Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine
Department Faculty

Jill P. Crandall, M.D.
Professor, Department of Medicine (Endocrinology)
Jacob A. and Jeanne E. Barkey Chair in Medicine
Chief, Division of Endocrinology
Professional Interests
Jill P. Crandall, MD completed her medical training at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and both internal medicine residency and endocrinology fellowship at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. Following fellowship, she worked at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital (with Dr. Xavier Pi-Sunyer) and then Mt. Sinai School of Medicine before being recruited to Einstein in 2001.
Dr. Crandall is Professor of Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where she is director of the Diabetes Clinical Trials Unit and a principal investigator for several NIH sponsored clinical trials, including the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcome Study (for which she holds several national leadership positions, including Executive Committee membership) and the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes (GRADE) study. She is Director of the Einstein-Sinai Diabetes Center’s Translational Research Core. Her research interests focus on age-related changes in glucose metabolism and the relationship between hyperglycemia and cardiovascular risk. Dr. Crandall has served on several grant review panels (NIH and ADA) and is active as a journal reviewer, including as Associate Editor of the Journal of Gerontology (2005-2012) and member of the editorial board for the Journal of Diabetes and its Complications.
Selected Publications
1.Schmidt AM, Hori O, Chen JX, Li JF, Crandall, J, Zhang J, Cao R, Yan SD, Brett J, Stern D. Advanced glycation end-products interacting with their endothelial receptor induces expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) in cultured human endothelial cells and in mice. A potential mechanism for the accelerated vasculopathy of diabetes. J Clin Invest 1995;96:1395-403.
2. Schmidt AM, Crandall J, Hori O, Cao R and Lakatta E. Elevated plasma levels of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) in diabetic patients with microalbuminuria: a marker of vascular dysfunction and progressive vascular disease. British J Haematology 1996;92:747-50.
3. Engel S, Crandall J, Basch C, Zybert P and Wylie-Rosett J. Computer-assisted nutrition education increases knowledge and self-efficacy of medical students. The Diabetes Educator 1997;23:545-49.
4. Rauch U, Crandall J, Osende J, Fallon J, Cheseboro J, Fuster V, Badimon J. Increased thrombus formation relates to ambient blood glucose and leukocyte count in diabetes mellitus Type 2. Amer J Cardiol 2000;86:246-249.
5. Osende J, Badimon J, Fuster V, Herson P, Rabito P, Vidhun R, Zaman A, Rodriguez O, Lev E, Rauch U, Helft G, Fallon J, Crandall J. Blood thrombogenicity in type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with glycemic control. J Am Coll Cardiol 38:1307-12, 2001.
6. Vlassara H, Cai W, Crandall J, Goldberg T, Oberstein R, Dardaine V, Peppa M, Rayfield E. Inflammatory mediators are induced by dietary glycotoxins, a major risk factor for diabetic angiopathy. PNAS 99:15596-15601, 2002.
7. Sambola A,Osende J, Hathcock J, Degen M, Nemerson Y, Fuster V, Crandall J, Badimon J. Role of risk factors in the modulation of tissue factor activity and blood thrombogenicity. Circulation 107:973-77, 2003.
8. Haffner S, Crandall J, Horton E, Barrett-Connor E, Temprosa E, Mather K, Goldberg R, Krakoff J, Ratner R, Orchard T, Fowler S, Marcovina S, for the DPP Research Group. The effect of intensive lifestyle and metformin on inflammation and coagulation in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Diabetes 2005 May; 54(5):1566-1572.
9. Crandall J, Schade D, Ma Y, Fujimoto W, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler S, Dagogo-Jack S, Andres R for the DPP Research Group. The influence of age on the effects of lifestyle modification and metformin in prevention of diabetes. J Gerontology 2006;61:1075-81.
10. Walker E, Molitch M, Kramer K, Kahn S, Ma Y, Edelstein S, Smith K, Johnson M, Kitabchi A, Crandall J, for the DPP Research Group. Adherence to preventive medication: predictors and outcomes in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Diabetes Care 2006;29:1997-2002.
11. Cohen HW, Crandall JP, Halipern SM, Billett HH. Aspirin resistance associated with HbA1c and obesity in diabetic patients. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 2008;22:224-228.
12. Mather K, Goldberg R, Crandall J, Goldstein B, Marcovina S, Edelstein S, Kahn S, Bray G, Funahashi T. for the DPP Research Group. Adiponectin and change in adiponectin predict diabetes outcomes in the DPP. Diabetes 2008;57:980-986.
13. Perreault L, Barrett-Connor E, Crandall J, Carnethon M, Horton E, Marrero D, Dagogo-Jack S, Ma Y, for the DPP Research Group. Sex differences in diabetes risk and the effect of intensive lifestyle modification the DPP. Diabetes Care, 2008;31:1416-21.
14. Atzmon, G., Pollin, T.I., Crandall, J., Tanner, K., Schechter, C.B., Scherer, P.E., Rincon, M., Siegel, G., Katz, M., Lipton, R.B., Shuldiner, A.R., Barzilai, N. Adiponectin levels and genotype: a potential regulator of life-span in humans. J Geron A Biol Sci, 2008; 63:447-53.
15. Rajpathak SN, Wylie-Rosett J, Kabat G, Gunter M, Rohan TE and Crandall J. Biomarkers of body iron stores and risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab 2009; 11(5):472-9. PMID: 19207293
16. Molitch M, Barrett-Connor E, Crandall J, Das S, Goldberg R, Haffner S, Florez H, Knowler W, Orchard T, Ratner R, Temprosa E. Changes in Albumin Excretion in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Diabetes Care 32:720-5, 2009.
17. Crandall J , Shamoon H, Cohen HW, Reid M, Gajavelli S, Trandafirescu G, Tabatabaie V and Barzilai N. Post-challenge Hyperglycemia in Older Adults is Associated with Increased Cardiovascular Risk Profile. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2009; 94(5):1595-601. PMCID: PMC2684470
18. Crandall J, Polsky S, Howard A, Perreault L, Bray G, Barrett-Connor E, Brown J, Whittington T, Foo S, Ma Y, Edelstein S. Alcohol consumption and diabetes risk in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Am J Clin Nutri, 2009; 90:595-601. PMCID: PMC2728644
19. Rajpathak S, Crandall JP, Wylie-Rosett J, Kabat TE, Rohan TE, Hu FB. The role of iron in type 2 diabetes in humans. Biochim Biophys Acta 2009 1790:671-81.
20. Rajpathak S, Kumbhani D, Alderman M, Crandall J, Barzilai N, Ridker P. Statin Therapy and Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes: A Meta-analysis. Diabetes Care 2009; 32:1924-9. PMCID: PMC2752935
21. Schechter CB, Barzilai N, Crandall JP, AtzmonG. Reduced Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Levels Is Associated with Decreased Blood Pressure. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 85:522-6, 2010.
22. Krakoff J, Clark J, Crandall JP, Wilson C, Molitch M, Brancati F, Edelstein S, Knowler WC. Effects of metformin and weight loss on serum alanine aminotransferase activity in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Obesity 18:1762-7, 2010.
23. Rajpathak S, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Crandall J, Liu S, Ho G. Hepatocyte growth factor and clinical diabetes in postmenopausal women. Diabetes Care 2010;33:2013-15.
24. Rajpathak S, Liu Y, Ben-David O, Reddy S, Atzmon G, Crandall J, Barzilai N. Lifestyle factors among people with exceptional longevity. J Am Geriatr Society, 2011 59(8):1509-12.
25. Florez H, Ma Y, Crandall JP, Perreault L, Marcovina SM, Bray GA, Saudek CD, Barrett-Connor E, Knowler WC; for the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Parental Longevity and Diabetes Risk in the Diabetes Prevention Program. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2011 Aug 17. PMID:21852284
26. Kim C, Edelstein SL, Crandall JP, Dabelea D, Kitabchi AE, Hamman RF, Montez MG, Perreault L, Foulkes MA, Barrett-Connor E; Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Menopause and risk of diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Menopause. 2011 Aug;18(8):857-68. PMID:21709591
27. Sokol SI, Grushko M, Srinivas VS, Crandall JP. The relationship between vitamin D deficiency, post challenge hyperglycemia, and endothelial function in healthy older adults. J Diabetes. 2012 Mar;4(1):102-3. PMID:21936883
28. Crandall JP, Trandafirescu G, Oram V, Kishore P, Hawkins M, Reid M, Cohen H, Barzilai N. Pilot study of resveratrol in older adults with impaired glucose tolerance. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2012 Dec;67(12):1307-12. PMID:22219517
29. Davis NJ, Crandall JP, Gajavelli S, Berman JW, Tomuta N, Wylie-Rosett J, Katz SD. Differential effects of low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets on inflammation and endothelial function in diabetes. J Diabetes Complications. 2011 Nov;25(6):371-6. PMID:22036100.
30. Tabatabaie V, Atzmon G, Rajpathak SN, Freeman R, Barzilai N, Crandall J. Exceptional longevity is associated with decreased reproduction. Aging 2011 Dec; 3(12):1202-5. PMID:22199025
31. Bray G, Edelstein S, Crandall JP, et al. and DPP Research Group. Long-term safety, tolerability, and weight loss associated with metformin in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Diabetes Care. 2012 Apr;35(4):731-7 PMID:22442396
32. Lai JY, Atzmon G, Melamed ML, Hostetter TH, Crandall JP, Barzilai N, Bitzer M. Family history of exceptional longevity is associated with lower serum uric acid levels in Ashkenazi Jews. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Apr;60(4):745-50. PMID:22429185
33. Sokol SI, Srinivas V, Crandall JP, Kim M, Tellides G, Lebastchi A, Yu Y, Gupta AK, Alderman MH. The effects of vitamin D repletion on endothelial function and inflammation in patients with coronary artery disease. Vasc Med. 2012 Dec;17(6):394-404. PMID:23184900.
34. Esterson YB, Kishore P, Koppaka S, Li W, Zhang K, Tonelli J, Lee DE, Kehlenbrink S, Lawrence S, Crandall J, Barzilai N, Hawkins M. Fatty Acid-induced production of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 by adipose macrophages is greater in middle-aged versus younger adult participants. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2012 Dec;67(12):1321-8. PMID:23089338
35. Crandall JP, Barzilai N. Exploring the promise of resveratrol: where do we go from here? Diabetes. 2013 Apr;62(4):1022-3.PMID:23520278.
36. Genuth S, Backlund JY, Bayless M, Bluemke DA, Cleary PA, Crandall J, Lachin JM, Lima JA, Miao C, Turkbey EB. Effects of Prior Intensive versus Conventional Therapy and History of Glycemia on Cardiac Function in Type 1 Diabetes in the DCCT/EDIC. Diabetes. 2013 Mar 21. PMID: 23520132
37. Epstein E, Osman J, Cohen HW, Rajpathak SN, Lewis O, Crandall JP. Use of the Estimated Glucose Disposal Rate (eGDR) as a Measure of Insulin Resistance in an Urban Multiethnic Population with Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2013 April PMID:23596179
38. Agarwal C, Cohen HW, Muzumdar RH, Heptulla RA, Renukuntla VS, Crandall J. Obesity, hyperglycemia and endothelial function in inner city Bronx adolescents: a cross-sectional study. Int J Pediatr Endocrinol. 2013 Oct 29;2013(1):18. PMID:24164965
39. Milman S, Schulder-Katz M, Deluty J, Zimmerman ME, Crandall JP, Barzilai N, Melamed ML, Atzmon G Individuals with Exceptional Longevity Manifest a Delayed Association Between Vitamin D Insufficiency and Cognitive Impairment. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 Jan 2. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12601. PMID:24383816
40. Milman S, Atzmon G, Crandall J, Barzilai N. Phenotypes and Genotypes of High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Exceptional Longevity. Curr Vasc Pharmacol. 2013 Dec 18. PMID:24350928
41. Halter JB, Musi N, McFarland Horne F, Crandall JP, Goldberg A, Harkless L, Hazzard WR, Huang ES, Kirkman MS, Plutzky J, Schmader KE, Zieman S, High KP. Diabetes and cardiovascular disease in older adults: current status and future directions " Diabetes 2014 63:2578-2589. DOI: 10.2337/db14-0020 PMID: 25060886
42. Milman S, Atzmon G, Huffman DM, Wan J, Crandall JP, Cohen P, Barzilai N. Low insulin-like growth factor-1 level predicts survival in humans with exceptional longevity. Aging Cell. 2014 Aug;13(4):769-71. doi: 10.1111/acel.12213. PMID: 24618355
43.Knowler WC, Edelstein SL Goldberg RB, Ackermann RT, Crandall JP, Florez JC, Fowler SE, Herman WH, Horton ES, Kahn SE, Mather KJ, Nathan DM. HbA1c as a Predictor of Diabetes and as an Outcome in the Diabetes Prevention Program: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Diabetes Care. 2014 Oct 21. pii: DC_140886.PMID: 25336746
44. Phelan S, Kanaya AM, Ma Y, Vittinghoff E, Barrett-Connor E, Wing R, Kusek JW, Orchard TJ, Crandall JP, Montez MG, Brown JS; Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Long-term prevalence and predictors of urinary incontinence among women in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Int J Urol. 2015Feb;22(2):206-12. doi: 10.1111/iju.12654. PubMed PMID:25352018; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4387889.
45.Ayers E, Barzilai N, Crandall JP, Milman S, Verghese J. Association of exceptional parental longevity and physical function in aging. Age (Dordr). 2014;36(4):9677. doi: 10.1007/s11357-014-9677-5.PMID: 24997018 [PubMed - in process]
46. Eny KM, Lutgers HL, Maynard J, Klein BE, Lee KE, Atzmon G, Monnier VM, van Vliet-Ostaptchouk JV, Graaff R, van der Harst P, Snieder H, van der Klauw MM, Sell DR, Hosseini SM, Cleary PA, Braffett BH, Orchard TJ, Lyons TJ, Howard K, Klein R, Crandall JP, Barzilai N, Milman S, Ben-Avraham D; LifeLines Cohort Study Group; DCCT/EDIC Research Group, Wolffenbuttel BH, Paterson AD. GWAS identifies an NAT2 acetylator status tag single nucleotide polymorphism to be a major locus for skin fluorescence. Diabetologia. 2014 Aug;57(8):1623-34. PMID: 24934506 [PubMed - in process]
47. Snyder PJ, Ellenberg SS, Cunningham GR, Matsumoto AM, Bhasin S, Barrett-Connor E, Gill TM, Farrar JT, Cella D, Rosen RC, Resnick SM, Swerdloff RS, Cauley JA, Cifelli D, Fluharty L, Pahor M, Ensrud KE, Lewis CE, Molitch ME, Crandall JP, Wang C, Budoff MJ, Wenger NK, Mohler ER 3rd, Bild DE, Cook NL, Keaveny TM, Kopperdahl DL, Lee D, Schwartz AV, Storer TW, Ershler WB, Roy CN, Raffel LJ, Romashkan S, Hadley E.The Testosterone Trials: Seven coordinated trials of testosterone treatment in elderly men. Clin Trials. 2014 Mar 31;11(3):362-375.PMID: 24686158
48. Hamman R, Horton E, Barrett-Connor E, Bray G, Christohpi C, Crandall J, Florez J, Fowler S, Goldberg R, Kahn S, Knowler W, Lachin J, Murphy M, Venditti E. Factors affecting the decline in incidence of diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcome Study (DPPOS). Diabetes 2015;64:989-98.
49. Nathan D, Barrett-Connor E, Crandall JP, Edelstein S, Goldberg R, Horton ES, Knowler WC, Mather KJ, Orchard TJ, Pi-Sunyer X, Schade D, Temprosa, M for the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Long-term effects of lifestyle intervention or metformin on diabetes development and microvascular complications over 15-year follow-up: the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015;3(11):866-75. PMCID:PMC4623946
50. Cunningham GR, Stephens-Shields AJ, Rosen RC, Wang C, Ellenberg SS, Matsumoto AM, Bhasin S, Molitch ME, Farrar JT, Cella D, Barrett-Connor E, Cauley JA, Cifelli D, Crandall JP, Ensrud KE, Fluharty L, Gill TM, Lewis CE, Pahor M, Resnick SM, Storer TW, Swerdloff RS, Anton S, Basaria S, Diem S, Tabatabaie V, Hou X, Snyder PJ. Association of sex hormones with sexual function, vitality, and physical function of symptomatic older men with low testosterone levels at baseline in the testosterone trials. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015Mar;100(3):1146-55. doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-3818. PubMed PMID:25548978; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4333035.
51. Deluty JA, Atzmon G, Crandall J, Barzilai N, Milman S. The influence of gender on inheritance of exceptional longevity. Aging (Albany NY). 2015 Jun;7(6):412-8. PubMed PMID: 26142631; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4505167.
52. Phelan S, Kanaya AM, Ma Y, Vittinghoff E, Barrett-Connor E, Wing R, Kusek JW, Orchard TJ, Crandall JP, Montez MG, Brown JS; Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Long-term prevalence and predictors of urinary incontinence among women in the diabetes Prevention Program Outcome Study. Int J Urol. 2015 Feb;22(2):206-12. doi: 10.1111/iju.12654. PMID: 2535201853.
53. Cauley JA, Fluharty L, Ellenberg SS, Gill TM, Ensrud KE, Barrett-Connor E,Cifelli D, Cunningham GR, Matsumoto AM, Bhasin S, Pahor M, Farrar JT, Cella D, Rosen RC, Resnick SM, Swerdloff RS, Lewis CE, Molitch ME, Crandall JP, Stephens-Shields AJ, Strorer TW, Wang C, Anton S, Basaria S, Diem S, TabatabaieV, Dougar D, Hou X, Snyder PJ. Recruitment and Screening for the Testosterone Trials. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2015 Sep;70(9):1105-11. PubMed PMID: 25878029.
54. Snyder PJ, Bhasin S, Cunningham GR, Matsumoto AM, Stephens-Shields AJ, Cauley JA, Gill TM, Barrett-Connor E, Swerdloff RS, Wang C, Ensrud KE, Lewis CE, Farrar JT, Cella D, Rosen RC, Pahor M, Crandall JP, Molitch ME, Cifelli D, Dougar D, Fluharty L, Resnick SM, Storer TW, Anton S, Basaria S, Diem SJ, Hou X, Mohler ER 3rd, Parsons JK, Wenger NK, Zeldow B, Landis JR, Ellenberg SS; Testosterone Trials Investigators. Effects of Testosterone Treatment in Older Men. N Engl J Med. 2016 Feb 18;374(7):611-24. PubMed PMID:26886521.
55. Aroda VR, Edelstein SL, Goldberg RB, Knowler WC, Marcovina SM, Orchard TJ,Bray GA, Schade DS, Temprosa MG, White NH, Crandall JP; Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Long-term Metformin Use and Vitamin B12 Deficiency in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Feb 22:jc20153754. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26900641.
56. Roshandel D, Klein R, Klein BE, Wolffenbuttel BH, van der Klauw MM, van Vliet-Ostaptchouk JV, Atzmon G, Ben-Avraham D, Crandall JP, Barzilai N, Bull SB, Canty AJ, Hosseini SM, Hiraki LT, Maynard J, Sell DR, Monnier VM, Cleary PA,Braffett BH; DCCT/EDIC Research Group, Paterson AD. A New Locus for Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Type 1 Diabetes also Associated with Blood and Skin Glycated Proteins. Diabetes. 2016 Apr 12. pii: db151484. PubMed PMID: 27207532.
57. Cunningham GR, Stephens-Shields AJ, Rosen RC, Wang C, Bhasin S, Matsumoto AM, Parsons JK, Gill TM, Molitch ME, Farrar JT, Cella D, Barrett-Connor E, Cauley JA, Cifelli D, Crandall JP, Ensrud KE, Gallagher L, Zeldow B, Lewis CE, Pahor M, Swerdloff RS, Hou X, Anton S, Basaria S, Diem SJ, Tabatabaie V, Ellenberg SS, Snyder PJ. Testosterone treatment and sexual function in older men with low testosterone levels. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Aug;101(8):3096-104. doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-1645.PMID: 27355400
58. Barzilai N, Crandall JP, Kritchevsky SB, Espeland MA. Metformin as a tool to target aging. Cell Metabolism 2016; 23:1060-5.
Books & Chapters
1. Crandall J and Tuck C. Rational In-patient Management of Diabetes Division of Endocrinology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. 1994 (1st edition), 2001 (2nd edition).
2. Smith D and Crandall J. Exercise training in special populations: Diabetes; in Cardiac Rehabilitation in the Twenty-First Century. Wenger, Smith, Ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York 1999.
3. Crandall J and Shamoon H. Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes; in Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus and Related Disorders, (4th Edition). American Diabetes Association, 2004.
4. Crandall J and Barzilai N. Diabetes Mellitus; in The Merck Manual of Health and Aging. Merck ResearchLaboratories, New Jersey, 2004.
5. Crandall J. Diabetes Mellitus and other disorders of carbohydrate metabolism; in The Merck Manual (18th edition). Merck Research Laboratories, New Jersey, 2006.
6. Crandall J. Type 2 Diabetes: Geriatric Considerations; in Type 2 Diabetes: Principles and Practice (2nd edition), Goldstein & Muller-Wielnad, editors. 2007.
7. Crandall J and Shamoon H. Diabetes Mellitus; in Cecil Textbook of Medicine, Elsevier, (25th edition) 2015.
More Information About Dr. Jill Crandall
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In the News
Slowing the Clock: Managing Type 2 Diabetes as Patients Age
In the third segment of a four-part series, Jill Crandall, M.D. explains the progression of type 2 diabetes, the risk of complications, and the importance of insulin therapy to manage the disease. Dr. Crandall is chief of the division of endocrinology at Einstein and Montefiore.
Forbes interviews Dr. Jill Crandall about resveratrol, an extract of red wine, and its potential to boost metabolism in humans.