Dr. Kristy Stengel

Kristy Stengel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology

I obtained my Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, working in the division of experimental hematology and cancer biology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. I pursued postdoctoral training at Vanderbilt University, where I became interested in how transcription factors and epigenetic regulators contribute to hematopoietic cell development and function, as well as how disruption of normal transcriptional programs can lead to cancer.


Dr. Kristy Stengel Lab, 2023

I arrived at Einstein in September 2021, co-recruited by the Department of Cell Biology and the NCI-designated Montefiore Einstein Cancer Center. While I was already aware of the stellar scientific reputation of Einstein and its faculty, during the recruitment process I was deeply impressed by the culture of collaboration and collegiality at the institution. The unique combination of top-notch science and a cooperative and engaged community convinced me to start my lab at Einstein.

Since my arrival, my colleagues have been immensely supportive and helpful. From reading my first grants and suggesting funding opportunities, to recommending me for opportunities to gain experience with manuscript and grant review, they have gone out of their way to make my transition to independence as smooth as possible. I’ve also benefited from the many opportunities for scientific interactions with faculty within the department and across the institution. From Chromatin Club to the Stem Cell Institute and Cell Biology Work in Progress Seminars, these scientific exchanges make for an exceptionally exciting academic setting, breed collaboration, and are perfect for fostering trainee growth and development.

The first-class research and highly collaborative scientific environment made Einstein the ideal place to start my independent research career.

- Kristy Stengel, PhD

I am incredibly grateful for the support and thoughtfulness that my colleagues have shown me since I arrived at Einstein. And it’s these unique Einstein characteristics that I have emphasized when recruiting trainees to my own lab. Einstein is a special place, and I look forward to many more years of collaborative and engaging science as a member of the Department of Cell Biology.