mentoring, training, and education. Since its inception in 1961, it has thrived under the leadership of such scientific pioneers as Harry Eagle, Matthew D. Scharff, Jonathan D. Warner, and Arthur I. Skoultchi . As one of the nations’ leading cell biology departments, our faculty have made numerous seminal scientific discoveries and we consistently rank in the top 5 in the U.S. in funding from the National Institutes of Health on a per-laboratory basis.

The Department of Cell Biology provides a world-class environment to achieve our multipronged mission:

  • To pursue groundbreaking basic and translational research that addresses critical scientific questions in the fields of cellular and molecular biology and pathobiology.
  • To provide exceptional training, mentoring, and education in cell and molecular biology and pathobiology at all levels (M.S., M.D., Ph.D., M.D./Ph.D., postdoctoral, faculty), preparing the next generation of scientific leaders.
  • To interact with and provide critical scientific expertise, capabilities, and resources to our colleagues in other basic science and clinical departments, centers, and institutes in order to enable the most impactful research and improve human health.

We believe the best work arises from a motivated workforce that is not only scientifically outstanding, but also highly collegial, interactive, and collaborative—all key characteristics of our departmental culture. We provide high quality mentoring and career development to our department’s entire community of staff, trainees, and faculty at every stage. Because of our world-class training and reputation for excellence, many of our trainees go on to achieve outstanding success in their careers, securing prominent leadership positions in academic and corporate settings.

The department performs science of the highest quality in a variety of dynamic areas, including:

  • Chromatin, Transcriptional Regulation, and RNA Biology
  • Mitochondria, Metabolism, and Cell Death Control
  • Stem Cell and Development
  • Cancer Biology and Therapeutics
  • Immunology and Virology
  • Glycobiology and Intracellular Trafficking
  • and many others

I invite you to learn more about the many facets of our work by exploring this website. I also encourage you to reach out to us directly if you are interested in learning more or joining us.

Ulrich G. Steidl, MD, PhD

Professor and Chair
Department of Cell Biology