How do I get promoted from Instructor to Assistant Professor?
Discuss with your Division Chief whether you are eligible for promotion from Instructor to Assistant Professor. If you are, the following materials will need to be submitted the DOM’s Faculty Affairs Office. Promotions will become effective on July 1st of each year.
Materials for Junior Rank Promotion:
- Faculty Promotion Department Recommendation Form.
- Memo from your Division Chief recommending the proposed promotion
- Current curriculum vitae and bibliography.
- Copy of current New York State Medical License Registration (if applicable).
- Copy of American Board Certification Certificate(s) (if applicable).
For a joint promotion, the Faculty Promotion Department Recommendation Form must be signed by both departmental chairs and submitted w ith each chair's memo recommending the promotion.
How do I get promoted to a senior rank?
Once you have been in rank as Assistant Professor or Associate Professor for at least five years, you may be eligible for promotion. The promotions process begins when Division chiefs nominate candidates for promotion to a senior rank in the Spring, over a year before the proposed effective date of a promotion. The nomination must be accompanied by a Curriculum Vitae (in Einstein format), and a one-page summary of teaching activities. The Department of Medicine Appointments and Promotions Committee reviews all nominated candidates in the late Spring and early Summer. Those candidates who are approved by the departmental Committee must submit their complete application materials to the Department of Medicine by September 15 of the year prior to the effective date of the proposed promotion. The materials will then be reviewed by the Einstein Committee on Appointments and Promotions.
Promotions to Senior Associate, Associate Professor, and Professor
How to Create Your CV in Einstein Format
Need help creating your CV or Teaching Portfolio?

Dr. Penny Grossman is available to help faculty members draft and revise their CVs and teaching portfolios in preparation for promotion. Services are available by email and/or in person, at either the Einstein or Moses campus. (
Promotion Pearls
- Talk with your division chief about when you will be eligible for promotion during your Annual Review.
- Remind your division chief of your candidacy between January and March of the year prior to the effective date of your proposed promotion.
- Keep an ongoing list of external talks you have given, including titles, dates and locations. This will go in your CV.
- Keep a file of your teaching activities, including evaluations. This will go in your Teaching Portfolio.
For detailed information about faculty appointments and promotions at Einstein, Click here.