The Department of Family and Social Medicine’s mission is to promote the health of underserved communities, train future healthcare leaders, and advocate for social justice through collaborative primary care delivery, education, and research.
Our vision is to successfully advance social change, leading to healthy, empowered communities and transformed health care delivery that provides exemplary, equitable, and humanistic care for all.
We believe that:
- health and health care are human rights
- primary care is the foundation of effective health care
- primary care must address the biological, psychological and social determinants of health
- inclusive, mutually empowered relationships are essential to our work

The Bronx and Beyond
The Bronx is home to nearly 1.5 million inhabitants. Communities in the Bronx are diverse and rich in cultural and social strengths. At the same time, many residents of the Bronx face enormous socioeconomic challenges and are disproportionately burdened by poor health and inadequate access to health care. The Bronx ranks last among New York State’s 62 counties for socially determined health factors and preventable health outcomes.
Our department is committed to improving the health of the Bronx through models of excellence in clinical services and community health, and to promoting the health of communities regionally, nationally, and internationally through training programs, research, and advocacy.
We recognize that diversity is the foundation of excellence. Our department welcomes colleagues from all backgrounds and stages of life. We actively seek to increase the proportion of underrepresented minority groups within our department.

Join Us
For inquiries regarding faculty positions, contact Dr. M-L.
Fabienne Daguilh, Vice Chair, fdaguilh@montefiore.org.
For inquiries regarding training programs, please see
individual program descriptions.
Contact Us
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Block Building, 4th floor
Bronx, New York 10461