Allen M. Spiegel, M.D., the Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Dean of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and Steven Safyer, M.D., president and CEO of Montefiore Medical Center, announced today that Victor Schuster, M.D., will begin a transition from Chair of the Department of Medicine to the newly-created position of Senior Vice-Dean at Einstein. The two institutions will immediately commence a national search for chair. Dr. Schuster will remain as Chair until his successor is in place, at which point he will move into the deanship role.

Victor Schuster, M.D.As Sr. Vice-Dean, Dr. Schuster will play an important role in mentoring physician-scientists, will assist the Dean's office in Institutional Advancement activities, and will continue his research and teaching activities.
Dr. Schuster said, “I am now in my 11th year as chair. With the help of Montefiore, Einstein, my leadership team, our division chiefs, and our faculty, we have doubled the clinical practice and established important new programs and divisions. I have very much enjoyed leading this wonderful department. That said, my laboratory research program of the last 20 years has recently presented me with unique opportunities for clinical application that are irresistible. The new position will allow me not only to bring our research to the bedside but also to foster the shared academic missions of Einstein and Montefiore.”
Recruited to Montefiore Einstein in 1988, Dr. Schuster was Renal Division Chief for 10 years prior to becoming Chair in 2002. He has held national leadership positions in the Chairs of Medicine organization ("APM") and the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, as well as in the International Society of Nephrology.